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Yes, no. Sometimes it's just the small things in life.

Bring that satisfaction will praise the Lord. Everyone good to be in church this morning. Good to see everybody's faces this morning and let's go ahead and just love you. And we praise you and we thank you for this time that we have again to come together and worship you. And to lift you up God, Hallelujah to come together in one Accord and one mind Halliday. We pray that you're not going to be up on the speaker God and upon the hearts to hear Lord and to receive your word in Jesus name. Amen. Praise God. So today I'm going to do and we all are probably, I'm sure well familiar with the story of Samson, Samson, and Delilah normally has the two that go together. All those Sampson had a few different Affairs, you know that. But Delilah was really the one that did him in. You know, there really was the bad side of that. You know, which she was a Philistine in the first place and really, he should have probably married a fellow. And was it, say if that had an issue with, we're going to go over a little bit about how, how, how his life was in and how that reflects in our life today and Judges, 13. And see if this is going to work, it should. And the children of Israel did Evil again in the sight of the Lord and the Lord, delivered them into the hand of the Philistines. 40 years or so. Here, we see that we're talkin about in the time of the judges that Israel, once again, which they were doing all the time that they would fall away from God. And that they would give themselves to worshipping idols and they would start taking up the, the gods that the natives of that area had. And they would start participating that, why they would do that all the time. I really don't know except for correlating it to today. You know that people do kind of the same similar things. The more, they're not close to God. They more they have a tendency to stray, you know. It's a ghost. In two other things, we we think about idols and we think about something this made like a statue or something, but many things can be Idols, you know, doesn't just have to be a statue, you can set up your work as an idol, you could set up your computer as an idol. You can set up any hobbies that you have as an idol. And I would say that these Idols would be described as things that take precedent. Over the things of God. That's what we set up as Idols in our lives. In the children of Israel did that they went against God and they start serving strange Gods once again. So when this happens in the time where is real doesn't have Kings actually elected? They have what they called judges, you know and Samson called Samson was called, and he was actually a judge of Israel. It's a guy that I could judge is God called men to deliver the children of Israel from from their adversaries. These men were judges and they were elected usually by the people. Usually, on the tribes, the 12 tribes of Israel elect a different judges. And those judges would would actually preside over many of the Affairs of Israel. But more importantly, more accurately, the judges would be put in positions of military leadership. and, Those judges were not always necessarily assigned per se. I don't want to say not by God, but not from birth.

But Samson was a little bit different. He was a man that was chosen by God from birth to be a judge of Israel. The angel of the Lord came down to his wife and told her that she would bear a child and that he was going to be a Nazarite from birth and then he would have the Nazarite vow. So he told her, don't let him drink. Any strong drink, any anything that has anything to do with the grape, you know? So they they, they judges were held to a higher standard, you know, than everybody else. They were supposed to be men of God. They were not only supposed to be military leadership that they were hired to deliver Israel from the bondage that they were in night. Israel had done things wrong with God, in their band in God, and that's why God gave them over to the Philistines in the Philistines ruled over them for 40 years.

That was Samson to deliver them specifically to deliver them from the Philistines. Harpercollins Bible dictionary says, the judge is a person who has the authority to settle disputes and to restore Justice. Judges in Israel, always ruled with authority delegated to them by God, who was the judge of all the Earth. So God was our ultimate judge and the judges were put in place by God to be really that. Not only military leadership that Deliverance, but also to be a moral and ethical Guide to the children, Israel, but we find out that that didn't always happen. You know, when it comes to mankind, unfortunately mankind gets to doing things and he forgets about God, he starts thinking that he's more than what he really is. And that ain't, you know, that things start happening. And you know what, I have a feeling and I will say that I don't think Samson was a man of big muscles and everything. We think of Santa being a strong man and he was strong in the power of God but I don't think he was a muscular, just like a big guy, you know? As we would think as a strong man, I don't think it was because when I read the Bible the Bible is always continuously telling us that God did things go so that man could not take credit, that God would receive the credit for what is going on. So I think this Samsung myself was an ordinary man, the way that they lived in the Bible times, they were probably all pretty fit anyway, or I would say because they have to do a lot of physical labor, a lot of physical things. So I think they were all probably pretty and pretty decent shape and pretty physically fit, but I don't think God used him because he was a big Burly strong guy. I think he did, he used him, but he used his power through him, you know, to show the people that in and I think that God and in, like I said, a lot of times God does things to show his power. So I don't think God would put a man, that could take credit up on himself. I think he was just an ordinary man.

