Be Careful How You Judge
In the Grace Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Dr. Russell Conwell, was moving the city mightily from his pulpit. To this day one sees inscribed upon the back of the pulpit the simple words, “We would see Jesus.” These words, visible only to the preacher, stared Conwell in the face every time he rose to preach. They were placed there at his own request. It was his desire to present Christ to the great congregation.
He was voted the first citizen of Philadelphia in recognition of the Christlikeness of his character and the breadth of his philanthropies in founding the Temple University for the education of the poor and the founding of Temple Hospital.
The Context of 2 Corinthians 5
2 Corinthians 5:16-17
Paul is affirming that with the advent of the era of salvation in Christ, and ever since his own conversion to Christ, he has ceased making superficial, mechanical judgments about other people on the basis of outward appearances—such as national origin, social status, intellectual capability, physical attributes, or even charismatic endowment and pneumatic displays