Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
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Review & Overview
Previous Study’s Review
Now we said that Chp.11: deals with 2 more questions: 1.
Worship Services.
& 2.
Communion Services.
Last time together we looked at Worship Services that involved Men & Women:
Paul uses Head Coverings to drive home an important point about the Divine Order between Men & Woman… Not only in the Church Setting… but also in the Marriage Setting…
He also points out a great truth that Hierarchy & Equality are not mutually exclusive terms…
2. Current Study’s Overview
Now in vs.17 Paul deals with the 2nd question… it’s about Communion Services… Read..
As you can see in our quick reading of todays scripture, the Corinthian believers are not observing the Lord’s Table as they should.
So Paul exposes their problem and then shows them how what The Lord’s Communion is all about.
If you’re taking notes 5 things we want to look at as it pertains to Lord’s Table or the Communion Service…
The Problem Vs. 17-22
1.1 They Were Divisive Vs. 17-18
Division: schism, 8, tearing apart… or cutting away…
We looked at the problem division back in chp.1:10 - 4:21, I’m of Paul, Apollos, Cephes… Christ…
Division stems from Prid`e… I’m right & you’re wrong kind of attitude… selfish & self-centered…
ILLUSTRATION: look into division illustration
They Were Heretical Vs. 19
Faction: hairesis, 9, heresy, It’s a circle of people w/ a comon purpose who come from another group.
which is the result of division…
But God will use this behavior to point out who is really approved or who is a faithful saint.
They Had The Wrong Motive Vs. 20
They Were Selfish Vs. 21-22
In the early days of the church, Christians celebrated the “agapē,” or love feast along with the Lord’s Supper.
Explain The love feast, it was shared in a spirit of love and fellowship.
At the end of the love feast though, the Christians often had the remembrance of the Lord with the bread and wine.
But after a while, abuses crept in.
For instance, in this verse it is implied that the love feast lost its real meaning.
Not only did the Christians not wait for one another, but the rich ones shamed the poor brothers & sisters by having lavish meals and not sharing them.
Some event went away hungry, and others were actually drunk!
And since the Lord’s Supper often followed the love feast, they would still be drunk when they sat down to partake of the Lord’s Supper
The apostle Paul is pretty much rebuking this behavior.
At the very least if you are going to carry yourself in such a way do it at home.
But they didn’t have the respect of God and they would behave this way at Church.
Ultimately, their behavior was selfish because they turned Godly Fellowship into a Wild Party…
They were only concerned about their own appetites… their own wants… their own desires…
Jude calls these type of gatherings a love feasts but they were not showing any love for others or for the Lord.
2. The Pattern Vs. 23-25
2.1 The Pattern Is Received from the Lord Vs. 23a
Communion is not a tradition of man it’s not a religious right or ritual, it’s Received from the Lord…
Jesus took the Passover meal commemorating the 10th plague in Ex.12: when the death angel passed over the house saving the 1st born because of the blood of the lamb… so Israel was freed from the bondage of Egypt…
Jesus used it to point to the fact that death has passed over us & that we are free from the bondage of sin, death & hell… by His shed blood…
2.2 The Pattern Represents the Lord Vs. 23b-25 (in 2 ways)
By His Body Vs. 23b - 24a - during the Passover meal the bread was broke in two & one piece was hid & the other put back into the linen cloth & pulled out later… afikomen or desert… the bread points to His Body in 3 ways…
Without Leaven: leaven is a type of sin..
And the Lord was without Sin...
2. Striped:
Pierced: Zech.12:10
look on Him…
By His Blood Vs. 25a - there are 4 cups in the Seder (Explain there are a lot of traditions at the dinner):
Kaddush, blessing,
Makkot, plagues,
Ha-Geulah, redemption,
Halel, praise…
after supper comes the 3rd cup, Ha-Geulah, redemption …
Because through His blood we have been redeemed…
But the blood of bulls & goats only covered our sin… but Jesus’ blood took away our sin…
The Purpose Vs. 26 & 28
3.1 Is To Look Backward to the Cross Vs. 24b, 25b, 26a
This speaks of His Death: We remember all the suffering Jesus went through…
The mocking’s… scourging’s… being nailed to the cross… & probably experiencing the worst thing of all, that momentary separation between Him & the Father…
Is To Look Inward to the Conscience Vs. 28
Now we can’t come to the table in our own worth or righteousness…
But when we come to faith in Christ, 1 John 1:9 confess… now we have the righteousness of Christ…
But the problem is that we sin daily so we need to get right with God daily… we need to examine our lives…
Is To Look Forward to the Crown Vs. 26
This speaks of His Coming: this speaks of Him coming for His church… the rapture…
Jesus could come back for His church at any moment - Are you ready?
4. The Penalty Vs. 27, 29-30
If we come in an unworthy manner we’re guilty of not discerning the value of the Lord’s body & blood.
the result of not taking the Lord’s Supper seriously can be sever physical affliction…
Weakness… Sickness… & Even Death…
The Profit Vs. 31-34
5.1 It Can Be Used to Judge Ourselves Vs. 31-32
You know it’s really easy to judge others… I mean they’re so messed up, amen?…
But we should judge ourselves… we should evaluate our own actions & attitudes…
But if God judges us He will chasten us so we won’t be condemned like the world…
5.2 It Can Be Used to Control Ourselves Vs. 33-34
We need to exercise self-control & wait for one another when we come to the Table of the Lord…
Staying focused on Jesus and all He has done… & all He is going to do…
I like what Pastor Clark says, “it’s not about coming to the Table of the Lord… it’s about coming to the Lord of the Table”
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