Seeing Through His Eyes
Through His Eyes
Matthew 9:35–10:1
I often wish others could see things through my eyes, but I don’t do too well at seeing through the eyes of others. We all need to do so. What we really need to do, however, is to see things through the eyes of Christ.
I. He Saw Needs (v. 35)
A. He saw their needs and how He could meet them;
B. We are cool toward evangelism and weak toward missions because we don’t see needs
1. We aren’t out where needs are (He was)
2. We often aren’t looking
C. We likely miss many opportunities to minister/evangelize because we are not out there looking for them---
II. He Saw Reality (v. 36)
A. He saw people for what they were—and had compassion on them
1. “Fainted”—shorn (fleeced) and left weak
2. “Scattered abroad”—thrown down---when we see the masses today that are lost and dying in their sins we to should have compassion
3. Shepherdless—without care, oversight, leadership (those that should have helped were adding to the problems) Jesus saw that the people were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Like sheep bothered by wolves, lying down and unable to help themselves, and having no shepherd to guide and protect them, the people were maligned by the religious leaders, helpless before them, and wandering about with no spiritual guidance. The religious leaders, who should have been their shepherds, were keeping the sheep from following the true Shepherd.
B. We see people for what they appear to be: satisfied, smug, successful, secure,
C. People are no different today than they were then
1. They are still characterized by the same facts
2. They are still being sold out by those who should help
III. He Saw Potential (v. 37)
A. “The harvest”—that which may be reaped, i.e., people
B. “Is plenteous” (kjv)—there is much (are many) to be harvested (this certainly doesn’t seem to be so) There is an apathy in our country today concerning the Gospel of the Lord Jesus but there are still places in our world that people are coming to Jesus by the truckloads
C. “The laborers are few”—Jesus knows the problems that plague His church
1. This expresses the limitation; the problem is lack of laborers
2. This explains the situation on the mission field and homeland as well
IV. He Saw Resources (v. 38)
A. “Pray”—don’t grow bitter, try to manipulate----I believe this is one of the problems of the church today is we have manipulated and put people in the harvest without the Lord’s hand upon it----We need spirit led spirit called workers in the kingdom. I would rather a job go undone than to put someone in a position that is not God called…………
B. “The Lord of the harvest”—He controls the harvest
C. “That He will send”
D. “Laborers”—here is part of the problem, there is some work involved
1. The quality is more important than the quantity
2. He knows who best can do the work
E. “Into HIS harvest”—it is His harvest, not ours!
V. He Saw Responsibility (10:1–5)
A. Note the process
1. He told the disciples to pray
2. He called them to Him
3. He sent them forth to do the job
B. The principle here—the laborers come from among the disciples
C. The more we walk with Him, the more likely we are to reap in the harvest
Seeing things through the eyes of Christ …
Will change our view of missions;-----no one will have to remind you of the opportunities that is before you in missions… you’ll invest as
Will change our view of evangelism;
Will change our view of Christian ministry.
[1]Wood, Charles R.: Sermon Outlines on Gospel Passages. Grand Rapids, MI : Kregel Publications, 1998, S. 25