Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
1 Kings 17:1-9 “Now Elijah the Tishbite, of Tishbe in Gilead, said to Ahab, “As the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, before whom I stand, there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, except by my word.”
And the word of the Lord came to him: “Depart from here and turn eastward and hide yourself by the brook Cherith, which is east of the Jordan.
You shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.”
So he went and did according to the word of the Lord.
He went and lived by the brook Cherith that is east of the Jordan.
And the ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook.
And after a while the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land.
Then the word of the Lord came to him, “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there.
Behold, I have commanded a widow there to feed you.””
A thought father once bought a puzzle of the map of the United States for his inquisitive son.
Opening the box, the boy began working diligently to assemble the puzzle piece by piece; however, after many hours of laboring and struggling, the young boy tossed up his hands and said, “I can’t do it, something is wrong with this dumb puzzle; the pieces don’t match.”
The father lovingly stopped what he was doing, took off his shoes, rolled up his sleeves, got down on the floor with his son, and helped him with the puzzle.
Within minutes, the puzzle was done.
The son look at his daddy and asked, “How did you put the puzzle together in a few minutes when I struggled for hours and failed.”
He responded, “Son, you were trying to put all the small pieces in that box together, but before I started I looked at the picture on the cover of the box to see what the small pieces are supposed to become.
I submit to you that while you are I are wrestling with the individual things that happen in our lives, God sees the big picture and how the individual pieces fit together.
God is a master designer.
He uses all things in our lives, the struggles and the successes, the ups and the down, the good times and the bad times, working them together for the good of those love the Lord and called according to his purpose.
He takes all of those pieces of the fabrics of our lives — the good, the bad, the ugly, unfortunate, the loses, and wins weaves and stitches them together for our good.
Am I right about it?
In the similar manner, this same God used the little faith test Elijah faced early in his ministry to prepare himself for the bigger challenges that came later.
Elijah was a miracle worker.
He outran a chariot.
He prayed down fire from heaven.
He divided river and walked over on dry land.
Elijah seems bigger.
But let me caution you lest you think you can’t related to him.
According to the book of James, miracle-working Elijah was a man with a nature like yours and mine.
Don’t let Bible psyche you out.
Elijah put his pants on (so to speak) one leg at time just like you and me.
Miracle-working Elijah had messy-human moments.
It was God who performer the miracles, Elijah only the worker.
Sometimes we forget that the great men and women of the Bible whom we admire were just like you and me.
They made mistakes.
2. They fell short of God's glory.
They had shortcomings, limitations, and imperfections.
4. They experienced failures and had to deal with disappointments.
5. Just like you and me.
Mike Tyson was not the first person to bite off a man ear.
Peter beat him to it; he cut off a man’s ear.
Bill Clinton was not the first man to lie about a women.
Remember he said, “I never had relations with that women.”
Abraham beat him to it.
Abraham was afraid the men in Egypt would kill him and take his wife Sarah for themselves, so great Abraham lied and said Sarah was not his wife.
He careful how you idealize other people, admire how great they are, long to accomplish what they achieve — the grass ain’t always greener on the other side.
Look a little closer, you might find that it is not real grass but its astro turf.
We all have struggles.
I don't care how great you are; like everybody else, you have some struggle.
We can learn something from Elijah.
Story begins, a weak king by the name of Ahab and his manipulate wife, Jezebel were leading Israel into the worship of Baal — a false God — away from the one true and living God.
But it was more the doings of Jezebel than King Ahab.
Oh, King Ahab wore the crown in the family, but it his controlling and manipulative Jezebel who wore the pants in the family.
Ahab had the title King, but Jezebel had the power.
Jezebel’s father was king, and she too wanted the power of the throne, but in that day, as a female, she couldn’t sit on the throne.
She could not be king, so she did the next best thing.
She married a weak king so she could walk over and rule through him.
Do you recall when Ahab wanted Naboth’s garden because it was adjacent to the palace and he wanted to plant a vegetable garden there, but Naboth wouldn’t sell it to him.
Homeboy went home, got in the bed, wouldn’t eat, and and pulled the cover over his head, and turned his face to the wall.
Jezebel said, “I got this.”
She wrote a letter, forged the King’s signature, telling the men of the two she would pay them if they went publically and lied, saying Naboth had blasphemed the king’s name, then stone him to death.
Jezebel went home and said get out this bed with your weak self, I got you that little garden.
Jezebel was bad girl.
This is who God commands Elijah to go before and declare that for several years there will neither be rain nor due until God says so.
The Bible declares that after this, it didn’t rain for three years and six months.
But then, God tells Elijah to do something strange.
He tells him to go hide by the brook.
Church, I have a confession; sometimes, I don't understand God's will.
Am I by myself; am I alone in this?
That sometimes, I only see the individual pieces of God’s of will for my life, and they don’t fit together.
Sometimes God's will does not make sense to me.
· Pray that it stops raining IN the Promised Land, then hide by the brook on the EDGE of the Promised Land.
Made no sense.
According to it’s very definition, a brook is small body of water that dries up when there is not rain.
What are you doing God.
· Prophesy to Ahab, then hide from Ahab.
Does not make sense to me….
What kind of God sends us to the brook to hide?
Maybe the kind of God who realizes that sometimes you have to take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there.
God had answered his prayer.
But sometimes after God answers our prayer, we stop praying.
Don’t stop praying after God answers your prayer, that’s when you need to pray harder.
Don’t take matters into your own hands, once God answers.
Leave in God’s hand.
Every now and then, when you get through praying, and God gets through moving, don't stop praying and start shouting your victory from the mountaintop.
Hide think about the goodness of Jesus all his done for you, shout hallelujah, thank God for saving me.
Stop announcing, broadcasting, and publicizing all your business and blessing to the world and the devil.
Everybody is not happy for you or celebrates with you.
Some people are actually praying against you.
And the Bible declares that according to the word of the Lord, he went to the brook and dwelt there.
Notice, he didn’t move because somebody said it was a good idea.
He didn’t move because his emotions where high or low.
He move according to the Word of God.
Stop jumping ship, falling apart, losing faith every time the going gets tough.
Don’t be moved by your anger.
Don’t be motivated by your bitterness.
Don’t be moved by your fear.
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