We don't know that for sure, but knowing the rest of the Bible, I just have a feeling that he was an ordinary man and a Nazarite ordained of God from birth. So, like I said, the angel of the Lord Came Upon Monona which was the husband of a wife, and the wife saw the angel, the angel told him, so that she went and told her husband said, hey, the angel of the Lord came to me and she said and he prayed show yourself again so that I can see and he did again and he wasn't there. So she went and got him. Riding back in the angel of the Lord to explain to him about Samson and his name's would be Sampson. So, this man, these judges were were rulers of Israel. They wasn't rulers as. Like I said, as in like a monarchy, you know, like a king like David and Solomon, but they were different. They were really it's it's almost like we have today term limits. They were put in there for a certain. Of time to actually deliver Israel from whatever they were up against at the time so they were more so in a military position as a deliver You know, they were temporary leaders of Israel called of God to deliver the children of Israel from bondage and oppression we see in judges to 16 through 19, it says, never the last, the Lord raised up judges, which delivered them out of the hands of those that spoil them. And yet they would not hearken unto their judges but they went off a whoring after other gods. And by themselves unto them, they turned quickly out of the way. Wish their fathers walked in obeying, the Commandments, obey the Commandments of the Lord, but they did not sell. So, the typical case of Israel, then you wonder why Israel has so many problems. Because any time they lost a king or didn't have somebody specific line charge, they went away and even sometimes the people that were in charge and we're not very good examples. And when the Lord raise them up judges. Sorry. I'm sorry, I'm not used to doing this. I wasn't clicking on that and when the Lord,

we'll see if that's an if I click again.

okay, so it's not going to

Hey, Josh. Can you go back there and click on that? Cuz usually should be, I should be able to cycle through those scriptures.

So, you can see the slide that it's on now. And they just click on, I'm on verse 18. Adjust to 16 through 19. So right on the one, you're on but Verse 18, which is 2 versus after that.

You see that?

They do, but it shows the first number next to the scripture. So it's on 16 right now, to more slides, click to more slides. Yep. Right there. Okay. And when the Lord raise them up judges, then the Lord was with the judge and deliver them out of the hands of their enemies. All the days of the judge of the judge for it, repented the Lord because of their groanings, by reason of them that are pressed them and Vex them, which is kind of similar to today. You know, when people are, are needing help, they're crying to God, and God has Mercy a lot on us, and he delivers us from our oppression, but then when everything's gets to be in, just hunky-dory in perfect, we fall away from God sometimes. So verse 19 and it came to pass. Are you Josh? You going to stay with her?

Because I don't know. For some reason, I'm not able to cycle through it on this. So the next Spurs versus 19 and it came to pass when the judge was dead that they returned and corrupted themselves more than their fathers and follow the other gods to serve them and to bow down unto them, they cease nut from their own doings nor from their stubborn ways. I think we are also got a stubborn someone in our own way when it comes to certain things sometimes it's good to be stubborn. Sometimes it's not cuz sometimes stubbornness can block our reasoning abilities. It can Cloud our thinking, to where we get stuck on the fact that we're right, and you're wrong and we don't hear anything else. So in other words God had compassion on the children of Israel and sent them a deliver while he was in the womb, an angel of the Lord came to the team 2 through 5 and there was and there was a certain man of Zora of the family of the danites whose name was Manila. And his wife was Baron and baroness and the angel of the Lord appeared unto the woman instead into her behold. Now about our Baron and baroness not but thou shall conceive and bear a son. Now therefore be where I pray. The Intrigue, not wine, or strong drink and eat not any unclaimed thing. It isn't interesting. I was thinking the other day when I was reading this That a lot of times people wonder what's going on today and why we don't see God today. And I don't know the exact reason for that, except for the fact that God is dealing with people in a different way, God is dealing with man in a different way. Everything in the Old Testament, me and brother Williams talk about it, the other day, everything in the Old Testament was leading toward the birth of Christ. It was leading for it, tore a particular purpose and so things had to be a certain way. Once Christ came, what did he say on the cross? When he died, he said it is finished.

