"Displaying Our Faith"

Our Living Hope  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  39:09
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George Whitefield conducted outdoor evangelistic campaigns in the 1700's throughout New England, a period of revival called the "Great Awakening." Though thousands responded to his preaching, when asked how many were converted after one of his sermons he replied, "We'll know in five years."
The point Whitefield was making was that five years should reveal which decisions were superficial and which were genuine, lasting commitments to Christ.
As Christians, as followers of Christ, our faith should be on display each and every day… in every area of our lives.
Galatians 5:2525 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
Colossians 1:1010 that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;
As we continue our series in 1 Peter, we need to be reminded of the volatile environment in which the believers existed. Severe persecution had forced many of them from their homes in and around Jerusalem… Which resulted in them being scattered throughout various regions beyond Israel.
They held on to their faith, but they faced many new and difficult obstacles. They were forced to adapt to a new culture and co-exist with those foreign to the faith. Peter sought to equip them to be effective in living out what they said they believed, in their new place of residence.
The first word of our passage today is “Finally”… Which is interesting, because we are only a little more than half way through this letter… That just means that while he had begun to wrap up his thoughts, he still had much to share… Kind of like when a preacher says “in closing”… and then proceeds to give you 3 bonus points for your Sunday morning outline...
This transition reveals that he will share a common theme throughout the remainder of this letter. His focus from this point forward will be Christian conduct in the midst of a world that doesn’t embrace the faith.
While our current circumstances, in regards to our location and time, are vastly different from those who Peter originally wrote this letter to..., the principles he shared are timeless for us as believers.
The life expected of believers within the early church continues to be expected of the modern church today. We need to apply and model the same characteristics within our culture. I want to examine the characteristics Peter described as we consider the challenge of: Displaying our Faith…
Read 1 Peter 3:8-12
Characteristics of Faith…
Peter revealed several characteristics that must be displayed openly if the believer was to be an effective witness for Christ.
The first characteristic of faith that we should be displaying is…

1. Our Unity

Finally, all of you be of one mind...
There were already enough distractions brought about through the struggles of daily living without the church creating more among themselves. Peter knew the church desperately needed unity in order to survive and portray an effective witness. They had to be all of one mind in every facet of life – in doctrine, deed, and desire.
I realize that we are not all going to agree on everything all of the time… Peter knew this as well… He is not saying that we are required to agree on everything. He is calling for unity, not uniformity. The only way for us to achieve "like-mindedness" is for us to all have the same focus... and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Local congregations and smaller sub-groups within the church can overcome many obstacles, but unity is essential in every situation. The church can survive any difficulty she faces when the body is united in doctrine and purpose, but she will face great difficulty apart from unity. We could never expect others to desire to be part of this local fellowship if we lacked unity.
Peter list several different ways that we are to display our Unity…

1.1 Having Compassion and Love for Others

Peter says…, “having compassion for one another; love as brothers,
Displaying Unity means we will have compassion within the body of Christ. This speaks of “sympathy,... to feel with others,… or sharing in their difficulties.”
The believers needed to share in the struggles of others, bearing one another’s burdens. When one rejoiced, they all needed to rejoice. When one wept, they needed to weep with them. When there was a need, they must be willing to share the need, no matter how great or small.
“Love as brethren.” - should go without saying, and yet Peter sensed the need to remind them of the need to display love for one another as well. They were to love one another with a brotherly love. This was not just superficial or in word only, but a genuine love for those within the body of Christ.
These characteristics are foundational to the Christian faith. They set us apart from the other religions and philosophies of the world. If we are united in purpose, having compassion for others, love will be a natural by-product.
There is a great need for love to be shown within the church today. I have no doubt we all love each other, but sometimes we fail to show or express our love.
We are also to...

