The Universal Call and Command
Acts 1:1-14
The Book of Acts records the obedient works of the Apostles. Jesus commanded them to preach the Gospel to every nation, tribe, and tongue, “baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit….” To Peter was given the keys of the Kingdom. He would be the instrument through which God would send His Holy Spirit to all the nations; first to the Jews, then to the people of Samaria, and ultimately to the gentiles.
In Acts chapters 8-10, Luke, a disciple of Paul, relates the experiences of six men. Three of them were wealthy, powerful, educated, and lost. The other three men were called by God to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through the lives of these men we are made to understand both the universal scope of God’s plan for redeeming humankind and the eternal command of God for Christians to proclaim the Word!
I. Three Men Lost
A. A religious Nubian – Acts 8:26-27; 38-39
1. Wealthy, powerful, and lost
2. Returning to North Africa without having found that for which he was searching – the Holy Spirit at work!
B. A Pharisee – Acts 9:1
1. Wealthy, self righteous, intelligent, and lost
2. Traveling to Damascus with a warrant to arrest Christians
3. Constantly under conviction since Stephen’s death
C. A religious Gentile – Acts 10:1-2
1. Wealthy, powerful, and lost
2. Holding a rank equivalent to that of Lt. Colonel, commanding a battalion
3. Earnestly seeking the will of God
II. Three Gospel Preachers
A. Philip, a Grecian Apostle and evangelist
1. Recently come from a successful evangelistic crusade in Samaria
2. Led by the Spirit into the Gaza desert
3. He explains Isaiah 53 and baptizes the Nubian
B. Annanias, a layman living in Damascus
1. Commanded by Christ to approach Saul of Tarsus (risking his life)
2. Leads Saul to Christ and baptizes him
C. Peter, the chief Apostle
1. Shown a vision of unclean things
2. Sent by the Spirit to the house of Cornelius
3. Baptizes Cornelius and his entire household
III. The Universal Need Of Mankind – Salvation!
A. Sons of Ham, Shem, and Japheth – representing every race
B. God is no respecter of persons
IV. The Universal Command For Christians – Go!
A. To leave places of comfort and ease (Philip)
B. Called to risk all for Christ (Annanias)
C. Overcoming prejudice and false ideology (Peter)
The Book of Acts is most often referred to as the Acts of the Apostles. A better title might be, The Acts of the Holy Spirit! At the time of Luke’s death, there were 28 chapters recording the early works of the Church. The book is not complete in the sense that the entire story has been told. It is continued in the Lamb’s Book of Life. In that book are written the names of everyone that have received Jesus as their Savior. What will be written about this day? This week? Will it be written that the people of God accepted His call and command? Will we continue the work in this generation and in this place? Hebrews 12 indicates that all the faithful are running the race. Will we do our part?