We are falliable

Galatians   •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Good morning, everyone,
The Apostle Paul is a religious teacher who shows concern for his people of Galatia. The love that he felt is just like a father who has the love for his children. The writer show concern because the people of Galatia are having struggles with worshipping false gods, worshipping laws and everything else but the Heavenly Father that created the Heavens and the Earth. I have made the comment that I think that the Apostle Paul would be a flaming red head with no proof, but this also means his love and passion for His creator and his flock are off the charts. This morning we will be diving deep into the passage with the understanding of the situation.
Galatians 4:8–9 ESV
Formerly, when you did not know God, you were enslaved to those that by nature are not gods. But now that you have come to know God, or to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world, whose slaves you want to be once more?
When the people of Galatia did not have a relationship with their creator the worship everything except the god of all things. They were enslaved and chained to worshipping pieces of wood and stone. In our time we worship our jobs, favorite shows, music, favorite holiday, food, and even certain nonprofit organization. Anything that is taking us to take our focus off our relationship with our Creator and Sustainer of the earth.
The real question is that after knowing God why the people of Galatia are going back to worshipping the pieces of wood and stone. How can they go back to the simple things that are created by God instead of worshipping the Heavenly Father that created the wood and stone. However, before we are too hard on the people of Galatia, we must ask ourselves the same questions. If we have the completed word of God and a relationship with our Abba why do we worship our careers, families and even our favorite boxed donuts instead of the supreme being that created everything out of nothing.
Society looks at things at a way of the short-term enjoyment but instead we have a Heavenly Father that has given us eternal life and that far outweighs the promotion at work, the sugar rush from those donuts and even the excitement of our Favorite Television show. Would you rather have the gift of something you can buy in the short term or partying in Heaven with Jesus for eternity. Able to ask our father the questions we all have wanted to know. Pastor Rich as a growing list of things he wants to ask God when he gets to Heaven. However, I am sure that everyone has one and the longer we have a relationship with our Abba and study, learn and meditate on his word the list will continue to grow longer than a CVS receipt.
Galatians 4:10 ESV
But now that you have come to know God, or to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world, whose slaves you want to be once more? You observe days, months, seasons, and years!
The Apostle Paul starts asking a question of the people of Galatia how come now that they. Know of their Heavenly Father how can they turn back to the weak, worthless pieces of wood, stone, glass, and things that God has created instead of the one and only True God. The statement weak, worthless elementary principles of the world whose slaves you want to be once more jumps right off the page because how many times do we think that treating God like a drive through of just seeing him once or twice a month, year or during the Christmas season.
“You observe days and months and seasons and years!” The Christians of Galatia and Us are not required to follow the laws of the Old Testament. When we try and follow the 613-mosaic covenant laws we are trying to give up the gospel that was given to us and think that we can earn it instead of justification. Christians in Galatia and in 2022 must understand that legalistism will not save them and only the blood of Jesus on a cross as a gift from our Father will save us. There is nothing that any of us can do to earn our Salvation and following certain laws will not make this happen.
Colossians 2:16–17 ESV
Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or about a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.
The Apostle Paul had the same situation happening with the people of Colossae. The Author was using the same information from many distinct aspects to show us that we are to worship the God that created the Galaxies, stars, and the ocean instead of a piece of wood that provides some warmth when some oxygen and energy is added to the equation. Some Scholars Believe that the mentioning of Days points to the sabbath day and the importance of the week but there is no tangible evidence that I see to show this unless we start using our own principles into what God is trying to convey as the Apostle Paul writes. However, I want to strongly state that this does not mean that we do not follow the Ten Commandments or what God continues to reemphasize. One example is why did God rest on the Seventh Day. HE is God he does not need rest; he could have done everything in just a snap of a nano second.
However, we as humans need to rest. WE need to sleep, eat, drink water, and socialize. Our society is horrible at listening to these things. We pump ourselves with caffeine so we can work ourselves to the bone, seven days a week, 19 hours a day until we either fall asleep standing up or we end up sick as a dog. What I am trying to convey is that not all laws are bad but when we start to think that we gain our salvation from the laws instead of a gift of mercy and grace from our Heavenly Father then we have crossed the line.
Galatians 4:11–12 ESV
I am afraid I may have labored over you in vain.
Brothers, I entreat you, become as I am, for I also have become as you are. You did me no wrong.
The Apostle Paul is showing his frustrations because he thinks that he has wasted his time. he is stating something that all Pastors and people in ministry have thought and continue to struggle with. He is stating this because he has worked so hard in teaching them the Gospel, helping them with their emergencies, middle of the night messages.
When I was studying this, I thought of the frustrating and agony I see from small time church pastors all over the fellowship who struggle with looking at the numbers and trying to be the mega church style instead of the church that ministers and takes care of their people.
