Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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Is his name worthy today to you.
Should be writing for all that he's done.
You know, that commercial on television.
What's in your wallet?
Ever seen that commercial?
After a while you start to get tired of it, I do.
I don't about you.
Well, I'm going to use that commercial a little bit this morning to say, what do you think for four in the same kind of voice that the guy on the commercial, what's in your wallet?
What do you think for 4? So I'm going to take a moment this morning as we enter into the month of December or December?
I'm still working on lack of sleep from Friday night.
So bear with me the month of November as we work into that and going to share Thanksgiving this week.
So every week, I'm going to ask you what you're thankful for, so going to start to help him out.
So we didn't have to run over to book going to start out.
In this section.
We're going to go to half of this section, then the other half the net section.
All right, so y'all are you ready?
So anybody else here got something.
They're thankful for they like to share.
I'm thankful for a lot of the things that God has kept me from doing that.
I would have done and I'm very thankful there.
Been any men you would have been in trouble with the wife Whitney Elmer poly.
please for salvation and then my children grandchildren and great-grandchildren move on to the sexual
be nice.
This is and I'm just here because she's getting baptized today.
Anybody else.
How about half of this section?
From here, back to run anybody on the way back Josh.
I'm still waking up from Reverb as well, but all the kids May decision for Christ, something, something for that.
It was
Leslie, I saw hand.
As the cancer decides to eat my body, I am so thankful for each and every day that I have.
Anybody else?
And this action got to go back.
I'm thankful for my family.
Anyone else? Okay, we're going to this side Norm.
Then you guys are the last group, so hey, make it good.
Both were expecting our first great-grandchild and we went to a shower yesterday.
Where's your birthday gift?
Anybody else in this group for me?
Going once going twice, we didn't get to that group yet, Michelle, we're over here.
If I lose it that way, so that cancer is not eating my body.
Anyone else?
And I'm very thankful for a loving and gracious.
God, who does blesses us everyday with big blessings and small blessings and in the small plus, if we don't see you till later.
And I'm just so grateful and thankful for him than anybody else in this group.
I'm thankful for good neighbors.
First of all, to the left, to the left of your something, also thankful for nature, direct, direct side of of God's hand on our world and men think you've Tony doing
I'm thankful for my wife.
Lori were going to be celebrating.
All right.
Overstreet, this coming Tuesday and praise God, that keep us together and regular and Ron were gaining on you.
A great thing, So, five years.
8 years time flies.
I just remember it was on opening day of hunting season.
So Lori got a block in.
Dwayne got to go.
Anybody else last call what do you think before?
Thanks Norm.
This morning, if you have your Bibles turn with me, if you will do the book of Psalms, that's where we're going to spend, most of our time, looking at what to be thankful for.
I have taken the points from the Puritan Thomas Manton, and going to share those with you along with some scripture verses that we have thrown together for this topic this morning.
We have a lot to be thankful for if we know Christ is our Lord and savior.
Do we not?
He is good.
He is merciful, he's a god of love.
He's a god of truth, but he's also a god of wrath and we need to understand that aspect of him as well.
But the Puritan Thomas Merton, our Mansion gave a sermon and his sermon was entitled entitle, the Christian special duty of giving thanks and then that he reflects upon Psalm 119 verse 62, where he says at midnight, I will rise to give.
Thanks unto thee because of a righteous judgement.
Have you ever tried that?
Have you ever tried to set a time where you say I'm going to get up in the middle of the night and just pray to God.
Sometimes were awake in the middle of night.
I understand that in and I had somebody get mad at me one time when I said there's times when I'm laying in bed and I just pray to God.
And I fall asleep, never-ending that prayer.
But then I wake up in the morning and that's the first thing on my mind is I never ended that prayer.
So you begin bringing.
I think that's a good thing.
The fall asleep with God, on your mind, and wake up with got on your mind right there.
So many other things in this world that can take over in our minds.
And unless we let them take over in and run our lives that we just need to put our faith and our trust in God and trust him through it all.
And whether we wake up at midnight on purpose to give thanks to God her or whether we take that moment, those moments that we can and we probably need to strive to take more moments to pray to him but rise up.
Give thanks unto thee because of the righteous judge was not one of the things this morning that I want to give.
Thanks for that we haven't done in this early.
We didn't your early service is for all of our men and women who have served in the military are veterans.
We had registered a on Friday, so I would love you if you would to stand.
So we can give you some honors and praise this morning are men and women who have served in the military.
Would you please stand?
Thank you.
We wouldn't have the freedoms.
We have had not these men and women in our church and around the country and across our world.
Had they not giving up their time to help the guy to direct in that aspect.
God is The Giver of all things.
We understand that.
But he uses men and women today to accomplish his tasks and sometimes a task that God has before us or are not always a task, we want to do, that makes sense.
I mean I've done a lot of things that I didn't individual humanely want to do, it's not what I want to do but God calls you to it and you go through it with him.
So this morning as we give thanks to those around us, whether it's in the middle of the night, Weathers in the middle of the day, whatever time that is, make sure that you set a time aside to give, thanks to God for all the things that he has done for his righteous judgments.
There are those who made me a little disappointed because of what has taken place this past week in the election.
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