Holy Family
Homilies for Feast Days • Sermon • Submitted
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Si 3: 2-6, 12-14 Co 3: 12-17 Mt 2: 13-15, 19-23
I Close your eyes...
A. Imagine
1) being completely alone
-Look all around. -What does it look like?
-...feel like?
B. Now imagine...
-this morning... afternoon...
-tomorrow... and the next day...
-and next week... year...
-after year, after year...
C. How does it feel?
-be honest, try the feeling.
II Relationship -- we are made to be in relationship.A. God is relationship, Trinity.
B. We were made in God's image and likeness.C. We are in relationship with each other.
III Family.
A. Basic source of relationship.
-our first experience of life, love, cooperation and competition. B. Holy Family -earthly model of our heavenly model.
IV Scriptures show:
A. Colossians:
-general advice to all Christians: mercy, kindness, humility, patience, etc.
-tolerance, forgiveness; love ruling over all.
-( ) family advice: specific applications of the above.
B. God's approval (blessing) of every form of respect for parents:
-it will not be forgotten
-it will serve as a sin offering
-it will strike deep roots and be a lasting source of strength.
V Conclusions
-Work at your family relationships.
-Choose: love, forgiveness, reconciliation.
-Pray for your family.
-^to the Holy Trinity.
-Realize: that Church is God's Family.
-... we have family everywhere, even if far from our birth family.
-even if alone, we are still related, and in relationship.
-Give thanks to the Father of mercies; the Son, our savior; the Holy Spirit, soul of the Trinity and bond of our unity.