The type of church that still believes in Hospital calls, middle of the night checks, worrying about the person and honestly the individualized touch. Yes, this is exhausting but imagine how Jesus felt on the cross when he was in agnonying pain or the fracture of the Relationship with the Father. The things we do for our flock and others are not in vain, but this does not mean that we will not have and show our Frustration.
However, the reason for his frustration is because he was engulfed and dived deep in the culture. He was in the trenches deep in Galatia instead of writing from far away but is right there. He lived like a Gentile even though he was a person that grew up as. Jew. he lived like a gentile so that he could live, learn, and reach them. He was deep under cover in a sense so that he could reach them, understand them, and teach them about the Gospel. 1 Cor. 9:19-22
1 Corinthians 9:19–22 ESV
For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them. To the Jews I became as a Jew, to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law. To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (not being outside the law of God but under the law of Christ) that I might win those outside the law. To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that I might save some.
The Apostle Paul was reaching those where they were. He was out in the trenches and anywhere he could to reach those. in the 21st Century He would be going to the jail on MLK, doing hospital calls at gulf coast, helping the local food bank, reaching out to the homeless. These are things that we should do because we care for those that God cares about. We are not special just because we are saved and should not separate ourselves from the world. We need to be out in those trenches reach people. Listening to their stories, serving food to them on the holidays and doing what we can to help them. We as a church international help those that are thousands of miles away but forget those that are hurting down the street.
Galatians 4:13–15 ESV
You know it was because of a bodily ailment that I preached the gospel to you at first, and though my condition was a trial to you, you did not scorn or despise me, but received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus. What then has become of your blessedness? For I testify to you that, if possible, you would have gouged out your eyes and given them to me.
The Apostle Paul mentioned a physical ailment which has been mentioned before in the Apostle Paul Letters to churches. The illness we do not know exactly what it is, but many scholars believe that it was Malaria which could explain why the cooler weather and elevation in Galatia help the Apostle Paul. Additionally, some Scholars think it was a condition of the eye. The point is that we do not know the exact illness and it does not matter because it shows that whatever condition it was there was some challenges. He thought that they were going to hate him, discriminate him but instead treated him as a messenger of God. A teacher of the word and gave him mercy and grace enough to take one of their own eyes and give it to him.
We do not know if gouging the eye is literally or figurative but, in any way, this is extreme and would show the dedication that the people of Galatia had for their Teacher and Mentor.
No human is perfect even Apostles, pastors, parents or even our Children. We are all fallible and deserve death. The congregation of Galatia still loved their teacher enough to give their own eye. One of the misconceptions is that if you are Apostle or messenger of God than you will not have any health issues or problems. Things will be perfect because you are doing the work of God. Reality check everyone has issues and Teachers of Scripture are no different. They might have eye problems like the Apostle Paul suggested illness, high blood pressure, severe asthma, or other issues.
These illnesses are sometimes used to hinder or stop the work of the teacher but can be used to spread the Gospel by giving experiences and understanding of those that are dealing with the same issues.
Galatians 4:16–18 (ESV)
Galatians 4:16–18 ESV
Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth? They make much of you, but for no good purpose. They want to shut you out, that you may make much of them. It is always good to be made much of for a good purpose, and not only when I am present with you,
The environment of that time was very confusing because the people of Galatia were the Apostle Paul students but then were shutting him out and not wanting to have reproof and correction of their misdeeds or actions. What happens when you tell someone that they are doing something that is wrong? They usually either accept it and ask for help or they become very hostile towards you. The early church was no different in how this happens just like it has happened in churches all over this country and the world. People do not like to be told that what they are doing is wrong or that they need a course correction. Churches in the 21st century are afraid to provide this correction because they will lose the person or the body in the seat. Would you rather lose the body in the seat or lose the soul to hell? Of course, I know that this is very extreme but in our local church history we have seen this repeatedly.
The Judaizers had convinced the believers of Galatia that the Apostle Paul was not a legitimate Apostle because of his physical ailments and the course at which he became an Apostle. Of course, I know we covered this little bit in the previous verse, but the enemy was doing anything they could to discredit and take away what the Messenger of God was going to say and twist it so that people would not listen.
The Apostle Paul was encouraging the church of Galatia to have the same encouragement and strength for the Gospel when he was teaching them. From the context of this verse, it appears that the Apostle Paul ailment was taking a beating on him, and he was writing some of the letter far away to give his body some time to recover.
The Judaizers were shutting out the early Christians so that they would stop following the gospel and go back to being a follower of the ceremonial laws. The majority of this was all about power and control that the local religious leaders could have on people because they had turned something that was meant to show the people that there was nothing they could do to earn their own salvation and turned it into a giant book of rules that no matter what you were going to fail and then be punished.
