Is God a Moral Monster ?

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Thank you, Mary, for lean out on that.

Oh, that's good. Let's go to our Lord in and pray. Before he gets into our topic of discussion. This evening are gracious and kind haven't fought. Father? We are grateful Lord. That you have given us that invitation to come unto you. And by the way, you are a relational God. And to that we are thankful we ask you, Lord to Bless this time of study. I pray father that you would help us to understand some of the very difficult things that are written in your word that are used for a lot of attack against your character, and against your word and against Christians all together. I pray Lord that you would bless this time Bless The Children and Youth downstairs. We ask all these things in Christ name, amen. all right, as I told you last week,

I want us to look at this briefly tonight, a very difficult segments of scripture that is is seen the Book of Joshua, but it's really sing in multiple sections within the Old Testament and that is like an Joshua chapter. Number 6, in verse 21, you have this statement where Joshua and all of Israel destroyed. All that was in the city, both men and women, old and young There are other passages of scripture in the Old Testament that says very plainly. That Israel was to kill children and infants suckling child. And this has led to many accusations, this has led to many of it. Those who are got haters. Those were atheist to take those sections of scripture and say, my goodness, the god that you say, is a god of love is really a, bipolar God. Or somebody might say, well, God has two personalities. He had an Old Testament personality, where he did such things and then the New Testament, he had a personality of love and acceptance but that's not true. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever. And French dancer is a notorious atheist by the name of Richard Dawkins. Who said this concerning our God? Explicitly. Concerning what we have just read.

about the Israel, killing of young and old. This is what Richard Dawkins said about Yahweh. He said, the god of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction. Jealous and proud of it. A petty unjust Unforgiven kontrolfreek. A vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser misogynistic, homophobic racist. Jenna Seidel. It goes on. And on, with all these other words, And just calls him a malevolent bully. That's just one quote, from one and Toria safest. Using that scripture that we have just talked about how that God told Joshua, how to kill both, man and woman, young and old

I want to. Do this, this quote that I just read you concerning Richard, Dawkins and other atheists that quoted such things about our God lead Paul Copan or Copan. However, you want to say that last name is c o p. A n to write a book. Is God, a moral monster is God, a moral monster, the subtitle is making sense of the Old Testament. I would encourage you to if your reader to look into that and read that because it just a talks more than just the genocide that's mentioned in the Old Testament, it talks about such things as why did God allow Or slave owners to beat their slaves. Now, gotten our last slave owners in the Old Testament to kill their slaves, but he allowed them to beat them. Why did he allow that? Why did God Ask Abraham to take Isaac up Mount Moriah. Is what Abraham did to his son, was he abusive? A whole lot of other things that's mentioned in this book that gives some good answers as to how we can answer those accusers.

On page 170 of that book and chapter 16. He deals with

The title that chapter is indiscriminate Massacre and ethnic cleansing the killing of the Canaanites, and Page, 170. This is what he says of how he answers this, and I'm not saying that I agree or disagree.

He says ancient near Eastern exaggeration read of it. That's the subtitle of the chapter. Most Christians read Joshua's Conquest stories with a backdrop of Sunday school lessons via flannelgraph or children's Illustrated Bible stories. The impression that's left is a black-and-white rendition of a little literal Crush kill and destroy mission. A closer look at the biblical text reveals a lot more nuanced and a lot less bloodshed. In short, the conquest of Canaan was far less widespread and harsh than many people assume. Like is ancient near Eastern contemporaries. Joshua used the language of conventional Warfare rhetoric. This language sounds like bragging and exaggeration to our ears. Notice first, the sweeping language in Joshua 10:44, he says that's Joshua's truck all the land, the Hill Country, and then they give and the lowland and the slopes, and all their kings. He left, no Survivor, but he utterly destroyed all who breathed just as lord of the god of Israel had commanded Joshua. He says use the rhetorical bravado language of his day asserting. That all the land was captured, all the kings defeated in all the Canaanites destroyed.

