In this passage Jesus gives us a defining statement on how we can apply the Law, and He begins to lead us into the conclusion of His sermon.
The idea is that the path of Christianity it vastly different than all other religions.
A true Christian will truly know Jesus and be in a relationship with Him, and they will bear fruit that shows that they truly belong to Him.
Matt 7:15-20
Those that are truly a part of the vine, will bear good fruit. A bad tree will make itself known by the fruit of its life.
Matt 7:21-23
Jesus clarifies that its not all just good works, because if this was the case than there would be no real difference in Christianity.
Matt 7:24-27
It is those that recognize the narrow road, and build there life on Christ that will stand the test of time.
The true Christian’s hope is in Christ. He is the rock and foundation and securer of our salvation. When we are in Him, we will produce fruit demonstrating our renewed heart, as He has taken us and changed us.