Growing Like a Baby
1 Peter 2:1-3
Peter = hope. in the first division of the book we see that hope is diplayed in our salvation.
(1:1-2) In Our Calling
(1:3-5) In the New Birth
(1:6-9) By Trials
(1:10-12) Through the Prophets
(1:13-16) By Obedience
(1:17-21) By Fear of the Lord
(1:22-25) In Love
And now we see hope dislayed in our savation in growth. If we are saved we will grow and as we see that growth, our hope will be stregthened.
Two commands that effect our growth in Christ.
I. Put Off What Stunts Growth (1)
A. Malice
Harboring evil thoughts. "I hope they get what they deserve."
B. Deceit
This is the word used for using bait to fish. It is trickery for the purpose of causing harm to someone.
C. Hypocrisy
Play acting, two faced. Being one person at church and another at home, or being nice to someone when your around them and then mean to them when you are around others. You might say, "not a problem for me, I'm just mean to everyone!"
D. Envy
Feeling displeasure at the prosperity of others. "Why do they have those nice things, I work harder than they do, I am smarter than they are, I deserve it more than they do."
E. Slander
To elevate yourself by putting others down. Poloticians. More subtle sometimes in Christian circles...
- put off once and for all like clothing that you will never wear again.
II. Put On What Nourishes Growth (2-3)
A. A Longing for God's Word
- Command - ἐπιποθέω deeply desire, long for, crave 2. have great affection for
- Pure - "the Bible, the whole Bible and nothing but the Bible." "We hold that the Bible is not to be integrated with any other discipline." Evolutionary science, psycology, philosophy...
[milk + syrup?, milk + arsnic?, milk + ground up cheesburger?, milk + mud? No way!]
- Complete in nourishment
- Like a Baby
- Babies instinctively want it
- Babies cry for it
- Babies will panic if they don't get it.
- For the Purpose of Growth
B. A Tasting of God's Kindness
Psalm 34:8