Hanging of The Greens Christmas Service
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Introduction: Thank you children and everyone. I want to take a few minutes and look at the Christmas story. We are going to be looking at accounts from both the book of Matthew and Luke. I want us to take this time today and not just read the Christmas story. There are probably very few of us here today that are not a little bit familiar with the Christmas story. But I want us to take moment and see why the elements of the Christmas story that we are so familiar with are such a big deal.
Matthew 1:18-25, 25
Matthew 1:18-25, 25
Exposition: The first thing we need to understand from this text is that Jesus is the Eternal Son of God. We read in verse 18, “Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.
Exposition: So there is no doubt that Jesus was born of a virgin. This is important because of who Jesus is. Jesus is the Son of God that has always existed. We believe in a triune God. He is one God that exists in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is really hard to wrap our heads around. The best way I can think to describe it is a triangle. A triangle has three points. Why, because that is just what a triangle is. How, because that is just how a triangle exists. Which point on the triangle is the triangle, they all are. A single triangle always and forever has three points. God, always and forever is one God who exists in three persons. This isn’t a perfect illustration, but you get it. The Son has always existed, but was born by means of the Holy Spirit. He humbled himself and came and lived on this fallen broken planet. We read in John 1 verses 1-2 that In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.” Then in verse 14 we read, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father full of grace and truth.” These verses explain it so well. God left his rightful place in the glory of heaven to come and be among the brokeness in this world. If Jesus were not born of a virgin, then he would not be the Son of God who became man. We must believe in the virgin birth if we are to believe that Jesus is the Son of God. And if God is capable of creating this world, he is capable of that as well.
Exposition: But Jesus didn’t just come to live. He also came to die. In order for God to be just there had to be punishment for Sin. The only way Jesus could save us is ,first by dying. Which he did. Jesus died on a cross though he was without sin so he could take on the punishment we deserved. But he rose again. It is through his resurrection that Jesus would save his people from their sins.
Transition: But who exactly counts as Jesus’ people? To have this question answered, we must look at Luke 2: 1-11.
Jesus is the eternal Son of God (Verses 18-20)
Jesus was born of a virgin and it was necessary for Him to have been.
The Son of God has always existed.
Explain Trinity
He left the glory of heaven to come to earth
John 1:1-3, 14.
Jesus came for our sins
The gospel (Verse 21)
Rescue (Verse 23)
God himself came to earth and died on a cross
Luke 2:1-11
Luke 2:1-11
Jesus’ humble birth (Verses 1-7)
Placed him in a feeding trough
The angels
The first people to hear of the promised King was smelly shepherds.
They heard of the birth of the good shepherd who would die for his sheep.
Jesus came for all people and He is Christ the Lord
He is the one God promised in the very beginning that would come and defeat sin and death. This victory is available for all who believe.
Exposition: Chapter 2 of Luke’s gospel starts out with telling us about Mary and Joseph traveling from Nazereth to Bethelem to register in a census. This was a 90 mile trip that would have taken probably about three days and with Mary being at this point in her pregnancy, countless bathroom breaks. While there, Mary goes into labor and the Son of God was f born in the midst of animals and laid in a feeding trough. What an example of how the Son of God humbled Himself by coming to earth. But we are looking at who was Jesus’ people? Who is Jesus’ people? The first people to hear of Jesus’ birth were not the religious or political leaders. It was the shepherds sleeping in the field with the sheep. The angels tells the shepherds, “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Explanation: The news the angels gave to the shepherds was good news for all people because Jesus came for all people. The Son of God left heaven and died before on the cross before rising again so that all who believe can have their sins forgiven and the hope of eternal life. Church, we celebrate Christmas because it was hope coming into the world. Without the birth of Jesus, there is not death and there is no resurrection. Without that there is no forgiveness of sins meaning there is no eternal life with Christ Jesus. But Christ has come. And it doesn’t matter your background, it doesn’t matter your past actions, or anything else that you may fear holds you back the birth of Jesus being good news for you. Christ was born and died for you. If you have never placed your hope in him, don’t let today pass. Allow this Christmas story to become good news for you.