Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
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Pizza right now, I'm going to ask Big Brother.
I got to see the Praises.
Let you hear yourself enough and soaking them?
Play Brother Bear.
Hallelujah, thank you.
Yeah, call.
Thank you, girl.
Thank you, though.
and as the musicians play, Softly, As the missions play softly and you bow your heads, Will father.
God, I thank you for this beautiful Sunday morning that we have come together to fellowship and worship and listen to your word on our way in a sound mind.
I am thankful that you have.
Chosen me to be your holy servant of the people.
I am blessed to preach the word today.
Can you give me strength to share your word and help the church here in understand?
Lift mine eyes to the almighty Heaven.
Thank you.
God, I know you will feel the sales of our heart with your goodness and internal truth bless this the message today.
And your people in the name of Jesus Christ.
Well, I don't know about you today but I'm feeling good.
I'm feeling good.
So it is a blessing to have the the instruments play today, generation family members.
My message to Jay's the world's greatest preacher.
Acts 24, 16, King James version.
And here in to exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offense toward God and toward men.
Another way to put in, that is why I always take pains to have a clear conscience toward both Gods and Men.
The world is full of wonderful preachers to name a few RW Schambach.
Paul Morton Billy Graham, Swindell Rick Warren steel Moody t.d.
Jakes Bishop WC Mason.
15 says, what the goal of our instruction is to love from a pure heart, and a good conscience and a sincere faith.
Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart Ken, Copeland Oral Roberts, Juanita Bynum, Steven furtick, John Bliss, but none of these men and women are the greatest preacher here.
1st Timothy 119 says keeping faith in good conscience.
With some every ejected and suffered shipwreck and guard to their face.
Yes, let us not forget the greatest Bible teachers, there are so many show me perhaps one of the most successful evangelist.
Jeremiah the weeping prophet, but he had little success to show for his ministry.
He preach to the Jews, he had anger them so much, they stoned him to death.
And Paul converted.
So bold preach, 2000's of Greeks who nothing.
Who knew nothing about one.
The one true God,
a little information, Paul was there and held the coats of the men.
Who's stone?
People can change.
John the Baptist brought those who love God, close to him and he pushed those who hated God or wait from him.
But none of these men greatest preachers.
1st Thessalonians 2:10 says, you are a witness.
How devoutly in uprightly and blamelessly we have behaved to you believers.
Yes, you see the world's greatest preacher?
The world's greatest preacher has a most.
You see he never sleeps.
He's never boring.
It makes us mad.
He makes us sad.
You can motivate He whispers, he sucks.
He prays, he pleased.
He says I Told You So and he said,
he has preached, the many likely places churches, conferences, Arenas youth camps, 10, step meetings, Riley prayer, meetings are streets and studies, Is also preached in a lot of unlikely places in the clubs and the bars.
The hospital rules in the cancer clinics in the surgery.
Holding areas in the waiting rooms in the assembly lines at that works.
On the construction site high schools and colleges alike.
He is one of the most unpredictable all creatures in the world.
You see the greatest creature in the world is named Thompson.
I'm not sure where he's from but his parts are unknown.
But he goes with us every day of our life.
and when the lord gave him his charge, he said, now listen here, even though your ministry will be very dynamic, it will be very restricted.
Your congregation won't be very large.
In fact, they were leaving, the only one in your assembly.
Never leave him alone, every place he goes, I want you to go with him.
When times are tough.
I want you to call on me.
The man that to 778 says seek and you will find knock on the door receives and the one who seeks finds.
And to the one who knocks the door shall be opened for you.
And then righteousness, living
You see this preacher has preached to me over the years and all sorts of situations.
And let me tell you, they all have been helpful to me.
but I admit
there's been a few times where I blew him off.
And I went against his words.
Think back with me, somebody.
Trespassing, where I shouldn't have been.
Sitting on top of Unfinished, buildings on construction sites, past places of employment where I have taken something that didn't belong to me.
In a car driving faster than I should have been staying out later than I should have been.
Being in neighborhoods where I should not have been.
Hanging out with the wrong crowd, doing the wrong thing, come out.
Spending money.
When I knew, I shouldn't have been.
Don't bother me now.
Can I get an amen?
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