Imagine every time your child misbehaved you gave them a swat. Instead of understanding why they misbehaved and the context you went straight to the belt. Yes, I am aware that this happened, but we must understand was the child having challenging time trying to convey what they were wanting to tell us, were they scared, anxious or were they just being a brat. I am not saying that kids do not need correction and reproof but we have to also understand what is happening and just like the Judaizers they took something that was meant to show them that they and ourselves are messed up, fallible and down outright sinful into a list of million ways to wash your hands, walk around town and which ways to prepare your turkey sandwich.
Galatians 4:19–20 ESV
my little children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you! I wish I could be present with you now and change my tone, for I am perplexed about you.
The Apostle Paul is changing his tone from a father who is providing advice to a mother that is having childbirth pains because he is in pain for the number of issues that are happening. John Macarthur stated this during his sermon on the topic and fits exactly because we all remember the scene of childbirth and the amount of extreme strength that we have seen our wives, daughters and yourselves gave when you were going through this process. There is a chemical process that blocks out the pain and the challenges of the whole ordeal in the mother so that they do not remember all the bad but remember the good. Holding that baby girl or little baby boy. The believers in Galatia were baby believers and were growing in their faith but were facing challenges because of the Judaizers that were trying to cause issues in the training and reproof of the early church there.
The Apostle Paul ends by stating in his letter stating that he wishes that he were with them and that he could change his tone because he is confused about them. I want to think that the Apostle Paul wanted to give them all a bear hug and show their love to them because he was worried about them, frustrated and concerned over their Spiritual education and their trials.
so how can we turn something that was written thousands of years ago into something that we can apply into our daily life?
1.We have only one True God
There is only one God that created everything out of nothing. We lived in a society where instead of worshipping wood, glass, and stone!! We worship our cars, technology, and our careers. These things do not save us and will not save us!!!!
How can we as Christians be saved but then decided to treat our Heavenly Father like he is a punch card instead of a Father that loved us enough to send his son to die on the cross. We do not do anything to earn our salvation and if we did then we would lose it constantly. We earn our salvation not by works but showing our faith that has been given to us. Without the faith and salvation that has been given to us then we have better luck talking to the table and seeing if I can get it to move?
The Apostle Paul asks the people of Galatia how they can once become followers and then go back to the false Gods and things that were the product of the Father instead of the one and only true father? How can we today say we love God, worship him on Sunday but then cut someone off on colonial on Sunday morning after church? We cannot live in both worlds. Either we follow God or the sin of the world? The people of Galatia were trying to go back and forth because the Judaizers were trying to discredit the Apostle Paul.
2. Ministry is Hard
Ministering to people is not easy. It does not matter if you are a Pastor or their wife, paid or not paid, missionary or anything else. We all are in ministry because we have been called to spread the Gospel. The job is hard because we all have been let down by those we have reach out to, we have had people that we have poured our heart and soul into to then hurt us in many ways.
The Apostle Paul shows his frustration in verse 11 this morning to the people of Galatia. This is critical in us to understand that those around us and ourselves will have frustrations, we will feel like what we have done is completely pointless and this is what the enemy wants us to think. If we think that everything, we do is like trying to wash your car in a rainstorm then we will not try. We will just give up and let the enemy win. There is a saying in ministry circles that says Ministry would be easy if it did not involve people. It is counter initiative but makes so much sense. People are messy, sticky, and just sometimes gross. Yes, I said people are gross because the emotional and spiritual toll is taxing but so worth it.
Additionally, we need to understand that your Biblical Teachers worry about you. We are kept up at night thinking about the health and wellbeing of everything. I do not say this to get sympathy but for everyone to understand that we are human and that we love you just like a mother loves their child. We cry, we lash out, we get frustrated, we get scared because we care for you. We are your Shepard, and we will do anything to help you. Our Heavenly father has us all covered in his love, and this is important to remember.
3. You are a Believer and your sick what?
There is a misconception in the world is that if you are a Believer, you will have no health issues and you will have your best day forward. Believers will get colds, cancer, allergies, and many other health conditions. The Apostle Paul speaks exactly of an ailment that was causing him great pain and the enemy was using this to try and discredit him and his teaching. There was a misception that Teachers would not have health issues because they were teaching the word of God. We will have more issues because we will be under attack by the enemy.
I made a comment early in the week to my mother-in-law that every week I must preach work just kicks me hard, fast and does not let up. She said something to the effect that is the enemy trying to keep you down. Of course, I could have asked please can we switch a week, but I felt that A. I needed to power through it and B. I was not going to let the enemy get me down. My God is Greater and Stronger.
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