Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Anger is one of the most powerful emotions we can feel.
And its universal.
We all get angry.
And its not a result of fallen humanity, God gets angry:
Jesus got angry:
So is anger sinful?
Well not necessarily.
It can be a sin to be angry.
It can not be a sin to get angry.
It can be be sinful NOT to be angry.
so when is anger sinful?
And can non-sinful anger become sinful?
Lets answer that first question: When is anger sinful?
Anger is sinful when its manifestation is unjustified by the cause.
This is known as having a short fuse and it is what the Bible warns us about again and again.
notice in all these verses the problem is not anger in itself, the problem is the “quick to anger”.
There are many perfectly good reasons to be angry and when the reason to be angry is sufficient this is called Indignation.
indignation is often called “righteous anger” because the anger is appropriate to its cause.
The problem with many people is that they get angry over things which are not supported to lead to anger.
This may be a spiritual problem within the person or it maybe physiological.
Their body goes into a fight or flight response when it’s not necessary.
And since they can’t “flight” because it’s their job or their family, their only other option is”fight” and so anger manifests itself.
In this a person either needs deliverance from spiritual bondage or they need to see their GP if it’s not spiritual.
High levels of Cortisol, our stress hormone, can lead to anger issues.
getting angry at trivial things will ruin you.
slow driver, your spouse forget the milk, your favourite pants haven’t been ironed…
Any time you get angry over something that does not involve deliberate malice or evil or hurtful deliberate intent is unrighteousness, unjustified, sinful anger.
But what about legitimate anger?
What about when our anger is totally justified?
Well even then the bible cautions us:
Notice we are not told not to be angry, in fact we are told to literally “Be angry”.
Indignation at hurt, injustice, betrayal, being wronged is a normal and not a sinful reaction.
However, we are allowed to “be angry” but we must not allow that anger to manifest sinful reactions.
So the big question now is: How?
How can I be angry and yet not sin?
We are going to need a real life, biblical case study.
We need to find a biblical example of a person who had every right to be angry, to be furious in fact, and yet who managed NOT to sin.
And for this case study we need look no further than Jesus Christ own earthly family: Mary and Joseph.
Lert me tell you the problem with this story: We are overly familier with it and we know how it ends.
It goes on in the next verse and says:
Here is the problem:
You know Mary is innocent of adultery.
I know Mary is innocent of adultery.
But Joseph does not.
Joseph, at this point, does not suspect that Mary cheated on him, he KNOWS for a fact that Mary cheated on him.
From his point of view this woman who he loves has done the worst thing to him.
She hurt him, betrayed him, embarrassed him and wronged him.
It does not say anything in the text but it safe to assume Mary tried to explain the truth to him.
“I did not cheat Joseph, God impregnated me”.
Ja right.
Now she adds insult: She lies to him, insults his intelligence and mocks the Holy God of Israel.
You see, you and I know none of this true, but Joseph does not.
And he, as you would expect: Is furious!
Now i hear you say: Pastor, it does not say that Joseph was furious in the text.
Well actually church, it does and i will show you in a moment.
So with all this pain, hurt and anger inside him, what does Joseph do?
Lets read the next verse as this is the key:
Look at the first line of this verse:
“He thought it over”.
These 4 english words are actually a single word in the origional inspired greek.
En-Thum-o is the greek word and oh boy is it an interesting word.
It is only used twice in the whole bible.
Understanding this word is VITAL.
En-thum-o is a compound word, which means it 2 words that have been joined together.
Let us look at the second word first:
Thumos is where we get our english word Thermo and what does thermo mean?
In the greek it means literally “Burning wrath”.
That is what Joseph felt in response to what he believed Mary did.
He was, as expected, burning with wrath and anger.
Literally he is like a thermo-nuclear bomb that can go off any moment.
His anger is not sinful because it is justified, BUT if his anger explodes it can cause pain, destruction and devastation all around him - and THAT is sinful.
So what does he do?
Well as i said its a compound work, one is Thu-mos” but attached to it is the preposition: “En-”.
The full greek word in “En-Thum-o”.
I will tell you what en means in a moment but first allow me an illustration:
Imagine i brought a mean, angry, vicious, hungry junk yard dog in right now.
That God represents Thum-o’s wrath.
What will happen if i let that dog loose in this church?
It will attack and leave pain, death, destruction and devastation all over.
Now you may just say: Pastor dont bring the dog in.
Ok, but thats like saying to Joseph: “Oh just dont get angry”.
No, he cant help his anger - its justified anger.
Joseph wrath, like the vicious dog has to stay for now.
So if i cant get rid of the dog and it has to be here - How on earth can i stop it from attacking people?
There is only one way: Tie it up with a chain.
If i tie it up with a chain, then its still here, its still real, its still dangerous and its still viceous: BUT chained up it cannot hurt anyone.
Now lets go back to En-thum-o.
Thumo = heated wrath.
En means:
SHOW PIC from Lexham Greek dictionary:
En means “A fixed position in space, time and state”.
As a preposition is simply means that the object is placed in a fixed, unmovable position in space, time or state.
Joseph, knowing the destruction his wrath could cause: Chains it up.
He fixes it in a state where he can what?
Where he can think clearly, rationally and logically about what just happened to him.
He recognises his anger and even though its justified, he does NOT let it run and bite people: He chains it up, he fixes it in time and space.
He does not make any decisions, he makes no verbal reaction, he righteously and justly ties this beast down until he knows what to do next.
There is an old saying that is so true: Never make a decision while you are angry.
< .5
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