Charge to the Congregation
Charge to NGBF • Sermon • Submitted
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Charge to the Congregation
Friends in Christ, there are few words that can express our excitement for this celebration of installation. This day is full of hope for the future.
You have discerned in Rev. Jason Earls the spiritual and natural gifts of God within him and his wife, Terri Earls, and have called him to serve among and with you.
In the Congregational tradition, it is the body of Christ – all of you together – that blesses this installation to ministry. Your presence here today is a vital expression of your faith.
But after this sacred celebration ends, then what? This day is not just about Rev. Jason Earls, it is about all of you and how you will partner and support him in doing God’s work.
If church and pastor are to form a partnership that is strong and enduring, you must honor each other as Christ has already honored you. You are all in this together.
Given this, I charge you as God’s gathered people at North Garland Bible Fellowship Church with these things.
First, as your years unfold, I charge you to:
Expect Change. That is because the Spirit still hovers over us, Christ still walks among us, and God still calls new followers into the Kingdom.
Expect Comfort. As your new Pastor establishes bonds of affection with you, receiving his style without comparison to what you have experienced in the past. Remember, there is comfort in being challenged.
We will follow and support as you lead us. We pray that God, our God, will be with you. Be Strong and Courageous.
We will follow and support as you lead us. We pray that God, our God, will be with you. Be Strong and Courageous.
Second, I charge you to remember that you are all called together as the body of Christ for God’s great purposes. This is a partnership of people and pastor serving the Kingdom of the almighty and merciful God.
We enter this partnership with joy and anticipation that our God will give His strength and unity as we work together for His Kingdom.
We enter this partnership with joy and anticipation that our God will give His strength and unity as we work together for His Kingdom.
Third, I charge you to encourage the ministry of Rev. Jason Earls. A pastor is more likely to hear the vocal complainers than the quiet supporters. So, Pray for him.
Contact him with notes, texts, phone calls, however – fill his life with words of encouragement.
Most of all honor him by asking for clarification, and always bring solutions along with the problems.
We rejoice that God has led us to this moment. We stand to express our gratitude to God for you, our new Pastor.
We rejoice that God has led us to this moment. We stand to express our gratitude to God for you, our new Pastor.
While you are serving us, we too shall serve you by our prayers, concern, and support.
While you are serving us, we too shall serve you by our prayers, concern, and support.
May the Lord continue to bless us and keep us.
May the Lord continue to bless us and keep us.