It says Joshua 11 verse 16. Joshua took the holy land and gave it for an inheritance to Israel yet as we will see Josh for himself acknowledged that this was not literally. So Scholars readily agree that judges is literally link to Joshua. The Book of Judges is literally link to Joshua yet. The early chapters of Judges was which incidentally, repeat the death of Joshua show that the task of taking over the land was far from complete. And judges 2. Verse 3, God says, I will not drive them out before you Earlier judges 1421 asserted that they did not drive out the jebusites. They did not take possession that did not drive them out. Completely these nations remain to this day, Jazz it judges 1:21? The people who had apparently been wiped out reappear in the store. Many Canaanite inhabitants simply stuck. Stuck around. Now, some might accuse Joshua being misleading or of getting it wrong, but not at all. He was speaking the language that everyone in this day would have understood rather than trying to deceive. Joshua was just saying he had fairly well, trounced the enemy on the one hand, Joshua says, there was no Anakin left in the land, Joshua 11:22 indeed. They were utterly destroyed in the Hill Country, literally not according to the very same Joshua. In fact, Caleb later asked permission to drive out of the Anna. Kites from the Hill Country. Again, Joshua was not Being deceptive given the use of ancient near Eastern, hyperbole hyperbole, he could say without contradiction that Nations remain among you, he went on to warn Israel, not to mention swear by serve or bow down to their gods. Again the land had rest from War Chapter 13 and Beyond, tell us that much territory, remain unpossessed tribe upon prob failed out. Fail to drive out the Canaanites and Joshua tell seven of the tribes. How long will you put off entering to take possession of the land which the Lord the god of your fathers have given you? He goes on to say that Josh was conventional Warfare rhetoric was common. In many other ancient near Eastern military accounts in the second and first Millennia BC. The language is typically exaggerated and full of bravado depicting total devastation, The Knowing ancient The Knowing ancient near Eastern Eastern reader recognize this as hyperbole. The accounts are, we're not understood to be literally true. This language of Kenneth kitchen observes has misled, many Old Testament, Scholars and their assessments of the Book of Joshua. Some has concluded that the language of wholesale, Slaughter and total occupation, which didn't from all other indications. Actually, take place cruise at these accounts are falsehoods, but ancient near Eastern accounts. Readily used early, completely, destroy and other obliteration language even when the event didn't literally happen that way. So what he's saying again, Is that Joshua is using hyperbolic language something that we would use even today? For instance, Arkansas's playing Ole Miss Saturday. And we would say who I Hope Arkansas obliterates or Miss, I hope they destroy them. But we're using hyperbolic language to prove a point that we are. I hope we win and win big, so he's saying it's a possibility that Joshua is using the hyperbolic language of the day which was common. If you read some of the ancient generals and Kings during and around this time they use the same language. It was a language of much bravado. And he goes on to say concerning Jericho. He says, Johnson was language concerning Jericho in AI appears harsh. At first glance, they devoted the city to the Lord and destroyed with the sword. Every living thing in it, man and woman, young and old cattle sheep and Donkey, twelve thousand men and women fell that day, all the people of AI. The average person is not going to pick up on the fact that this sterile stereotypical ancient near Eastern language actually describes attacks on Military forts or Garrison, not General populations. That include women and children. He says there is there is no archaeological evidence of Civilian populations at Jericho or AI given what we know about Cana nightlife in the Bronze Age, Jericho in a, our military strongholds. In fact, Jericho guarded. The travel routes from the Jordan Valley up to the population centers in the Hill Country. It was it was the first line of defense at the junction of three roads leading to Jerusalem Bethel and or pie. That means that Israel's Wars here were directed toward government and Military installments. This is where the king the arm in the priesthood. Resided. The use of women and young and old was merely stock ancient near Eastern language. That could be used even if And young and old were not living there. The language of all men, and women at Jericho and AI, it's Gerald typical expression for the destruction of all human life in the fort. He goes on to say that the term City. Such as described in Jericho or AI reinforces this idea. Jericho AI, many other Canaanite cities were mainly used for government buildings in operations, while the rest of the people including women and children lived in the surrounding Countryside. There are Mana letters. 14th century, BC correspondence between the Egyptian, pharaohs and leaders, and Canaan and surrounding regions. Reveal that Citadel cities are fortresses such as Jerusalem cecum were distinct from and under the control of their population centers. Again, the archaeological evidence indicates that no civilian populations existed at Jericho AI or other cities mentioned in Joshua other biblical evidence. A various cities used as Fortress fortresses citadel's or military Outpost also exists. So he's saying that are largely archaeologically speaking and evidently speaking, that Jericho was not necessarily a city but rather a military Fortress, a citadel and that Jericho was destroyed. Meaning that the combatants were constroi, were destroyed, not civilians. He goes on to say. So if Jericho were a fork than all those killed there in, we're warriors along with political and religious leaders. Rahab and her family would have been the exceptional non-combatants dwelling within the military Outpost. The same applies throughout the Book of Joshua. Why the biblical text mention specific Kings military leaders? Who were killed in battle with Israel. It does not mention specific non-combatants. Who were killed the cumulative. Cumulative, case suggests quite the opposite of what we were taught in Sunday school class.

