Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
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Are there any announcements?
Next Week December 18 is Communion and Potluck, so please bring your favorite dish.
This is a time of food, fun, and fellowship.
So join us!!!
Revelation Bible Study Meet’s a Patti’s House at 6:30pm Thursday December 15.
Good morning and welcome to FCC, where we worship God in Spirit and in truth one verse at a time, one book at a time.
At FCC we believe in order for a disciple of Jesus Christ to be whole, they must sit under the Whole Counsel of God and besides, Jesus himself said, “Sanctify them by your truth, Your Word is truth.”
We have come as far as Matthew 6:11, so let us open our Bibles.
However, we will start at verse 9.
Read Matthew 6:9-15
Lord Heavenly Father, we hallow your name this morning, in Bible study, in music , and now Lord with your Holy Word.
We have failed this past week ,many times, and have fallen short and now we come before you asking that you would forgive us corporately.
Among us Father there are many struggles.
Some here today struggle desperately with the Christmas season, some financially, others relationally, and some of us have loved ones Lord that are seriously ill.
There are many heart issues in this sanctuary that only you know and we your people ask for healing, for hope, and freedom for us and for all.
Please fill our hearts to overflowing with the manna from heaven and make us more like Jesus today, then your did yesterday.
Remove all distractions Lord and feed your sheep.
Speak now, for your servants are listening.
In Jesus Name, We Love You! Amen!!
In looking back to our time together last week, we covered the first three petitions of the disciples prayer that are toward the Lord.
So first the Father and then us.
We are called to pray and Hallow His Holy name, which means to make Holy.
We are called to pray for His good and perfect will, which means we must surrender our wills unto him.
We are called to pray for His Kingdom to come on Earth as it is in Heaven.
“God, your Kingdom come, my kingdom go!”
Remember church, that this is written in the context of Jesus calling out the wrong way to pray and give in hypocrisy and here he is giving us a template of how to pray.
And now we come to our petitions for others and for ourselves.
So those who pray this prayer on earth are committing themselves to honor God’s name, accept his kingship, and do his will.
So we come to our text for today, but before we dive in, I wanted to share a true story:
There was some missionaries that came to a remote village in Africa to share the gospel and disciple the tribe.
The head missionary spent countless hours discipling those that were converted and one of the first things he taught them was how to pray.
They met every morning, prayed together, and then they spent time alone with the Lord.
When they spent time with the Lord, he taught them to go into there secret closet in the jungle.
So day after day, early morning they prayed, and then they prayed in their secret place to their Father who art in Heaven.
As time went by, the head of the converted tribe noticed that there was trails formed leading to the secret places that the tribe had chosen.
But as time progressed, he also noticed some paths were getting grown over because some were no longer praying.
And you know what he would say to those whose trails were grown over?
Simple, your trail is growing over!
You might think this is funny, but I must ask:
How is your trail?
Is it grown over or is there a well driven path?
Because prayer is fleeting if you do not stay focused...
In fact, show me someone who has a good prayer life and spend time in the Word and I will show you somebody who is stable in every area of life....
What is interesting in the section is the language is not singular, but rather plural.
There is an indication that although we pray for our daily bread, we should also pray for others as well.
Note: that its our daily bread not tomorrow's bread…So we should come to God daily with our needs church and the needs of those we love, serve, and even our enemies.
The Lord is teaching us here to stay in the moment, take it a day at a time church, because we are not promised tomorrow.
We are not promised tomorrow.
Living for the moment can be the most effective and quickest way of overcoming stress and anxiety.
It could change your life for the better.
If you worry a lot about what might be, or what might have been, you will miss what is happening around you.
After all, God repeatedly in his Word admonishes us to not worry.
Be anxious for nothing is a command from the Father church and this text is the remedy that will kill anxiety in our lives.
Give us - Not give me.
No singular pronouns in the Lord’s prayer church.
The adjective translated
Daily-epiousios-(ep-ee-oo'-see-os)- occurs only here in the New Testament and carries several possible meanings:
Daily-epiousios-(ep-ee-oo'-see-os)- the bread of our necessity, the bread that suffices for each day.
(1) This is bread for the day church” perhaps recalling the daily provision of manna in the wilderness (Exodus 16:15–26);
(2) “necessary,” what I need for today in order to survive, “sufficient for today”;
So yes it is to meet our physical needs and those we pray for, but I believe it covers everything that pertains to life a godliness.
Physical, spiritual, emotional, mental, financial, relational, social, the list goes on and on
However, I think it is crucial for us to understand that Jesus was speaking to a poor Jewish audience, an audience who did not know where their meal would come from.
So Jesus they Bread of Life is teaching his listeners to ask for our daily bread.
Believers must trust God for provision and not worry.
The Lord supplies our need and not our greed church!
And one last thing about God’s provision for our lives.
It is easy to forget where it all comes from, especially when things are going great!
Over and over in the Word, God exhorts us to not forget Him, Why?
Well, scripture interprets scripture look here:
When we forget God, we tend to worship other gods church.
The god of money and materialism, the god of self.
We erect idols… idols and more idols...
John Calvin said, “The Human Heart is an idol factory!”
When we forget God, self will take control and then pride goes before the fall..
Israel constantly forgot God and Israel is a picture of us...
Before we leave this text, I wanted to share an illustration of daily bread:
George Mueller knew how to ask for daily bread:
In the late 1800’s George Mueller operated an orphanage that at one time had 1,000 orphans.
One morning there was no food to eat, but he called all the children and staff together and prayed thanking God for the provision of food, even though no food was on the table.
A few moments later a baker knocked on the door.
He told Mr. Muller that God had led him to bake bread the night before and give it to the orphanage.
Before the bread was given to the children, a milkman knocked on the door.
He said that his milk truck had broken down and he wanted to give the milk to the orphanage.
George Muller gave thanks, even when it took faith to do so.
The first question I would ask, would be what debt is Matthew talking about?
Debt- opheilēma (of-i'-lay-mah)- n. — sin that has incurred debt with, or injury against, God.
A debt that is due church.
Did you know that you were bought with a price?
I hear the Savior say,
"Thy strength indeed is small,
Child of weakness, watch and pray,
Find in Me thine all in all."
Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe;
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