Who Am I?
Sermon Tone Analysis
Tonight we are talking about what might be considered a hot topic in our culture today… that topic is identity. WHO AM I? It is a question being asked by your generation that is be answered per the “truth” that is found in this world.
This question not only hits on purpose, identity, etc… but it also has encompassed physiology and gender. Used to be, a young man or a young woman had no problem understanding they were either a boy or a girl… but now we have a culture that is questioning that reality among others.
Now, the goal tonight is not to get into a debate regarding what’s right and wrong about our culture’s viewpoint. What I want us to do is to stop… and think about where it is a person gets their identity from.
Can we answer the question “who am I” on our own, OR do we rely on outside sources to tell us who we are? Are we defined by our circumstances or are we defined by something else?
Wait for answers...
In your own life… and I am not asking you to share… how is it that you have found your own identity… or do you find yourself still trying to define yourself? Did someone speak it to you… are you listening to what your friends tell you… is it what your body or emotions might tell you? Do you look in the mirror and find yourself lost in identity and purpose?
Here’s what I want you to understand… YOU HAVE AN IDENTITY. There has never been nor will there ever be another person like you in all of creation! GOD MADE YOU special and unique. You are not a carbon copy of culture or clicks - although they would pressure you to become such a thing, you are one of a kind… literally… formed by the hands of almighty God.
Your identity… your purpose… the answer to the question, “who am I” can only be found in the one who made you… who created you… who knit you together in your mother’s womb.
The truth that is God’s Word… speaks truth about who He created you to be. The Word talks about the purpose He has for you… personally. While the Bible may not call you out by name… His Spirit does.
God’s Holy Spirit will speak to you concerning who you are in Christ AND what He speaks to you will line up with what the Word has to say about you.
Here is what I have learned over the years… what the WORD has to say about you and what the world has to say about you… are two VERY DIFFERENT THINGS.
What I want us to see tonight is two fold:
God’s Word has a lot to say about you, your identity, and your purpose.
His Word is truth no matter how you might feel… or what others might say about you.
WATCH VIDEO - Finding Truth Session 2
Where do you find your identity?
Luke, the football player, tried to find his identity in football.
He worked out, he practiced, he was on top of his game. He had a future in football… or so he thought. And then… in one crazy happenstantial move… it was all taken away.
Which leads me to this question: Is your identity found in what you do?
For instance, am I who I am because I am a pastor… or is my identity found in something deeper?
Let’s say I lose my job for whatever reason. Let’s say I can’t be a pastor anymore. Does that change my identity?
It certainly changes what I do… but is that all that I am as well?
God created you to be… to exist… to be identified in your existence… Your identity is not limited to what you do… it goes much further than that.
Our being in Christ is far more important than. Christ called us to be followers first. Jesus wants you to be FOUND in Him… not because of what you do for Him… but because of what He has done for you.
Secondly, the young lady was trying to find her identity… her acceptance… in her friends and lifestyle.
She was popular, she was having fun, going to parties… and going to jail.
She ended wrecking her car because of driving while drunk. She could have lost her life or killed someone else.
It all started with a seed of doubt… her dad almost died from a heart attack. So… going into high school, she did life her own way.
Instead of finding herself in God, she chose a different route… a route that almost completely destroyed her.
She became more concerned with what her friends thought of her instead of being concerned with how God thought of her.
Why do people doubt God when going through hard times (or when bad things happen)?
Doubt creeps in… when what we feel begins to override our faith.
Again… this is why it is so important that we do not find our identity in our circumstances.
Ephesians 2:10 is a verse I want us to look at again.
10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
When the Word says you are God’s handiwork… what does that mean to you?
Have you ever watched Pawn Stars or Antique Roadshow? Both shows are about identifying valuable, historical, and collectible items from around the world. And a lot of times, the value is determined by who made the item… so you will see the evaluators looking for a brand stamp of some kind.
Maybe it’s a piece of art… the evaluator will look for a signature or a the marks of the artist
Maybe it’s a piece of pottery… the evaluator will look for an imprint or seal
Whatever the case… who made it typically has a huge impact on the value of the item.
When it comes to you… you are God’s handiwork. And… as stated before… you are one of a kind. There will never be another you in the universe!
And God created you for good works only you can do in Christ Jesus.
You… being a creation of God… also have a purpose… that can only be found in the creator.
When a person steps away from this truth… they feel lost. Why? Because they are confused in their being and doing…
If you look for your identity outside of WHO God created you to be… you won’t find what you are looking for.
If you look for your purpose outside of WHAT God created you to do… you will struggle to find what you are looking for.
Truth is… the answer you are looking for to the question, “Who am I” can only be answered by the great I Am.
Finding truth regarding your identity can only come from knowing God’s truth about you.
This happens when we understand:
God made you and has a purpose for you.
God WILL NOT leave you in the dark concerning your identity. He wants you to know that you are His son or daughter. And I hope you will believe and receive that truth tonight.
Prayer - help me God, to know that I am yours… the you have created me and purposed me… in Jesus’ name.