Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Six keys for a good life
Q- What does a key do?
Q- What would you consider a good life?
Q- What do you think godly living means?
I know those are all subjective answers but I will make sense as we go through this week and at least next week if not three weeks.
I will be gone on 29th and 2nd of January on vacation.
I will be here on the 23rd, then we will resume Jan 12th.
May we remember much of the first 9 chapters of Proverbs is about wisdom.
Wisdom given from a father (Solomon) to his son.
We just finished chapter 2 where we saw:
Seek after wisdom (Pro2:1-4)
Appreciate the benefits and diligently continue to seek (Pro2:5-22)
Now as we head into chapter three is comes out in three sections, of which we will cover one day
Six keys for a good life (Pro3:1-12)
Illustrations of value of wisdom (Pro3:13-23)
Six negatives for the wise godly life (Pro3:25-35)
Put yourself in the picture, you are sitting at Solomon’s feet getting this information from him, just as he is giving it to his son.
Lean in, give ear to, and hear what he has to say, has to teach, has to impart for application.
So, let’s look together at our passage then we will get into discussing it.
Q- Anything stick out to you in this passage?
Q- What is the main point, theme of this passage?
Q- Is this just instruction, or a call for application too?
Key One - Heed
This is a key to a long and peaceful life.
Heed the guidance of parents (Pro3:1-2); this is the same thought given by Paul
Given heed to godly wisdom, godly guidance than that of the world
Diet, exercise, they are important, but not the same class, weight as godly wisdom
According to scripture this is the first commandment with a promise.
So the question is, do we, did we, are we now, after the fact, honoring our parents by giving them careful heed to their godly advise?
Q - What kind of godly advise did your parents give you, or you as parents, grandparents give to help have a long and peaceful life?
Key Two- Popularity
Key two is the key to popularity
Q - How does the world look at popularity? is it necessarily bad?
Look again at (Pro3:3-4); I am going to read from a different version now and let’s see what we pick up
Loyalty, kindness, truth, mercy are key to lasting popularity.
Truth and mercy, loyalty and kindness are more enduring, because they are more endearing.
These traits find favor in the eyes/sight of God
Even in the eyes of man
No one likes a liar
Mercy, compassion, kindness, forgiveness is admired by many.
Q- How can we develop these qualities, or understand what they qualities are so we can apply them?
Q- Are we developing the qualities of truth and mercy, compassion and kindness in our lives?
If not, are we willing to?
Key three - successful ventures
Key three is the key to successful ventures (vv.5-6)
Have the Lord “direct your paths”
In NASB and a few other versions it says “to make smooth or straight.”
All have the same meaning..
The Lord can help because of our trust in Him in life to go smoother with His blessings.
Does not mean will always be easy, or not without trials, tribulations, but because of your trust in Him with all your heart, you have confidence that He will get you through those tough seasons.
Then when it comes to acknowledge
finally when it comes to your own understand, we are not to lean on that.
Q- So, the question is, do we invite, seek the Lord in our decision making?
Q- How can we do that, or what are some ways we can do that?
Key Four: Good health
Or look at this
Don’t be arrogant, fear the Lord (remember that is the theme of Proverbs) and depart from evil.
Many of the illnesses medical authorities claim is psychosomatic.
Our immune system is weakened by anxiety, stress and over prescription of certain medications or use of them.
According to Ps32:1-4, I will read in a minute, guilt is a major cause of anxiety and can weigh heavily physically and spiritually
Now, think about this, if we truly fear the Lord then
We will depart from evil
By trusting, fearing, leaning on the lord we will will be freed, free from much anxiety, stress and many diseases.
And that will be good for our bodies.
One may say death would be good, as a Christian we should not seek it, but welcome it when it comes for we know where we will be.
Key five: Prosperity
This is the key of prosperity, not as the world knows it, but as God gives it to us.
Q- How do you think that God can give you prosperity outside of financially?
Now, back to the passage
You want prosperity than give you best to the Lord.
We know that when the Israelites did not, it was not good for them.
Today it is not a tithe, but a purposed set aside party that is cheerfully given
Q- Do we put God and His kingdom first?
Or is He after family, job, prestige or something else?
Q- So the question here is simple, do we give to the Lord the “first fruits” of our time, energy and money?
OK, onto our last one for today, next week we will look at the value.
Key six: Discipline
This is willingly accepting the divine chastening of a loving Father.
God allows even the righteous to suffer at times, you can look at Job, especially (Job1:8-22) on your own.
God may choose to compensate or return in abundance for it in this life like Job (Job42:10-13)
Whatever persecution we may face that God allows, well it is for our good (consider Rom8:28)
We should expect chastening/discipline as His children
Look at the results of the discipline
He shows care, regard for others and other things such as an animal and the land.
Q- Do we appreciate the positive role of discipline in our lives?
Q- What kind of godly discipline have you had in your life that helped shape your life today?
And that is where we are going to stop for today, next week we will look at Pro3:13-24.
So, if you want to read over it a few times, it will just help you to be well versed and prepared to discuss it.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9