which was true as far as the battle, over death, hell in the grave and sin, God, had completed the tasks that he has set forth to accomplish and he had brought salvation to mankind so he said it is finished. So that was the purpose. No, after that was finished at it. It seems like and it feels like God is kind of left us on our own

The Bible says blessed, are they that have seen and believe? But more blessed. Are they? That have not seen and yet still believe That is so true. You know, in God is kind of left us to find and seek that salvation of our own accord and God will meet us there. And God does draw people for particular purposes, but I think in this day and time in the Bible, says an evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign.

And it says, there will be no sign given except for the coming of the son of man, meaning that there is not going to be a sign until the second coming of Christ, until he comes back and rules. And rain is, there will be no sign given the Bible tells us specifically

For Lo Thou shalt conceive and bear a son and no razor shall. Come on his head for the child, shall be a Nazarite and to God from the womb. And he shall begin to deliver Israel. Out of the hand of the Philistines. So here he is a judge called by God for a specific purpose to deliver the children of Israel as their hands out of the hands of the Philistines. Had a special calling on his life. Therefore, they had certain requirements upon them because they had this special calling which our separation And it's interesting when I read these things, that sounds really like us. You know, and you wonder if God and these days and times is calling us to be a Nazarite in some regard because the Nazarite had to have a violent separation. About Holiness and basically the crown of royal priesthood.

Upon them in the Bible has called us to be separate to come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord and then I will receive you. The Bible calls us to do that. The Bible says to be holy as I am Holy. So the Bible calls us to be holy as well and the Bible says you are a royal priesthood.

And holy nation, A peculiar people.

Which means the people that are called out to be separate. Called out for a particular purpose to stand up for what is right and to be the mouthpiece of the hands and the feet of God.

That's a big calling and the interesting thing is we're all called to do that.

all closely, all these attributes are closely related with this with this agree, that threefold obligation and cumin on a Nazarite And it also, I believe it, I'm just adding that that I believe that that is a calling up on our lives as well. So maybe we Are Spiritual judges The Bible says that the righteous judge all. Hallelujah, there's a lot of likenesses here. The Bible knowledge commentary says those Sampson had great ability and was down with physical Power by the Holy Spirit. He gave in to Temptation several times and suffered the consequences of his life is a Stern warning to others who are prone to follow the path of sensuality. You know, isn't that one of our biggest problems? You know, a lot of people in the Bible had that same problem.

they like, women or women liking men, which is the way God has set it up but in its proper way,

People abused that what God has given us which is so special that bond between a man and a woman.

And we have so drug that through the dirt. And this is one of the problems that Samson had, you know, because Samson with all that power comes, the Bible says, to whom much is given much is required. And with all that power, that corrupts a lot of times and even people that were called from God like Samson from his birth. But which means that he didn't necessarily choose to be a judge and a lot of times judges are chosen by God but his was from birth and not elected by the people. Praise God. So he didn't have a choice really in some regard. So, sexuality, and perversion of the same is among the top issues that people face today. You know I just was talking to my mom and I think I told Brother Williams to, I deleted my Facebook account because I got tired of the garbage that's on there because this this world will pull you in any way they can get you. And then they will start bombarding you with stuff and what is just like me. And my mom talked about what does the devil. Do he takes a little bit of Truth with a little bit of a lot. That's what they do online. They took a little bit of what's good and mix it with some bad stuff and they figure if they can keep you. And that's why I was telling my mom. I said, I think the only reason that stuff's on their the good stuff is on Facebook is so that they can pull in those good people too and corrupt them. Interrupt him and try to get them to not necessarily maybe the agenda to fall away from God. But to become part of this world, Bible says, we are of this world. We are in this world but we are not of this world. Praise God. Judges 14:1 through force of and Samson went down to Tim app and saw a woman and two math of the daughters of the Philistines, he came up and told his father, and his mother and said, I have seen a woman at in math, Of the daughters of the Philistines. Not there. Forget her for me to wife. That was the first problem. Now we think it's a problem. I haven't decided yet. I don't know yet because the Bible says that his father is says, then his father and his mother sent it to him, is there never a woman among the daughters of thy brethren Or among all my people that that goes to take a wife of the uncircumcised philistine. But this is the question. So then fancy Center this father, get her for me for S4. She pleases me well but his father and his mother knew not that it was of the Lord.

