Covenant of Salt
Sermon Tone Analysis
Abijah is now king but is still fighting the battles that his father left behind
Covenant of Salt not Leaven
Leviticus 2:11-13 Salt and Leaven
Leaven infects everything that it touches
Leaveneth the whole lump (Galatians 5:8-9)
Salt purifies, preserves, gives taste and help
Anything with leaven is rejected
All that has salt is accepted and useful
Israel has been defiled and now has come against the true Israel.
How do we know which is the leaven and which is the salt?
King Abijah teaches us
True Israel has the True King (1-8)
True Israel has the True King (1-8)
God gave Israel into the care of David and his descendants
God’s plan is for David and his sons to rule and reign over true Israel (5)
A covenant of salt
preserved and protected
Jeroboam is just a servant (6)
He had victory over the young inexperienced king Rehoboam
But he will not have victory over God even with all the idols of the land
Jeroboam rejected the throne and has gathered unto himself vain idolators (8)
He has rejected God and turned to the same idols that God cast out of Israel in Joshua’s day
He is trusting in his strength of double the army forgetting that God is the one who gives victory and defeat
True Israel has the True Priesthood (9-12)
True Israel has the True Priesthood (9-12)
God gave Israel into the care of Aaron and his descendants
Sons of Aaron are the preservers of Israel (Numbers 18:1-6, 19)
Judah has stayed true in their worship to God and his way of service
They have continued morning and evening in their sacrifices to God (11)
They sound the trumpet for their captains help
Jeroboam rejected the Levites and has gathered unto himself strange priests
Anyone who brings money can become a priest
They cast out all the true priests that led the people in the word of God
True Israel has the True God (13-22)
True Israel has the True God (13-22)
God gave Israel into the care of himself and his promises forever
They cried out to the Lord for help in battle (14)
God delivered them into their hands (16)
They relied upon God and he caused them to prevail (18)
Jeroboam rejected the Lord and has trusted rather in his own armies
Jeroboam was defeated and never had strength in battle again (20)
God finally brought him to death because of his pride and rejection
This question of true Israel, the true people of God continued to Jesus’ day
Jesus and the leaven of Israel
Matthew 16:6,12 Beware the leaven, doctrine of the pharisees
John 8:31-58 Sons of Abraham?
Christ is our high priest who preserves us and saves us
Jeremiah 33:21-22 God will multiply his servants