1 Corinthians 9 - 2 Corinthians 13
Study through the Word as we read through the Word in one year.
First Corinthians is all about living like followers of Christ. A couple of years after Paul established a group of believers in Corinth, he received word that they were losing their way. In 1 Corinthians, Paul gives them practical advice on how to live as Christians in the midst of a culture that pressures them to compromise.
In 1 Corinthians, Paul emphasizes how to live as a Christian community, which differs from the values of secular culture. The Corinthians had heard the story of Jesus and embraced it with enthusiasm, but over time it had been twisted. Their culture’s stories were distorting their views about following Jesus.
Paul strongly criticizes the believers’ misguided attempts to live according to Christian values, pointing them instead to life in the Spirit of God, based on the work of the Lord Jesus Christ (6:11). The Corinthians think they know what wisdom is, but their wisdom looks no different from their culture’s. They think they know what being spiritual means, but their spirituality leads them to be divisive, immoral, and selfish. By contrast, truly living in the Spirit leads to unity, to putting others first, and to living a holy life. Paul tells the believers to see themselves as a community, and as individuals, as God’s temple—as members of Christ’s body (3:16; 6:15).
Like the Corinthians, we live in a world filled with ideas and practices that are at odds with the gospel. Every day, we hear stories about what it means to be wise and spiritual based on our secular culture, and these often cause us to misunderstand our place in the world or distort the gospel for our own purposes (compare chs. 8; 10). Paul challenges our desires to be sophisticated and powerful and shows them to be empty counterfeits. We are challenged to walk away from immorality and live as God’s people, empowered by the Holy Spirit (chs. 5; 12–14). We are to embrace the power of the resurrection and work for the Lord (1:2, 9; 7:17; 15).