That's what works for says. That he sought an occasion against the Philistines. Is that time the Philistines had dominion over Israel so I don't know. I really don't know to be honest with you whether that was ordained of God with that was that was the path that God wanted him to take or if he just went that way thinking that's how he wanted to do it. I don't really know. But the Bible does say that he saw it. That that is father and mother knew not that it was of the Lord. So perhaps that was the plan from the very beginning so that the Soviet on Sampson could get on the inside so to speak. But I think the Philistines had a problem with that they didn't really like that. They didn't like the fact that he was coming in and getting married to one of their own. Not only that, but it made the Philistines, made it easier for them to manipulate Samson. Because they came down against his wife. One time, even though Samson took a wife of the Philistines, the Bible tells us that his parents didn't know, it was of the Lord so that Samson could find an occasion against the Philistines. So his first wife tried that he put out a riddle when he went out of town to get married. He said there were 20 people and it was was brought with them companions. The Bible says, and he put out a riddle and says, if you can guess this riddle, then you then you, I will give you 30 sheets in 30 changes of garments. And he said, but if you can't then you give me 30 sheets and 30 changes of garments 30 sheets. What sheets means his undergarments. So something that they would wear underneath their outer garments. So why he did this? I don't know. The Bible doesn't really tell us why you did that, you know, maybe just to prove a point. Maybe he just likes riddles. I don't know. Maybe he's just trying to prove his smarts. I don't know, but I couldn't answer it but his wife, the Philistines because his wife was a Phyllis time. She came down and they came down and talk to her and said, you know, you need to find out what this riddle means from your husband, but they threatened her. So was it all her deception or was she in fear? Because they said, if you don't We're going to burn your house.

And we're going to burn your father's house as well. So I don't know if it's so much that she wanted to deceive her husband, but that she was afraid because the Philistines were her own kind and they said we're going to burn your house in your father's. If you don't tell us, And that kind of scared her a little bit. So she pleaded with Samson to tell her the truth. The Bible says in James 1:13 through 15, let no man say when he's attempted, I am tempted of God.

For God cannot be tempted with evil neither temp. Is he any man? And I were talking about with evil. So if you're tempted with that stuff, it's not of God. Cuz God doesn't tip somebody with the amor. But every man is tempted, here's the answer, we need is drawn away of his own lust and enticed. we were tempted is when we give in to our flesh and when we give in to the lust of our flesh and where enticed that means no demands action. They don't want you just to think about this and they want you to do it.

That is enticement. The sin is enticing. You to actually be a participant in that Sim.

Because the Bible says it is not what comes into a man that defiles him. It's what comes out of him because what comes out of them is from the heart and that shows what the real person is within it. And then it goes on to say, then when lust hath conceived, Are you on 15 Josh?


James 1:13 through 15 Imran 5th. Verse 15.

Next one. Okay, then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin and sin. When it is finished bringeth forth, death and Samsung case Samsung's case, that was literal, In our case, it's spiritual. In a sense in case, I can't say that it was only physical, it was spiritual as well. It brought because Tim many times brings about total death spiritual physical sometimes Emotional.

That's why we have to guard ourselves against it so much, because soon as not happy, just being in your mind, it wants you to carry out the actions of it. Because the devil knows that, okay? If you think something is not necessarily a sin to you, but if you act upon it, it is But it bringeth forth death in for Samsung. This was a truth all the way around. He suffered spiritual death and he's suffered physical death to Because of it. And this was after they put out his eyes and they put him to work grinding. And working as their slaves. So Samsung The mighty man of God called of God, from birth is now a Slave.