1.2 Be Kindhearted and Humble

I used the word Kindhearted… you can also use the word tenderhearted or pitiful.
This goes hand in hand with compassion. While they are similar, they reveal separate actions. It means “to be sensitive and affectionate toward the needs of others; to be moved with tender feelings over the pain and sufferings of others.
Being Kind or Tenderhearted does not mean that you encourage or condone sin…, but you are sensitive to the needs of others, sensing their great need and you may feel compelled to act on their behalf.
We also need to be humble or courteous towards others. This means to offer oneself as lowly and submissive; not to be highminded, proud, haughty, arrogant, or assertive.
Peter knew arrogance and pride were detrimental to the health of the church and her witness before the world. Humility was essential if they were to prosper among a world that closely watched their every move.
What a great reminder for us today… It is easy for us to develop an attitude of self-righteous arrogance. When in reality… we are all nothing more than sinners saved by grace... We too have received far more than we could ever deserve.
Had Christ not shown compassion and grace to us, we would still be lost in our sin, destined for Hell. The church does not exist to serve those who make it up, ensuring our needs are met; we exist to honor the Lord, serving Him with Kind hearts, in humility and grace!
The Second Characteristic that we should be displaying is...

2. Our Mercy

1 Peter 3:99 not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing.
Nowhere in the bible are we authorized to only treat people well who are being nice to us! Peter says that we are not justified in repaying evil with evil.
We display our mercy…

2.1 By Our Restraint

The first part of v.9 says… “not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling,
I like the way the NASB words this verse… “not returning evil for evil or insult for insult,
Many within the early church suffered greatly because of their faith. It would have been tempting to lash out and treat others the same way they had been treated. The believer was held to a higher standard and expected to respond in grace, even when mistreated. They were to offer blessing, even to those who had wronged them. Peter knew such restraint would bear an effective witness for the Gospel.
This is one of the most difficult aspects of Christian conduct, even for mature believers. Our flesh wants to lash out and respond in a manner that would not be honoring to Christ.
We must resist the urge to repay evil with other acts of unkindness… Just like we try to teach our kids… you cannot repay sin with sin… We must always act in grace, even when we feel it is undeserved.
Why??? Because that is exactly what Christ did and we are to be more like Him everyday… He endured much on our behalf as He faced the agonies of the cross… We are expected to show the same grace and possess restraint.
We display mercy, not only by restraining from insulting those who are insulting us, but also…

2.2 By Offering Blessings

1 Peter 3:99 not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing.
Peter uses the word "Blessing". In the Greek this word is - ulogeō(U-log-a-o)... which is where we get our word "eulogy". It means to speak well of... or to praise.
Generally when someone passes away, there is someone or several people, at the funeral, who will deliver a eulogy. This an opportunity to stand and point out the good things about the deceased.
When someone harms us, cusses us out, or persecutes us, our response should be to Serve them, Pray for them, be kind to them and forgive them. The fact that we do not take vengeance on those who abuse us, is what separates us from the world.
We have a great example of the proper response to those who would hurt us in the Old Testament story of Joseph. After being mistreated by his brothers, Joseph received great blessings from God.
He had the power and authority to take vengeance on them. But he did not. Instead he forgave them and when they thought they would face his wrath he said to them “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good” (Gen. 50:20)… We are not told that this will be easy...but it is the right thing to do!...
Can you imagine how hard this was for the people who made up the churches of Asia Minor. They were facing great persecution and suffering, and now Peter says....BE NICE TO YOUR ENEMIES!!! Just admit it... we don't want to hear this any more than they did! We live in a culture that's motto is "don't get mad, get even!!! But the Lord says "Vengeance is mine, I will repay!!"
C. S. Lewis said - “To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.
God showed us mercy, He did not give us what we truly deserve... We are to display that same mercy in our lives… We are called to a higher standard. We must display a form of conduct that is different from the world… Remember, this world is not our home… we are now citizens of a heavenly country and are expected to represent our King.
The final Characteristic that we should be displaying is…

3. Our Integrity

Look at vv. 10-12… Here Peter quotes from Psalm 34. These verses describe a life of honesty and integrity.
1 Peter 3:10-1210 For “He who would love life And see good days, Let him refrain his tongue from evil, And his lips from speaking deceit.
11 Let him turn away from evil and do good; Let him seek peace and pursue it.
12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, And His ears are open to their prayers; But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.””
I see three areas that Peter mentions in which our integrity should be displayed…

