Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
I absolutely love coming to church.
The fellowship, corporate worship, mutual encouragement, accountability are all wonderful!
The ministry of the Word, the laying on of hands - all things i look forward to every week.
And of course the most obvious: Enjoying the presence of God.
However, we must be very careful not to equate a local church with the Old Testament tabernacle or temple.
Under the Old Covenent you had to go to the temple to worship and commune with God because in that covenant God dwelled in the temple, specifically by the Ark of the Covenent.
So you had to go to the temple/tabernacle/synagog to be in God’s presence.
Jesus changed all that.
Yes church is both commanded and neccesery, yet you can do something in the New Covenent that was impossible in the Old.
Jesus and his disciples went to the synagoc one day:
but then when the service was over:
You can go to church, as you all have today - but then when the service is over: You get to take Jesus home with you.
He is Immanual - God with us.
And today i just want to talk about Jesus.
About why having Him with you is so incredible.
In the second chaper of Mark Jesus tells us why you want Him with you.
Jesus is the Great Physician:
Jesus is the great Physicain.
He comes to us in our sickness to sin, He makes a perfect diagnosis, he provides a complete cure and then he pays the bill himself!
What a physician he is!!!
Sin is a terminal disease of our soul - it will kills us.
But Jesus cleansed us by his blood, He healed us with his touch.
He cured us by his grace.
Even as he can cure you.
However, there are 3 kinds of patiences that even the great physician cannot cure:
1: Those who do not know about Him.
2: Those who know about him, but refuse to trust him.
3: Those who will not admit they need him.
The pharasees are a perfect example of these kinds of patients as are all who are self righteous.
The great pgysician can only heal sinners:
Jesus is the Bridegroom:
The religion of the Pharasees only broufgh sadness.
But a relationship with Jesus always brings gladness!
If you are not in a relationship with Jesus then all of life is a funeral.
Death, loss and dispare is life.
Laughter is forced and superficial and everyone cant wait for the reception so they can drink their sorrows away.
But with Jesus life is not a funeral, its a wedding!!!
And arent weddings supposed to be a time of joy and celebtation?
Why do people get married?
Thats easy: Because they love each other.
But why do people STAY married?
Because they are commited to each other.
Salvation from sin at the hands of our bridgroom is very much like a wedding.
Salvation is more than just “strong feelings” towards Jesus.
Salvation occures, not when you just love Jesus, but when you commit your life to him and say “I do”.
And then you enter into a covenant relationship with Jesus.
In this new covenent marriage we become partakers of his wealth and power, enjoying his love and presence and protection.
Out with the Old!
Jesus taught 2 important lessons about his mission so far:
1: He came to save sinners.
2: He came to bring gladness and not sadness.
and here he is saying that to introduce something new, not patch something old.
Lets first make sure we understand the imergy Jesus is using since we dont really do this anymore:
A well used garment might tear and need a patch.
However if you put a pience of new fabric on the hole, when its washed the new fabric would shrink while the old garment, having already shrunk, would not.
The patch would rip off.
Wine expans as it ferments in a wine skin.
A new wineskin has give so it will strech as the wine expands.
An old wineskin has already strenched to its max, so putting new wine into it would cause it burst.
So what is this imagery telling us about the new covenent?
Simply this: The old Mosaic system had become old, decaying and obsolete.
This new covenet would not be based on the blood of animals but on the precious blood of of Christ.
The Law will no longer be written on stone tablets but on human hearts.
God will no longer dwell in a stone temple but through the Holy Spirit we would become the new temple.
With Jesus every single wretched sinner gets a fresh start.
I do over.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9