Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Names mean something to us.
Alyvia (found it in a baby name book) Marie Jane (both grandma’s)
Bennson (baby name book) Hugh
Amyah (picked by Amy and spelled for her) Renea (Amy)
Names meant even more in the Old Testament.
They would name their children by how they felt, something that was happening, or the way the children acted.
The Child that was born is a Mighty Warrior.
Once again we need to understand the meaning is lost through the english translation.
This phrase is translated from El Gibbor.
Gibbor = carries the meaning and idea of a mighty warrior, a champion, a war hero.
Goliath is called a champion of the Philistines = he is their gibbor.
The Child that was born is a Mighty Warrior.
David’s men were fierce and known for their battle field heroics.
The child that was born was gibbor - mighty warrior, champion.
But not ANY mighty warrior or champion.
Not simply gibbor.
El - meaning God.
El Shaddai - all sufficient one
El Elyon - the Lord Most High
El Gibbor - God the the champion and mighty warrior.
We tend to romanticize the birth of Christ.
Silent night - holy night.
Oh little town of Bethlehem how still we see thee lie
We see Mary and Joseph huddled around the baby while He quietly sleeps.
We tend to think of Jesus as soft.
We don’t understand the difference between soft and meek.
Voddie Baucham says it this way:
We think of Jesus as the one who showed up on the right side of the Bible to apologize for the God of the left side of the Bible.
Jesus is the God of the left side of the Bible.
He is the Mighty Warrior of the Old Testament destroying those who stood against Israel.
We forget that this baby came as a mighty warrior.
This was a carefully planned invasion.
At the exact right time, God sent His champion to fight!
Think about this...
This did not stop at conception.
This did not stop because he was a baby in a manger.
He was not week because He was a baby.
Luke 1 - John the Baptist leaped in his mothers womb at the sound of Mary’s voice.
Jesus - knitting His cousin John the Baptist together in Elizabeth’s womb while knitting himself together in Mary’s womb, who he knit together in her mother’s womb.
2. The mighty warrior is an incredible Rescuer from evil.
Darkness is a metaphor for evil.
Paul tells us what life in darkness looks like.
2. The mighty warrior is an incredible Rescuer from evil.
Separated from Christ.
Having no part in Him.
Alienated from the commonwealth of Isreal
Commonwealth - a citizenship, a nation
No homeland
Alienated implies we once were.
Until Adam sinned.
Strangers to THE promise
Not a part of the Abrahamic covenant.
No promise from God to keep us save or to make us useful.
Not gaining any blessing from a good and promising God.
No hope
No divine promise
No hope beyond this life
Without God
Atheists (Greek “atheos”)
In the world.
In this world that is Satan’s domain.
His kingdom.
I can’t image a more desperate situation.
2. The mighty warrior is an incredible Rescuer from evil.
The Father qualifies us.
Once unqualified we no longer have to be alienated, without a homeland, and with no hope - NOW AN INHERITANCE!
Because something happened to cause sin debt to be satisfied.
It was something God did.
He authorized a rescue mission!
He delivered us from the domain of darkness.
Delivered = rescued.
From the domain or kingdom of darkness.
A realm dominated by sin and death.
A kingdom that provides no hope.
We were once held under the authority and power of Satan.
Satan is dangerous.
Satan is powerful.
But Jesus it THE Mighty Warrior.
Jesus is THE champion.
He redeemed us and forcefully removed us.
He paid our ransom.
He rescued then transferred us into HIS Kingdom.
2. The mighty warrior is an incredible Rescuer from evil.
3. We are rescued because of the self-sacrifice of the Mighty Warrior.
A Son is given.
This is the language of a father sending his son to war.
Brought near by the blood of Christ.
He was already in exsistance as the incomprehensible strategist and mighty warrior.
He emptied Himself
He became a slave
He was completely submissive to the Father’s will.
Jesus did not stay silent during His trial or stay on the cross because He was soft.
Rather, it was because He was a mighty warrior sent by His Father to accomplish a specific mission.
Jesus would was to be called the mighty warrior because He was the mighty warrior.
Yet, He willingly submitted to the Fathers plan.
He completely humbled himself.
To bring salvation to us.
So why do we find it so hard to humble ourselves and live Romans 12:1-2?
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9