Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Good morning and welcome.
I am so glad that we can be here together to worship and to celebrate the coming of our Lord in just two weeks.
Isn’t that crazy to think about.
We will be celebrating Christmas in just two weeks.
It comes quickly doesn’t it.
Well time seems to move faster for us as adults at least.
I can remember as a kid thinking that time would never move forward.
Kids and patience
Does anyone know any kids that are actually patient?
I don’t know about you but they are a rare breed.
Most kids aren’t every satisfied if their parents tell them to be patient.
They don’t want to wait they want it now.
Think about it.
Riding in the Car....Are we there yet?
Waiting to go somewhere special…Is it time to go yet?
Waiting for Christmas…they sneakily search the house for Christmas presents.
For my kids one of the challenges is spending their money.
Now my kids are good about spending their money on things they want and being patient to get what they want.
However, at Christmas time it gets hard.
We have encouraged them for the last several years to wait till after Christmas to buy anything because they don’t know what they will or won’t get.
That doesn’t always end well.
Isaac last year when we were in Pittsburgh visiting my mom saw something at the mall that he wanted.
I tried to tell him to wait.
I tried to convince him he should wait for Christmas but he wasn’t willing to listen.
He was set on buying this item.
The problem i was facing is that I already had it at home.
I was stuck in the position of trying to convince him that he couldn’t spend his money.
There was no chance i was winning this battle so I had to give in.
I told him why I was asking him to be patient and had to ruin a Christmas gift.
He ended up paying me for the item and he still bought it.
He just bought it from Dad and I had to go buy another gift.
I was a little frustrated.
Sometimes, we just have to learn to wait.
That had me thinking about patience in the Bible.
Stories of Patience
If you start reading this book you will see that there are a lot of stories about patience.
Think about it.
Noah—Had to wait for the flood and than had to wait for the flood to stop
Moses—Had to wait for the Pharoah to free the people and than he had to put up with the Israelites for 40 years in the wilderness
Job—Do we even want to talk about the patience he had in suffering.
He is the Gold standard.
Early Church—Waiting for the Return of Jesus
The early church and the apostles thought it was happening soon.
Yet, 2000 years later we are sitting and we are still waiting.
Wondering when is he coming back.
We have to now practice patience.
Yet, we shouldn’t be surprised by this because we are called to it.
Let us turn together to James chapter 5.
We will be reading versus 7-11 this morning.
One of the things that you will find out about me as we continue to worship together is I like definitions.
I am a firm believer that for us to understand something properly we need to examine the words closely.
That includes at times looking at definitions.
Patience—The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.
One of the aspects of Patience that was so striking is the connection to the negative.
While patience is viewed as a positive attribute it is connected to enduring the negative.
Maybe that’s why we can see it as a strong Characteristic of God.
Characteristic of God
Have you ever thought about that before.
God is Patient.
He is waiting and tolerating the mess that is his creation.
He is putting up with us and not getting angry.
It really changes the way you think about what it means that God is patient.
I couldn’t think of a better example of this than one of the Parables of Jesus.
Matthew 18 Jesus as usual is answering questions and Peter asks an interesting question.
He asks Jesus how many ties he is to forgive.
Many of us know the answer...
Not seven times but 77 times.
Do you think you could keep track of forgiving someone 77 times?
Got to be honest I would probably forget after a couple times and loose track.
However, Jesus follows up this answer with an interesting Parable that shows the patience of God.
He took pity on him and canceled the debt.
That is the God we serve.
He has patience for his creation and doesn’t want to bring ruin on us.
He provides us with opportunity that we don’t deserve to make things right.
This sets it up for us to see that we are...
Characteristic of Humanity
We are called to be patient.
This isn’t only true of the passage in James remember.
We find it elsewhere in scripture.
In fact it is used in the description of the most excellent way.
The best way that we can live.
The way that God treats us.
In love.
Paul writes to us about love and shares this.
This is what the Master showed his servant in that parable that we read.
Yet, Is that how the servant lived?
Let’s look at the end of the story.
The truth is that we have been shown patience and there are times we fall horribly short of what we are called to.
The cost of not living a life that is filled with patience is costly.
We can not be so foolish to think that we can live that way and expect the same level of patience from God.
We are warned this by James as well when he says...
The Judge is standing at the door and we can not be so foolish to think that we won’t face judgment if we act like this unmerciful servant.
We instead are to live a life where we don’t grumble against one another.
Don’t Grumble
This was an interesting passage of scripture to study.
This idea of grumbling or complaining.
Did you know that Jesus complained.
Now wait a minute that can’t be right.
Jesus wouldn’t ever complain about anything.
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