Through reading Book 1 of Augustine’s Confessions I have come to ponder a number of concepts that strengthen my desire to learn, become studious, and develop my mind for the glory of God. One of these concepts is reflecting on my youth and my own negligence to study, yet the Providence of the Holy Spirit that was upon my life to bring me out of that negligence and instill in me a hunger for truth, for knowledge, and wisdom; eventually leading me to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. Augustine writes, “And yet we sinned, in writing or reading or studying less than was exacted of us. For we wanted not, O Lord, memory or capacity, whereof Thy will gave enough for our age; but our sole delight was play; and for this we were punished by those who yet themselves were doing the like” Augustine, Book 1 Chapter IX). For Augustine, the idea of playing over studying in the way in which he did was a sin against God. Through his reflections (Book X and Book XVII especially) we read of his regret for the way in which he acted as a youth and his disdain for study and preference for play. The way he phrases his thoughts aligns very well with what we are learning in Moreland and Craig’s works. The development of the mind is extraordinarily important, especially in the day and age we live in. It seems that very basic aspects of human language, grammar, and the ability to read are deteriorating rapidly. As Moreland expounded upon in his book, this deterioration in turn affects the Church’s ability to witness properly to the world, defend the faith, and even understand the very truths God has revealed to us through His Word. A foundation of education is required to more completely understand the Word of God and it’s implications for our lives, the world, and our relationship with God. As we study more and develop a discipline of developing proper thinking, we not only honor God but we equip ourselves with the necessary tools to defend the faith of Christ to an ever increasing godless generation. After reading Augustine’s Book 1 of his Confessions and Moreland’s work on loving God with our minds, I am extremely eager to develop my habit of study in a purposeful and central manner in my life.