Mighty God

God with us  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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What does it mean that Jesus is a Mighty God? In this message, we learn that and how that applies to our lives today.

December 4th, 2022
Series: God with us!
Sermon Title: Mighty God
Topic: Christmas series
Preachers: Adam – Grace Keith Ebenezer
Key Passages: Isaiah 9: 2-7, Isaiah 11:2, 1 Corinthians 10:13
Sermon Blurb: What does it mean that Jesus is a Mighty God? In this message, we learn that and how that applies to our lives today.
Family Moment
Let’s start with a question today…..
What is Christmas all about?
We all know the Christmas Song, Deck the Halls…and that famous line….
tis the season to be ___________?
Now, I want you to think about it this way……
If you were writing that line based on how you operate and get EXCITED about during Christmas what would that blank have in it????
How would you fill in the line
tis the season to be ____________?
Would you as jolly?
Are you excited about the season of being with family?
Is yours a tis the season to be off work for a few days?
Tis the season to eat delicious food?
Tis the season to give or GET a gift?
Tis the season to catch up on sleep?
Tis the season to be open presents?
Tis the season to drink egg-nog….fa lalalalallalala
Or if you are like me…
Tis the season to eat way too many Christmas wreaths made out of cornflakes, marshmallows, and red hots!!!! (Change to yours)
Or in reality, is this season about Jesus for you and your family……
Unfortunately, the Christmas season often becomes something it was never intended to be.
In fact, an even more honest way of filling in that line may be tis the season to be…
Stressed out.
Broke as a joke.
Annoyed by family.
Inconvenienced by traveling.
Hectic and frantic in shopping.
Tired of cooking.
In his book, The Purpose of Christmas, Pastor Rick Warren writes about the time he asked random Christmas Shoppers this question,
“What are you celebrating this Christmas?”
Here is what he was told:
"I'm celebrating that I made it through another year.”
"I'm celebrating being home with my family.”
"I got a Christmas bonus.”
"My son is home from the military.”
"The candidate I voted for got elected.”
"I'm celebrating that I've finished all my shopping.”
"I'm not celebrating anything. I'm just trying to survive."
The vast majority of answers he received had little to do with the real purpose of Christmas.
And if we look at it all this from a Biblical perspective….
The 1st Christmas had absolutely nothing to do with much of what we tend to celebrate today.
Sadly, we’ve commercialized Christmas into something it isn’t.
And this is obvious in the world but also in the Church itself.
I can almost guarantee that every single one of us will spend far more time this month:
Shopping for gifts than sharing the good news of Jesus’ birth.
I would be willing to be we will spend more time digesting Christmas goodies than digesting the Word of God.
I bet we will spend more time getting our homes ready for visitors vs getting our hearts ready for Jesus.
We will spend more time gift wrapping, well I won’t because my daughter Addie does all that for me!
But we will probably spend more time wrapping gifts that figuring out how we wrap up and present the gospel to people we know need that.
Since we are mostly Dutch we will spend more time hunting down those sweet deals rather than praying.
And this isn’t my way of beating you up or making you feel bad…
But it is the reality of where the vast majority of Christians are at when it comes to Christmas celebrations.
So, when we approach the Christmas story as is seen in the Bible…
We need to force ourselves to pause for a moment.
To silence all the noise around us.
To make sure we embrace the true meaning of this season.
That’s why I’m glad you’re here.
I’m glad you have made being at Church a priority during this busy season.
Before we jump into things deeper let me remind of something we said last week….
How we approach all holidays at Family Church because I know we have a lot of newer people here.
We are a FAMILY-focused church.
That means we actively try to NOT compete with family-related holidays but instead all you to have margin during busy family times of the year.
That means whenever a major holiday, like Christmas this year, lands on a Sunday….we do NOT have services.
I know that might sound crazy to some of you.
But the reality is we do not want to add more complications to a time in your life that is already to busy.
So, we choose to give margin back to you.
That being said I know there are some of you who REALLY want service on Christmas day or Christmas eve.
So, if you are newer let me elaborate.
Our Christmas service is always the week BEFORE Christmas.
So that means on Thursday, December 15, and Sunday, December 18th at all services we will have a traditional Christmas service
We will sing Christmas Carols!
We will share the Christmas story!
We will end with candle lighting!
