BODA DE RICHARD Y SHERLYN  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Pastor Robert J. Vega.
Pastor’s Opening remarks
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1. Introduction:
Dear friends and relatives, today is a very special day, a day of wedding, a day of joy and marriage covenants
Since marriage is an honorable state, it should not be lightly accepted, but rather, entered into with reverence, care and the fear of God
That is why I ask: Who gives away this beautiful Bride, to be the wife of this man?
(Everyone will be looking at the pastor in the altar)
Vincent says: “I give her away!” Vincent gives the bride to the groom
Vincent returns to his seat.
Then listen to what the Holy Scriptures say:
Marriage was instituted by God when he said in Genesis 2:18: “It is not good for man to be alone, I shall make him an adequate helper”
And that is how, the first ties of the marriage covenant were formed, when God Himself pronounced the words in Genesis 2:24 and said: “Therefore, a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
Marriage is a blessing, because Christ himself blessed it with his presence at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, but He also declares in the Book of Hebrews: 13:4: Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be un-defiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.”
For this and much more, marriage is the perfect will of God for man and woman.
Therefore, this day of marriage covenant, I ask Richard and Sherlyn…Do you come to me, pastor of the church of Christ, to join your lives with the holy covenants of marriage, freely, without pressure, nor obligation, but because you have made this decisión by yourselves and consciously?
They say: “Yes, we have made it freely and consciously.
Then, le tus pray, for God to bless this covenant which you are going to make this day.
2. Prayer!
Eternal Father, giver of all that is good, we are in your presence to hold the marriage unión of your children, Richard and Sherlyn, imploring your richest blessings upon their lives, and begging you to be present in this hystorical ceremony. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
3. You can all be seated, Richard and Sherlyn also
In 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 it says: “Love is patient and kind. Love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on things to be done its own way. It is not irritable, nor keeps a register for offenses received. It does not rejoice at injustice, but rejoices when the truth triumphs. Love never gives up, never loses faith, always hopes all things, and remains firm in all circumstances.
Richard, Sherlyn, friends and relatives: Love is the most powerful force in the Universe… love covers a multitude of sins, love is stronger tan hatred, than death and than envy. When one really loves, as the two of you love, nothing can destroy it.
Richard and Sherlyn: May the flame of this love that you feel never go out; may the love that you have nurtured until today, never die, don’t allow anything nor anyone to separate you, make God the center of your marriage.
In marriage you will face many difficult challenges, but yoiu will also have lots of joy and satisfaction. Marriage is like a garden filled with many flowers, that is why, you must care for it and water it, so that it doesn’t wither and die.
Never neglect each other, neither due to work, nor children, nor anything of this world, that in the list of your priorities, God be first, and the two of you second, and in so doing, you shall always remain together.
Friends and family: Today we are celebrating the triumph of the love of Richard and Sherlyn.
5- Richard and Sherlyn please stand up looking at me.
Do both of you, in the presence of God and of these witnesses, wish to make your vows of the marriage covenant, trusting only in the Grace of God to be able to comply with the firm and serious demands of this commitment?
6- They say:
Yes, we wish to
7- Now you can hold hands, looking at each other.
Marriage vows
Richard, Do you wish to take Sherlyn as your legitimate wife, to live with her according to the ordinance of holy marriage? Do you promise: That you will love her, care for her, take care of her, confort her, honor her in times of illness and of health, and, renouncing to all other women, you will keep yourself for her only until death do you part?
10- Él dice: Yes, I promise it.
Sherlyn: Do you wish to take Richard as your legitimate husband, to live with him according to the ordinance of holy marriage? Do you promise: That you will love him, care for him, take care of him, confort him, honor him in times of illness and of health, and, renouncing to all other men, you will keep yourself for him only until death do you part?
11- Ella dice: Yes, I promise it.
12- Richard repeats after me. (Remember to pause at commas)
I, Richard, take you Sherlyn, to be my lawful wife, so that the two of us may be one, from this day forward, for better or for worse, in riches or in poverty, in prosperity or adversity, to take care of you, and love you, until death do us part.
13- Sherlyn repeats after me. (Remember to pause at commas)
I, Sherlyn, take you Richard, to be my lawful husband, so that the two of us may be one, from this day forward, for better or for worse, in riches or in poverty, in prosperity or adversity, to take care of you, and love you, until death do us part.
14- Exchange of rings.
The pastor asks:
What do you give yourselves as pledge of these vows?
15- Response of Richard and Sherlyn:
Some rings and some gifts.
16- Delivery of the rings to the pastor.
The wedding ring is a symbol of God's eternal love,, that has no beginning and no end, so be your love, may it have no end.
17- Prayer: For the rings.
Lord bless these rings, which will be a constant reminder in their hands, of the covenant they made with each other, and that they made with you today. In the name of Jesus, amen.
The pastor gives Sherlyn’s ring to Richard.
18- And now Richard, repeat with me: Sherlyn; I put this ring on you, as a symbol and pledge of my love, and marital fidelity, with this ring I marry you, in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
The pastor gives Richard’s ring to Sherlyn.
19- Sherlyn, repeat with me: Richard, I put this ring on you, as a symbol and pledge of my love, and marital fidelity, with this ring I marry you, in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Sand ceremony
Richard and Sherlyn want to finish sealing their marriage pact with this symbolism. In ancient times, this symbolism was used to seal a pact, and once the sand was mixed, it was impossible to undo the commitment.So be the marriage pact that Richard and Sherlyn make on this day.
Now, looking at the pastor.
20- Words of the pastor for the new spouses
You two have fought hard to be here today, I am a witness to that, I am very proud of you, for everything you have achieved, thanks to God.
So don’t let anything or anyone separate you
I advise you to always be faithful to the vows you have just made…With this marriage, you will embark on a life with greater responsibilities, but you will only find true happiness, if you fulfill the pact you have just made. 21-Richard! Protect this beautiful woman that God has given you, and who now submits to your care, strive to live consecrated to God, in such a way, that none of your actions or words fill your face with bitterness, nor your eyes with tears. 22-Sherlyn! Make an effort to respect him, and preserve his heart, with the virtues, and the grace, with which you conquered him. And to both of you I say: Do not allow the tender tones of affection to ever be gone, or your eyes to lose the brightness with which they shine today, but rather, always try to cultivate this love that you feel, and above all things, living consecrated to God, that He May occupy the throne of your new home.
23- Signing of the marriage license: The pastor signs the license
With the authority vested in me as a minister of the church of Christ, I now declare that Richard and Sherlyn are husband and wife, according to the ordinances of God, and the laws of the state of Texas, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen 24- Pastoral Prayer. I ask God to bless you, and to always keep you. May God make his face to shine upon you. May God always look upon you with pleasure. Give you children, and give you wisdom to raise them. May God give you peace, favor, and strength, to have a marriage consecrated to Him. ¡¡¡In the name of Jesús!!! Amen.
25- Now! What God has joined together, let no man separate.
Richard! You can kiss your wife!
26- Relatives and friends, it is a great honor for me to introduce you, for the first time:
To the marriage of Richard and Sherlyn Vega.
Let’s give them a big round of applause!
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