THEY Are Not Always Right

Sermon Tone Analysis
John Is Born
John Is Born
The Arch angel Gabriel 9 months ago came to Zechariah in the temple
you will have a son
you will name him John
Names are given by the Father as showing sovereignty over his children
God named this boy showing sovereignty
God has a special purpose for this child
Zechariah had a problem believing the angel
thus lost his speaking and hearing for the last 9 months V 62
Zechariah was taken to the woodshed
He had a physical ailment/ disease/ abnormality
God needed Zechariah to trust Him even more
so for 9 months he was in a trial by God
Every body knew that Zechariah was now a handicap
V 57 the time is fulfilled
Little John is born
Mary has been with Elizabeth up until now V 56
We are going to look at they this morning
look at traditions
look at the majority rule
and the Truth
Read 57-66
V 58 the friends and neighbors are they
they rejoiced with Elizabeth at the birth
God has shown mercy toward Elizabeth
now they have comeback
V 59 to the circumcision and naming
they wanted to nae him Zechariah
according to tradition
to continue on the fathers name
some other name for the first born was unheard of at that time
so they said in the stead of the mute father said his name is Zechariah Jr
But Elizabeth V 60
They rebutted V 61
You are speaking foolish
your age and having a baby what were you thinking
and now your thinking is wrong
Elizabeth was under peer pressure
against tradition, her family and neighbors
THEY are now going to the Father
the man, the one who will set her straight
V 62
Zechariah has a choice here
do I show sovereignty or allow God to be sovereign
it all comes down to the name
V 63 If he chose JR. he would be handicapped for the rest of his life
but when he wrote his name is John
he was saying this baby belongs to the one who named him
They were wrong, God trumps tradition
society says this is what should happen
Elizabeth says no it is not God’s way
we are going to obey God
we are going to put our trust in the almighty
Lets look at another They this morning
The individuals who refer themselves as They
“They” an individual who does not consider themselves as a male or female
Gender neutral
someone who is biologically one gender but identifies as another, or feels they are another
I am not an expert on this subject. but this is what I have come up within my limited amount of research
These feeling sometimes start as a very young child
these feelings are known as wrong but there they are
and a internal struggle starts and no mater how far you go down the road to changing yourself it never satisfies
the peace that you are looking for is always illusive
thoughts and attempts of suicide
Life altering chemicals are prescribed
the body is surgically mutilated to try to achieve what you feel should happen
Society tells you you are doing the right thing
they applaud and cheer you on
but you know deep inside it’s not working
The Cosmic Deception
The Cosmic Deception
The gender fight comes from satan, demonic
Jesus answering a question about divorce said
And some Pharisees came to Jesus, testing Him and saying, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason at all?” And He answered and said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE, and said, ‘FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH’? “So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.”
God’s sovereignty has made 2 genders
and these 2 genders will get married
and have a family
the family structure of man and woman is designed by God
Satan on the other hand Hates God
and because people are made in the image of God Hates them also
Satan is the father of lies
Satan can and will manipulate the mind with lies
can and will manipulate your feelings
Satan wants to destroy humanity
And if he can make you feel/ think you are something other than who you are , then he can manipulate you
turn to Romans 1 18-32 People are born knowing there is a God
but that is suppressed.
and begin to live the lie
The Creator God
The Creator God
God is the creator, architect, knower of how it best works
The Ford motor company makes the Mustang
with every car comes a owners manual
tells of how to do maintenance for the best performance, and longevity
God the Creator of the universe
the creator of Man and woman
has given us the owners manual of life
And The Holy Scriptures tell us how to act
how to think about ourselves
be acknowledging of how you are wonderfully made
and realizing the power of the enemy
Bow To God’s Sovereignty
Bow To God’s Sovereignty
Luke 1 V 62-63
His name is John
when he gave the name that God gave him
His deformity was taken away
V 64
and the whole town marveled
V 65-66 the whole town wondered at what God was going to do with this baby
If “they” the friends and family would have changed the mind of Elizabeth and Zechariah I wonder what would have happened
His voice? another ailment?
They The gender
are trying to go outside of God’s boundaries
and there is no peace
there is always the hope of achieving peace with the next step
sometimes your thoughts you think are demonic and you are right
you know what you are doing is wrong.
because God gave you a conscience
and there is only one way for inner peace
there is only one way of escape
that is to put your trust in Jesus
Jesus died to take away your sin
Jesus died to be your substitute
Jesus was raised from the dead in order for you to be saved
Jesus is the only power over satan
Jesus defeated satan on the cross
Jesus is the truth, satan is the father of lies