I say here.

Concerning the Rahab.

Why did the two Israelite spies? Hang out at our harlots place? He says, doesn't this sound a little fishy? On closer inspection. We can safely conclude that Rahab was in charge of what was likely the fortresses Tavern or host l. She didn't run a brothel. Through these taverns were sometimes run. Do bees have taverns were sometimes run, buy prostitutes traveling Caravans and Royal Messengers would commonly stay overnight at such places during this. For the more, such a freaking reconnaissance missions were common in the East and innkeepers. Homes, would have been in ideal meeting place for spies the conspirators. What about the idea of a sexual liaison? The Book of Joshua goes out of its way to state that no such activity took place. The text says the spies of stayed there not that they stayed with her.

And it says that they came into the house of Rahab, not that they went into rehab, which would imply a sexual relationship. And you mentioned Samson by contrast who saw a harlot and went into her. The Old Testament doesn't recoil from using such language would just don't have any sexual reference here instead. The Book of Joshua depicts Rahab as a true God fear. so again, I just read you that from this portion of this book by Paul hoping to give you a another possibility of what that means when God when Joshua says he destroyed every living person, male female, young, and all that, it may be hyperbolic language that was used during that time to depict a just an Annihilation that there was a major winner and that was the Children of Israel. Now, you take it, literally This is what one Theologian says.

Why would God have the Israelites exterminate an entire group of people, women and children included?

He says this is a very difficult issue. We do not fully understand why God would command such a thing. But we trust God that he is just and we recognize that we are incapable of fully understanding, a sovereign infinite, and eternal God. As we look at difficult issues, such as this one, we must remember that God's ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts are higher than our false. We have to be willing to trust, God and have faith in him even when we do not understand his ways. God did not order, the extermination of these people to be cruel, but to prevent even greater evil from occurring in the future. Probably the most difficult part of these commands from God is that God order, the death of children and infants. First Samuel chapter 15 verse 22 tells us God commanded Saul and the Israelites this is what the Lord Almighty says. I will punish the amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came out of Egypt. Now go attack the amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not do not spare them, put to death men and women children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.

