11/27/22 Family Devotional
Richard Foster writes, “In contemporary society our Adversary majors in three things: noise, hurry, and crowds” (Celebration, 15). So then, we should pay close attention to verse 2, as David talks about being quiet and calm before the Lord.
We should have a simple, dependent, confident trust in the Father, in whose presence we find all we need. So let us learn to be still before him (Ps 46:10).
One of the reasons we experience contentment through silence before God is because, like a child, we experience the love of the Father. As believers, we don’t have to run around competing with others and promoting ourselves. We have already been accepted through Jesus Christ. The Father loves us with an everlasting love. So let’s stop and be quiet and receive his love in the quiet places.
whereas the psalm emphasizes the word ‘weaned’, thereby drawing an analogy between the child which no longer frets for what it used to find indispensable, and the soul which has learnt a comparable lesson.