Pastoral Prayer November 6th, 2022
Pastoral Prayers • Sermon • Submitted
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As we turn to the pastoral prayer now, I want you to know that while this will be an extended time of me praying, I invite you to join with me in prayer. God’s word says that the prayers of the saints are the incense that burns in his throne room. You are welcome to use this time to say your own silent prayer, or to agree with what is being said. I want you to know that as this time takes place there may be those quietly affirm this prayer with amens or yeses. If you are not comfortable doing that just yet, please know that that is okay. You are welcome to do that silently in your head if that is what you wish. Please join me.
P - Praise God For Who He Is
P - Praise God For Who He Is
Father as I come before you now I ask that your praises ring from my lips. My your praise ring forth from this church. You are the Alpha and the Omega, you are the beginning and the end. All that exists, does so because of you and you alone. There is none like you. Ps 145:3
3 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.
Father the peace that you grant to your children is that of a refreshing fountain. May your presence always be near until the return of our King in which we will then be with you forever and ever. May your name be praised for the work that only you could do to transform us from our lowly states with our defiled minds, into the image of your Son.
R - Repent Of Sins
R - Repent Of Sins
Father you have made it known to us that your ways are not our ways. That with out the saving knowledge and grace of your son Jesus we are enemies of yours. Lord we repent of our sins and seek out your grace and mercy. Father we ask your forgiveness of our sins. Forgive us of our pride, forgives us of our selfishness, for give us of our disputes and complaints that have hurt our witness here where you have planted us. Father forgive us when we reflect more of the world around us rather than Your Spirit which is in us. Lord we ask that you forgive us when our minds run to that which is not holy. Those thoughts and desires dear Lord that are not honoring of you nor pleasing to you. Lord forgive us for our weakness that is embedded within our flesh that causes us to look to our own needs and interests rather than to yours or of those around us.
A - Ask On Behalf Of Others
A - Ask On Behalf Of Others
Father we thank you for the blessings that are apparent in our lives. Lord we ask that you be with the people of our community drawing each one of them towards you. Make yourself known to them Lord. Fort those that are dealing with illness Lord we ask for your healing touch to be upon them. For those that are grieving Lord we ask for your peace to be present within them. For those dealing with despair Lord we ask for your joy to become known to them. Lord we pray for the families of the Noble county area. That you may be working within them to heal what hurts there may be. Lord for those who are contemplating divorce show them that there is a better way. For the single parent encourage them in the tasks that they are trying to accomplish. For those dealing with a pregnancy that they are not prepared for Lord lead them to understand the beauty of each and every life and give them the provision for that life to have a chance to succeed. Father we pray for our local school districts. Lord your word says Pr 1:7
7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Father we ask that for the teachers and staff that are your children that you encourage them in their day in and day out tasks Lord. For those who do not know you yet, Lord we ask that You be made known to them. That they may come to see your beauty and wonder and repent of their sins and throwing themselves upon your amazing grace. And Lord if there be anyway that we can be an answer to someone’s prayer make it known to us and encourage us to follow your guiding.
Y - Yield Life To God’s Will
Y - Yield Life To God’s Will
Father we seek to honor you with how we live. May you take what we have brought forward to you today, our time, our resources, and may they be used for the furthering of your kingdom here on earth. May you bless both the gift and the giver. Lord help us to be content with all that you have given us and to learn to not give back out of just our excess but out of gratitude for what you have done for us. Lord when we feel as though this life has not treated us fairly help us to correct our vision and our thinking so that we may rest in your sovereignty. Help us to be grateful whether we be in need or whether we have more than plenty.
E - Examine Heart
E - Examine Heart
Father if there be any motivators in our hearts that are not honoring to you, please Lord makes those known to us so that we may repent of them and be drawn closer to you.
R - Rejoice Over What God Has Done
R - Rejoice Over What God Has Done
Lord you are the good and gracious king who left the throne of heaven to be beaten, abandoned, and killed for the crimes that I have committed. I thank you Lord that though I was dead and your enemy, you found it worth the price to give your life for me. May the praise of your name ring for our lips all of our days.
And all God’s people said, Amen