Sermon Tone Analysis
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TEXT: Psalm 100:1-5 | Turn Your Attention
ME - I love this time of the year
This last week we were blessed to spend time around family and friends.
We played games, laughed, and ate a lot of food!
Now Christmas is coming!
Christmas music
Excitement everywhere
Then we turn the corner into a new year
There is so much happening!
And in the midst of everything that is going on and all the glitter and lights captivating our attention, it can be easy to forget about God.
To minimize His magnitude in our lives.
You will no doubt here it said in these coming weeks, “Jesus is the reason for the season.”
And while that is certainly true, don’t forget Jesus is the reason for life all the time!
It is no wonder that the number of people who take their own life, sky rockets during the holidays.
Because we have made life all about the “things and plans” and we’ve removed the only reason for life at all: God!
So as we launch into this final month of the year, I hope you enjoy the eggnog… I hope you spend time looking at lights… I hope you cut down a tree, give away presents, and maybe collect a few for yourself…
But before any of that, I want us to turn our attention to the real meaning of this season and every season of the year.
For a few moments this morning, let’s bring our hearts together and turn them to the Lord.
And there are few passages that better help with doing that, than Psalm 100
EXPLANATION: This Psalm comes with a title to begin it, “A Psalm of praise,” and that is an adequate description.
In 5 small verses all attention is directed toward God!
16 times God is referenced.
V.1-2, 4 give our response to what we know about Him, while v.3,5 give insight into why we should respond that way.
Before we look at our response, let’s give Him first priority and just take a look for a moment at Who He is!
In the first phrase of this verse we are reminded in the Hebrew that Jehovah is Elohim.
The Lord He is God!
And to further drive home this truth, the Psalmist goes to the very first attribute of God we find in the Scriptures.
With only the spoken word of God, after he created the earth and all that is contained in it, God spoke the word and man was formed.
And then God breathed into mans nostrils and made him a living soul.
ILLUSTRATION: My kids love to play with play dough.
They make all kinds of things with their creative minds.
If they really got intricate and formed a person, we would all be stunned.
But no matter how much creativity they could have, they could never make it alive.
Only God can do that!
EXPLANATION: Creator God is the only One Who gives life!
What better way to start at drawing attention to the power and glory of God than to begin with what only He can do… Give life as Creator!
ILLUSTRATION: I have had a little time with sheep.
Working on a sheep lamp showed just how dumb and frustrating they are.
They were constantly going where they weren’t supposed to.
They were always getting into trouble.
They would stand right in front of the tractor and nearly get run over until they were bumped by the hay bail.
Taking care of sheep was a frustrating job.
EXPLANATION: Can you imagine being God and dealing with us as His sheep.
Constantly doing what we aren’t supposed to.
Finding ourselves in trouble and then begging for His help.
Being totally ignorant to the dangers that could destroy our life so many times.
And still, He remains our loving Shepherd.
It could be today that you aren’t one of His sheep.
ILLUSTRATION: I remember a time I was working at the sheep ranch and a sheep had gotten caught in the fence.
It fought and fought against me trying to get it untangled.
It tried to pull its way out of the noose it had created and just kept making it tighter and tighter.
APPLICATION: Maybe you are here today and He isn’t your Shepherd.
You are trying to escape your sin your own way and the noose is just getting tighter.
The only way to escape is to trust in the Shepherd.
You can trust in Him today and make Him the Shepherd of your life!
EXPLANATION: He truly is a faithful Shepherd to His sheep.
You can almost hear the Psalmist sigh in totally fulfillment as he writes those words, “the Lord is good.”
When life is going well… the Lord is good.
When life is falling apart… the Lord is good.
When all the family is getting along… the Lord is good.
When the family can’t stand each other… the Lord is good.
When there is money in the bank for gifts… the Lord is good.
When you don’t know how to just pay the bills… the Lord is good.
In every situation, every circumstance, The Lord is Good!
And then he continues the thought… “And his mercy is everlasting.”
We have spoken often of the reality that I need the mercy of God every day and all the time
Because I do deserve judgment and pain… but God is merciful.
In Psalm 136, 26 time, the Psalmist reminds that “His mercy endureth forever.”
No matter who you are or what you’ve done, God’s mercy is more than enough.
We often sing that song and it’s one of my favorites, “My sins they are many, His mercy is more!”
God is searching for opportunities to give mercy because that is Who He is!
He is faithful!
And because God is faithful, His Truth endures to every generation.
The Hebrew word for “truth” in v.5, is the word “emunat”
It is found 48 times in the Bible and 36 of those times it is translated into our English language as “faithful, faithfulness, or faithfully”
Emunat = Faithful / Faithfulness / Faithfully
We know according to the Scriptures that the Truth of God’s Word will never fail.
But that isn’t what is being portrayed in this verse.
No, the Psalmist is saying that the Lord Himself is Faithful… and because that is Who He is, He will never fail!
That’s why you can do like we said last week, Proverbs 3:5-6
Because He isn’t just defined as faithful… it is literally Who He is!
He is Faithful!
We are just scratching the surface about Who God is.
We could, and maybe should just spend the whole service pointing to the One Who is the Author and Finisher of our Faith.
But I don’t want us to miss the response we should have to Who He is.
As we turn our full attention to Him it should provoke a natural reaction
This should be a natural response, not to what God does… but to Who He is.
He is Creator, He is Shepherd, He is Faithful… and the very reality of Who He is should bring us to audibly respond!
Make a joyful noise - It literally means to shout!
It’s something that they would do as a battle cry!
ILLUSTRATION: Yesterday I watched Michigan play Ohio State in football, and I saw a few times, when someone got a tackle or someone made a good play, they would stand up afterward and celebrate.
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