But is a slave because he didn't follow God, like he should have because he let the lust of the flesh overcome, the desire to fulfill the will of God completely in his life. It is not good, God, that temps, but our ourselves are guilty when we are drawn away of around less, and enticed this meeting when we are pulling away or stray because we allow sin a foothold in our lives. And that's what we do. We allow spending gain that foothold people don't understand the strength in the power of Satan.

When we step into that realm of sin and go against God, that's a powerful draw.

Satan takes a temp begins to pull us into his realm. And there's nothing more that he wants to pull us away from God. His adversary so to speak. So this is so when they are pulled away or stray because we allow sin a foothold, in our lives. Samson's, big downfall. Was when he laid eyes on Delilah, though.

Delilah had pressed Samson three times already and he had tricked her by not being truthful with her. She was trying to find out the source of his power. I think personally Samson fell in love with her but I think I think Delilah was planted by the Philistines. I believe that they put her there in his path so that he would fall for her. Apparently, she was fair. Maybe good-looking Pleasant to look on and Samson. Fell for the bait. And so cuz there's I have a hard time believing that two people can be in love and she's so trying to find out who it is, what his secret is so that they can take him.

So the deception we're going to look at the deception judges 16:4 through 5 says and it came to pass afterward that he loved a woman in the valley of sorek, his name was Delilah and the Lords of the Philistines came up onto her and set it to her entice him and see where it has great Strife Alaya and by what means we may prevail against him. So they're telling her specifically, we want to Prevail against that. We may bind him to afflict him. Because they knew the power of God was with him and they could not fight against it, but they just kept trying. That's just like today. The devil doesn't quit, trying. He just keeps trying. We can tell him we're a child of God, but it doesn't mean he's going to quit trying. And we will give thee every one of us 1100 pesos of silver and I think there was a bomb understanding. I think there was like five of them. It was equivalent of like 700, some odd dollars today, like $740 or something like that for money. I believe that she was a setup by the Philistines. Similarly soon we'll set up us up for failure every time. He always promises Fame and Fortune.

You know, when we look upon sin, we see a shiny object over there that we just got to have, and it sounds like it's all great and good. But it's just all smoke and mirrors as it's, that's it said, but the devil paint a really good picture and make it sound like it's just super great. That's what happened people that I've gotten into alcohol, drugs, sexual deviancy pornography. All this stuff is because it's really good until the end came in and killed him. Just likes. It always does sin brings destruction.

But always seems to offer God always offers a way out. The Bible talks about the deceitfulness of riches. The grass always seems greener on the other side but it is all just a trick of the devil smoke and mirrors as they would say, You know, the double pay this picture but then when it's done with you, it describes you and throws you away because he doesn't really care. All he cares about is pulling you away from God because you posed a threat. To his work. Judges 16:16 through 72 says and it came to pass when we when she pressed him daily, with her words and urged him. So that his soul was vexed, unto death of his soul was backed unto death. Apparently she was really begging him and leaning on him. And constantly asking him all the time about what is the source of his strength. That that he told her all his heart and said it to her. There have not come a razor. Now, this is after the third time, this was the fourth time that she's come and ask him, but okay. Well, I'll probably have to continue this, but this was, this was after the 3rd time. I've asked him what his strength were the strength lies in the kind of deceiver all three times the fourth time, she pressed him so much that he gave in to her.

And that's why I'm going to end on this. I'm not done but I'll continue this probably on Wednesday but send does that send presses us so much as Sin doesn't care if you say no two or three times supposed to say yes once

Just one time. I mean it wants more than that, but he knows if you give in once that it has that foothold and that foot in the door so to speak and it can begin to pull you into the realm of Spin. And before you know it you're looking up from the bottom of the barrel. You don't even realize where you're at until you're looking up from the bottom. As they say, praise God. There's a brighter side of this. I just haven't got to it yet.

But so I'm going to finish this Wednesday and go ahead and click pass that Josh, whatever his past that so that it can go ahead.

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