We will give everyone a great present!
And I promise you will all love it!
And I am REALLY excited about what we are putting together to serve all of you on Christmas Sunday since we will NOT be open that Sunday.
We are putting together a service you will all be able to access anytime around Christmas when your family is together…..
And it will be awesome!!!
What we are going to do it.
We are going to have each pastor share what Christmas looks like from a different perspective.
I will talk about from a father’s perspective, like Jacob what Christmas morning is about.
Pastor Steve will look at Christmas morning from a teenager’s perspective like Mary since she was a teenager.
Pastor John will look at it from a Grandparents perspective and talk about Zachariah and Anna.
Bob will look at it from the shepherds and the mission they were given.
Matt will look at it from the wise men who came to worship.
Erik will look at the JOY it brought children like John who lept in his mother’s womb.
And Pastor Keith will look at it from the perspective of the unexpected world.
We will have a great Christmas Carol set for you to sing as well.
And our hope Is that you will all lead your family in a worship service at home…..
We’re in a series called God is With Us.
This is a 4-part sermon series based on an OT prophecy found in Isaiah.
Isaiah was a spokesperson on behalf of God during a time when God’s people were fully acceptant and even engaged in the patterns of the world’s culture of their time.
The vast majority of God’s People at this point in time in REAL human history had given themselves to the world.
In many ways, this is what we’re seeing in the Christian Church of America today…
Our nation today, like Israel during Isaiah’s time, has become far too tolerant, and acceptant, of things that just aren’t godly.
And this is what we are looking at this passage.
We need to know that when we willingly refuse God’s standards and embrace the patterns of the world, that we forfeit God’s fullness in our lives.
The people Isaiah’s speaking to… had knowledge of god’s standards for living but refused to actually live it out.
They preferred the pleasures of the world’s system over the privileges of God’s setup.
But the beautiful thing about the history of God’s people is that no matter how much they entrenched themselves into the world, there was always a remnant of people who kept a heartfelt submission and following of God.
Through the hi’s and lows,
God’s plan and message never ceased!
Because God’s people, even if it was only one person, continued on.
And I believe there is a great remnant of people here today that are still fully and faithfully following Jesus!!!!
In this passage Isaiah is warning the entire nation of God, but they aren’t responding.
They are too far given to their fleshly cravings and sinfulness.
Yet God still declares to them that he is sending a Savior!
Last week we learned that this coming savior or Messiah….
This Christmas King….
That he will establish an everlasting Kingdom and that there would be specific characteristics of his rule.
We talked about one aspect last week….
That Jesus would be a Wonderful Counselor.
And we wrapped up that message by asking everyone to write down at least 1 area where we are asking for God’s wonderful Counsel in our lives.
And I am SO excited to hear how God shows up in those areas for you all!
If you brought your Bible, we’re going to look at Isaiah 9 together.
Today, we are going to look at a second defining quality of Jesus’ rule.
Today we are going to identify what it means to have a Mighty God ruling His Kingdom.
Isaiah 9: 2-7 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. 3 You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as warriors rejoice when dividing the plunder.
4 For as in the day of Midian’s defeat, you have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor. 5 Every warrior’s boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood will be destined for burning, will be fuel for the fire.
6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 7 Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.
Let’s stop reading there….
When we think of something being mighty, we think of strong, powerful, capable, and dominant people.
And each of these synonyms are accurate in defining Jesus, our Mighty King.
BUT we need to note that there’s more to Jesus than just His capability.
There’s more to His might and strength.
Write this down:
Jesus has both the ability and authority to rule.
Jesus possesses the strength, skills, resources, and He also has the authority to lead this Kingdom.
See when we talk about being mighty from a Hebrew perspective, it means having or showing great power in authority or military leadership.
In other words, this King is also a Warrior!!!
He is battle-ready
A Conqueror
A Champion
Against Whom there is NO RIVAL
And remember this…. Isaiah wrote this about who Jesus would be over 700 years before He was born!!!!
This Messiah, who came over 2000 years ago.
This Messiah, who completely fulfilled every single prophecy concerning Him.
This Messiah, who conquered death, hell, and the grave.
This Messiah, who provided us the way to eternal life and a victorious life on earth.
This Messiah, is a MIGHTY GOD who is our Leader in EVERY one of life’s battles!!!!