3.1 With Our Words

10 For “He who would love life And see good days, Let him refrain his tongue from evil, And his lips from speaking deceit.
Like James, Peter knew the tongue was the most unruly member of the body. I would encourage you to read James Chapter 3 on a regular basis, as a reminder of how strong our tongues really are.
A harsh or hurtful word could cause irreparable damage to one’s testimony and relationship with others. Many of the problems of life are caused by the wrong words, spoken in the wrong spirit.
If we are going to display our faith in Christ, in a way that is honorable… then it is imperative that we guard our tongues and refrain from inappropriate speech… I would encourage you memorize…
Psalm 141:3 NKJV
3 Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips.
This is a verse and prayer that a lot of people should probably quote multiple times a day… especially before making any comments on social media…
This struggle continues and it will remain as long as people inhabit the earth in its current state. We can do more damage with one word spoken in anger than we could repair in a lifetime.
We often speak before we think. Our words reveal what is within our hearts. This is why it is so important to walk closely with the Lord, filling our hearts and minds with His grace.
When we are able to show integrity with our words, Peter says that we will “love life And see good days… ” A bad tongue makes life miserable for everyone—both the speaker and the listener. Speech that honors God will definitely make for some much more pleasant days and conversations.
Next, we display our Integrity…

3.2 With Our Witness

The first part of v. 11 says “Let him turn away from evil and do good...
The King James version says “Let him eschew evil, and do good;… ” and I believe that word “Eschew” is the correct translation.
Warren Wiersbe says this “The Old English word eschew means more than just “avoid.” It means “to avoid something because you despise and loathe it.” It is not enough for us to avoid sin because sin is wrong; we ought to shun it because we hate it.”
We as believers are expected to avoid or turn away from and shun evil, always seeking to do good. Peter knew this would present an undeniable witness for the Lord among the world… In a world that promoted and encouraged sin and wickedness, those who turned away from such activity would be recognized for their commitment to Christ.
We must continually be aware of the witness we present before others. Our actions not only affect our reputation, they also reflect upon the Lord and His church. As we live upright before men, we bear witness to the change Christ has made in our lives and our commitment to serve Him.
This is how I was living before Christ, this is when I turned my life over to Christ… and this is how I am living now… There should be a difference…
Lastly this morning… we display our integrity…

3.3 With Our Walk

This goes along with our witness… The last part of v. 11 says “Let him seek peace and pursue it
The believer’s life is to be lived in light of the holiness of Christ. We are expected to seek peace with those around us, continually pursuing peace, even with those who mistreat us or have no desire for peace.
When we are committed to pleasing the Lord and bearing witness of His grace, we will have much less desire to confront others out of anger and less of a desire to engage in sin.
Peter says that we are to “seek peace and pursue it”… some versions may use the word “ensue”…
This means to continue or maintain. It is not enough to practice the truths found in these verses only on Sundays… only on Holidays… only when you are around certain people… This needs to be our lifestyle… everyday!
Unity, Mercy and Integrity should should constantly be on display everyday of our lives. These are not actions that should only take place inside the place of worship. These are actions that should be seen everywhere we go and in all that we do… This will not always be easy, but if we are to portray an effective witness, we must seek peace and pursue it.
The Lord gives a promise to those who live this way in verse 12
1 Peter 3:1212 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, And His ears are open to their prayers; But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.””
1) His eyes will be upon us.
2) He will hear our prayers.
3) His face will be against those who do evil.
As I studied this passage I saw room for improvement in my life. I want to live a life that conveys the love and grace of our Lord, and yet I realize I fail many times. Such living requires walking closely with the Lord.
Questions for all of us to consider
Does your life reveal the saving grace of our Living Hope, Jesus Christ?
Are you willing to put your faith on display for others to see?
If you were the only Gospel witness this world had, would it be enough to win them to Christ?
The biggest question would be…
do you have faith in Christ to display??
Have you repented of your sin and recieved Christ as your Lord and Savior?…
If not, then I encourage you to follow the Spirit’s leading and do that today…
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