Why would God order the death of innocent children? This is what one Theologian said. Number one, Children Are Not Innocent. Children are not innocent and he's quoting from Psalm 51 in verse 5. Where David says in an equity, I was conceived. The number to these children would have likely grown up as adherence to the evil religions and practices of their parents. And so instead of them growing up and also being pagans and hating the children of Israel and causing harm to the children of Israel, it's better to just kill them all. Number three. These children would naturally have grown up resentful of Israelites. In later, sought to avenge to avenge the unjust treatment of their parents. So again this answer is not completely deal with all the issues. Our focus should be on trusting, God. Even when we do not understand his ways. We must also remember that God looks at things from an eternal perspective and that his ways are higher than our ways. God is just righteous. Holy loving merciful and gracious. How this attributes work. How his attributes? Work together can be a mystery to us. But that does not mean that he is not. Is the Bible book claims him to be. So I want to just to briefly just give you that as a maybe you want to study that is God a moral Monster by company answers a lot of difficult questions and he hit his just recently wrote a new book that just came out in October. It's entitled is God, a vindictive bully. And again, he's answering these atheists who are notorious for saying such ungodly things about the character of God and this guy really puts

his character on the line as he is the recipient of many many hateful, remarks

I also want to look at as we talked about. Sunday about the Sabbath. How that in the Old Testament, their Sabbath was on Saturday. How that God first instituted, the Sabbath day, Genesis chapter 1, as you rested on the sixth day. So why do we not observe the sabbath today? And what is the Sabbath today? I want us to just break quickly go over this omitted it from the sermon Sunday morning for the sake of time but I want us to very quickly go over this

to clear up some questions and misunderstandings that surround the Sabbath day and its observance. Number one, this sabbath day was given as a shadow of Jesus Christ. Just remember that. This sabbath day in the Old Testament was given as a shadow of Jesus Christ. If pictures the rest, his people find in a relationship with him. Colossians chapter 2 verses 16 through 17 teaches that. When the real thing has come, there is no more need for the shadow. Those who are saved have entered into the Lord's rest. Hebrews chapter 4. So we are not laboring to be accepted of the Lord. We as if he's 16, as we are accepted in the Beloved and everyday is a Sabbath day of rest in our souls. So, in essence Christ is our Sabbath rest. The Sabbath, rest of the Old Testament, was a picture of the rest that we find in Christ. Today in the day of Grace. The Sabbath. Was the sign to Israel of the Mosaic Covenant. I would not Israel today and the Sabbath is not for us, the Old Testament Sabbath. Christians are never commanded to keep the Sabbath day, not in the gospels, and not in the Epistles, you don't find any record whatsoever and the New Testament gospels and the writings of Paul where you are to keep the Sabbath know. It is, it is the only one of the Ten Commandments that is not reaffirmed in the New Testament, which is Interesting. Now, why is that? Well, it is ceremonial ceremonial in nature while the other night Commandments are moral and nature, Jesus and the apostles upheld. The other nine Commandments the teaching of the Sabbath belongs under the old Covenant. And then when the church was formed, the Christians met for worship on the first day of the week that Sunday night on Saturday, they met on this day to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Now. There's a lot of different beliefs out there as far as.

Many Believers, don't believe in buying or selling on Sunday, some Believers, don't go out to eat some Believers will not go to Walmart on Sunday, on the other hand, there are other Christians who see, nothing wrong with those type of things done on Sunday. And so the question is, who is right and who is wrong,

Does the bible give any clear instructions in this area? Yes, it does. Romans chapter 14 verses 1 through 12 tells us that we are not to judge others in matters. Such as these, the Bible says, nothing about what you can and cannot do on Sunday. The clearly tells you to obey the law of the land, these are matters of the conscience. The Bible nowhere says that it is wrong to eat out or buy something on Sunday, but it never says it is right either. So, according to Romans, 14 verse 14, you need to listen to your heart. And follow your conscience. If you think that buying a tank of gas on Sunday is wrong, then it is wrong for you and you better buy it on Saturday. If you have a problem with it, then help yourself. But one writer said, the best thing we can do. And we all can do is to be obedient to what the Lord tells us to do and do not sin against your conscience. So, that's just a, a section of the sermon that I owe admitted for the sake of time. Sunday. And I hope that clarifies as to why we do not observe the Old Testament Sabbath today the sixth day of rest, but rather We believe that Christ. Jesus is our Sabbath rest today. Alright, let's take a few moments for prayer request. And pray continue to pray for the Burnham family Bill. Burnham's funeral is tomorrow at 10 a.m. at a Cowboy Church. 10 in the morning at the Cowboy Church. Can you pray for the burnhams? Anyone else have a special purpose? Yes. Cleric has just been diagnosed with stage four, cancer of the pancreas. So Jan's cousin chuckle, Eric. Stage 4, pancreatic cancer.

