A Silver And Gold Attitude

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Acts 3:6 KJV (WS)
Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.
Peter and John were going to the Temple to pray and met up with a lame man whom they healed.
Lame - unable to walk without difficulty as the result of an injury or illness affecting the leg or foot:
“Rise and walk.”
The man whom Peter and John encountered at the Temple was lame.
Earlier in the chapter, we learn that the lameness had been with the man since his birth.
He was like people in that they are sinners from their birth.
Everyday someone carried him to the Temple to ask alms of them that went into the temple.
Man in his natural state is a slave.
a. sin
b. influences of satan
This world can do nothing for you at all!
This would cause the people to check their religious holiness.
So many are religous until it comes to their purse.
Willing to purchase a car.
Willing to dine at a 60 dollars a plate.
Willing to purchase a 400,000 home.
Willing to take out a school loan of 100’s of thousand dollars.
Willing to buy a 200 dollar pair of shoes.
But they 5 dollars in the offering plate and will argue with you about paying tithe unto the Lord.
Mark 8:36 KJV (WS)
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
1 Timothy 6:7 KJV (WS)
For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
Begging was the only work the lame man could do.
For the one who know not the Lord, sinning is their only occupation as in Gods eyes.
It was a bad case of lameness.
Peter and John encountered this man at the gate of the Temple called ‘Beautiful’ and because they stopped when the men called out, the lame man thought he was going to get a hand out.
But he did not get a handout, he got something better than a handout, he got healing.
Many come to the church, but only for a handout.
“Silver and gold have I none.”
Peter was not wealthy.
Like most preachers, he did not have wealth to give away.
But he had something far better.
He had power to heal.
The story is told of Thomas Aquinas, who was being shown around a beautiful church edifice.
“As He was shown the beauty of the building, the man showing him the building remarked that no longer did the church have to say, “Silver and gold have I none.” Aquinas replied, “Yes, and no longer can the church say, ‘Arise up and walk.’ ”
That comment describes the Laodicean church of our age which thinks they are rich and have need of nothing.
Revelation 3:17 KJV (WS)
Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
It is not material wealth that the souls of men needs when he are she walk through the doors, however.
It is spiritual wealth that can do something for the soul of man and help the sinful man to walk uprightly.
Where are you sitting this morning.
At the beggars slave gate or at the feet of Jesus.
Illustration: Father lost his son at the station, but saved the passengers on train.
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