Not only that, but this Mighty Messiah… He offers to send him Spirit to live inside us!!!!
He is Emmanuel.
He made His dwelling among us and now lives with us.
Jesus is not some impersonal God…
Jesus is a personal God.
Or think about it this way…..write this down:
Jesus is not just a Mighty God but He is my Mighty God!!
In fact, Isaiah will continue prophesying about this Messiah and in chapter Isaiah 11:2 he declares
Isaiah 11:2 The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him— the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord
This Messiah, this King, is absolutely a Mighty God.
Fully capable of leading His followers!!!
Are you following this capable leader?
Is Jesus Your Mighty God?
Again, it's one thing to believe He is a Mighty God, but quite another to invite Him to be your Mighty God!!!!
If Jesus is your God……
Think about it this way…..
This Christmas, what do you need from your Mighty God?
Maybe today you need your mighty God to:
Help you fighting an addiction.
God wants you to overcome your addiction.
Ask Jesus to place the right people around you.
Ask Jesus to give you awareness and wisdom to avoid certain places or people that drag you back in.
Maybe today you need your mighty God to:
Help you face the financial hardship you have.
God wants to bless you.
You might not believe that, but he does!!!!
Ask Jesus to give you the strength and mindset to work hard and get out of the financial mess you are in!
Ask Jesus to open the right door and close the wrong ones.
Maybe today you need your mighty God to:
Help you with doubts.
God is not afraid of you asking hard questions.
God is not made if you have honest doubts about things.
Ask Jesus to show you things from His perspective.
Ask Jesus to give you a desire to study His Word and learn.
Maybe today you need your mighty God to:
Help you not worry all the time.
God wants to give peace
Ask Jesus for assurance that He loves you so.
Ask Jesus to guide you instead of your fears guiding you.
Jesus overcame all this world could throw at him!
And if you ask him he will help you overcome anything the world throws at you!
That alone is an amazing gift Jesus offers you today.
Write that down….
Jesus overcame everything this world could throw at him! Jesus will help me overcome anything the world throws at me!
I don’t know what you’re in need of today…but we have a Mighty God Who is capable to lead us through anything.
Let’s bring this closer to home today.
There is a line in your notes today that is left blank on purpose.
It says this,
This Christmas, I need the Mighty God to ___________.
Where do you need an all-powerful,
Leader to help you in your life?
Where do you need a Mighty God to show up?
Now before you fill that in, let me set it up…
I want to give you today’s Life Application a little differently…I need to set this one up……
Let me show you something from
1 Corinthians 10, it says this….
1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
Now, what most people think this means is, “God won’t give me more than I can handle.”
I hate to burst your bubble here…
But that isn’t what it means.
Paul is NOT saying that God will block hardships or circumstances that are beyond your ability to handle or cope with…
That’s just not good theology…
It fails to take in the entire council of Scripture…
It attempts to create a sound-good theology but not a solid one.
Hear me in this....God will absolutely allow you and I to go through more than we CAN handle…
He will……
Why you might ask?????
Because….write this down…..
God will never put us through more than He can handle!
Jesus….God….can handle anything!
And when we go through things we CANNOT handle we learn that Jesus is a Mighty God Who we need!
When we look to Jesus.
When we rely on Jesus.
When we invite Jesus to be our Mighty God.
Then we can endure anything!
We can not just endure!!!
We can THRIVE no matter what the world throws at us!!!!
The reality is….
God uses our impossible circumstances to reveal His infinite capability.
God leads us to places we can’t handle apart from Him so we will fully rely on His ability and activity.
The reality is that, according to Jesus Himself in John 15, we can do NOTHING apart from Him.
And according to Paul, we can do ALL THINGS through Jesus!
Here is our final point…..
Write this down:
We can do nothing when apart from Jesus; but we can do all things when attached to Him.
Our entire lives on earth we are constantly in this balance, this tension, of I can’t do it but I can do it!
I can’t do it on my own!!!
BUT I can do it with Jesus!
So, This Christmas, where will you invite Jesus to be Your Mighty God?
Apart from Him we really can’t do anything.
But when we are attached to Him….
When you belong to Him….
Nothing is impossible
Life Application: Our Mighty God can help us through anything. This Christmas season try to rely on him more than yourself.
Let’s Pray…..
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