Anyone else? She starts her. Radiation treatments. Okay, price on Mary's niece, she starts radiation treatment on the 28th of this month.


Anyone else?

Pray for our nation. I just found out just prior to our service that are Is it the Congress or Senate? The Senate passed that marriage same-sex marriage thing that I guess would apply to all of the United States. So it still has to be passed and still has to go through the US. House. But nevertheless, they're trying to force this same-sex marriage upon the state's federally. Surprised that somehow some way it can be blocked in the House of Representatives.

Just another sign that we are in desperate need of help from on high in our country. Anyone else have any special requests?

My goodness. Fell off a ladder on his head. My goodness.



Life is hard.

Anyone else?

Pray for Sandra. This is her last Wednesday night here. She's going to her last service and matter. Fact, she is leaving Sunday afternoon, I believe or maybe Monday morning, but Sunday will be her last service here. If she is moving in with her son, Carrie and Which is going to be difficult for us. I know and you as well leaving your home here but I I I trust that you're going to love living with your family there in Texas and I'll be praying for her. And we still need some volunteers to help her, move Sunday afternoon and we don't know the exact time of this moment, but will give you that as we know the details.

Alright, let's take a moment for prayer. I will lead us in a word of Prayer. And then head Drysdale. If you would dismiss this, please in the word of prayer, after everyone, a spray that feels led to pray. Hi, Grayson County, Heavenly Father, we are grateful or to meet in your house tonight in this place. And father, to look at it consider, some very difficult passages of scripture. Some things that have created such a controversy over the years. O'Reilly, spray that. My goal this evening with just spur the study. Of the people here tonight for them to study for themselves.

but regardless, The View that the whole two, is the fact that you are just

That You Are. Holy.

And as Abraham said, many years prior, even to Joshua's day, that the god, the judge of this universe will do, what is right. And that's what we trust and though it is very difficult for us to bear. Are we trust you? Father, I pray that.

We would find true rest. Not in a day.

but in you,

we are thankful that you have said to us, come unto me. All ye that are weary and are heavy laden. And I will give you rest.

Father, I pray that each and every one of us here. Deny, even those that. Are saved. Or would continue to find the rest? Not in their works, not in their observances. but in you,

Father, we lift up these prayer request that were mentioned.

Father, we pray for Mary's niece.

Who will be having the radiation treatments soon? The father we pray God that those treatments would have the intended. Effect upon the cancer that she has. the pray for Jen's friend, Chuck, who has the Pancreatic cancer.

Probably just pray, you touch his life and Mary's Ted's friend, Josh. Fail. And it's in critical condition. Following spread through touch him, Lord bring about healing and all these cases follow, we pray that most of all that. There is a spiritual healing. I pray that if they are not Christians, I pray that you would send someone

To share with in the Glorious gospel. And they would would respond correctly to it. Father, I pray that.

you would just

Heal our country. Father, I fear greatly that.

It seems as if we add, we're at a point of no return.

And we recognize that there's no people who are going to repent, who don't feel like they're broken.

the father, I pray that

you would show us our need of repentance. And the need for us to First repent in the house of God. Is it is the house that your people that need to repent?

I pray that through our repentance that Lord of you and use that to draw others to your son Jesus. I pray, Lord that you would be with Sandra. I pray that you would give her a comfort and a peace, that passes all understanding.

Very difficult for us to see her go and I know it's difficult for her to leave at father. We were Joyce. That she is being able to live with her son and his family. What a blessing that is

And we give you praise for that. We ask you lord to bless our services Sunday Where's all these things in Christ name?

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