Nuggets of Wisdom
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Does God Forgive Suicide?
Why Are Horoscopes Bad?
Is Christmas Bad?
Is Listening to Secular Music Bad?
Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
Rape, Assault, Abuse, Etc.
How do I Have Faith When I Feel Like Everything is Against Me?
- How am I supposed to have faith in hard times.
How do I show my non-Christian family to love God?
How do You Be a Good Friend?
& Show God Through Your Friendship?
Is it Okay to Have More Than One Best Friend?
How do you show love towards your sister/brother in Christ (friend) when you’re the opposite sex as them while not making it awkward?
What’s My Favorite Bible Verse?
What’s My Favorite Part of Being a Pastor?
What is a Good Christian?
What is the Hardest Part About Being a Pastor?
How Can I Make More/Better Friends?
Does God Have Powers?
Were there other animals that did not get taken in the ark?
How Was God Alive if No One Made Him?
I Want to pursue a career that requires the Covide Vaccine. If I choose to get the shot, will God see me through with provision of Health?
How do you know when you have too many voices speaking over you, even if those voices are people who know the Lord?
Why is my life so stressful? And how can I overcome the stress in my life?
Should I be dating at 14 even if my parents say it’s ok?
What is a good idea for a date?
How do you get rid of Jealousy?
What is the age when it’s fine to start dating? (in my opinion or others?)
It’s Corn
How do you (me) Get yourself or others out of a bad mood?
How would I make myself a stronger person and not give in to peer pressure very easily?
How can I convince my parents I’m responsible enough for something?
How would you get bad/gross thoughts out of your head?
When is the right time to get married according to the bible?
Should we practice Child Circumcision?