Jesus Brings Joy
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· 9 viewsJoy is not contingent on our: 1. circumstances 2. People 3. Comparrisons 4. Things we think we deserve
HOOK. I want to ask you a question this am
Is there a sound, smell, or something you see that can cause automatic fear in you
Maybe it’s even unexpected.
Strong Breath Inhale causes automatic fear in me!
If I hear it, my heart immediately starts to pound!
This is my mother’s fault!
Mom has a tendency to take strong breath inhale when she is frightened
It will send shivers down your spine!
At 32, the noise causes extreme panic in my life
I vividly remember the first time I ever heard the noise!
We were on Jonesboro Rd. in south atlanta
Went to the race that day and we were coming home
We were in heavy traffic trying to find a place to eat
Someone pulled out, and it spooked her
Here comes the noise
Still til this day does that noise
I can’t believe this didn’t come up in marriage counseling
If Amanda even is spooked a little bit, my heart starts racing!
In all seriousness, do you have something that causes fear? When you hear or see it unexpectedly!
Maybe it’s hearing sirens
A dr. calling and saying they need to talk
I’m sure we have something in our lives that when we hear it, it causes fear or anxiety!
What in the world does this have to do with a Christmas message?
In Bible days... when there was an unexpected event... or an unexpected announcement... from a prophet of God or angelic messenger...
Most of the time, they were bringing bad news.
brace for impact- BECAUSE OF YOUR SIN!
A few Examples
- [Jeremiah 18:11] Jeremiah told Judah that God was going to destroy them if they didn't repent.
- [Malachi 3:8-10] Malachi told God's people that they had robbed God, therefore they would soon face the judgment of God.
- [Deuteronomy 28:64] Moses warned the Israelites of God's upcoming judgment and said God's about to scatter you because of your sin.
Even though there was some anticipation about a Messiah being born
It had been ingrained in their minds that and unexpected announcement could be scary!
It would be similar to “BREAKING NEWS!”
Usually not good news!
School Shooting
Volcano Erupts
Breaking news is rarely Good news
Going down on taxes
Gas Prices are decreasing by the day
It’s ingrained in our minds that breaking news is bad news!
BOOK: With that thought in the background, look at Verse 8 & 9
They were scared!
It was just totally unexpected
Minding their own business and then book!
The Glory of the Lord shown all around them!
God’s light was completely covering them!
SImilar to Isaiah 6, when your in the presence of God, it reveals your sinfulness
They were anticipating bad news!
B. Praise the Lord they were mistaking!
Read verse 10-11
The angel was quick to calm them down
This is not bad news!
This is Good news of Great Joy
Luke1- I love the excitement in the angels voice
He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.”
The good news of great, is the messiah!
The good news was that Jesus was coming to set his people free!
The good news is that God is sending Jesus, and when he comes, He brings Joy!
This is why the angle tells them there is no need to fear!
C. I want to remind you this am, the good news is still the same for us!
Whether its the sirens that cause us to be scared
A phone call from a dr
Whatever it may be that causes you to be terrified
Beacuse of Jesus, even in the darkest moments, we can still have Joy!
Look: This can seem/sound crazy when we don’t understand what Joy is?
It’s easy to say, but I’m a christian, and there are things that get me down
I don’t feel joy all of the time
This is not possible!
I am a Christian and there are times that I walk through a very dark season
What we have to realize is, joy can be discovered no matter what our external circumstances may be.
Joy isn't defined as feeling good all the time
Jesus never promises feeling good all of the time or being happy
He promises us that we can have the fullness of Joy.
Biblically Defined- Joy represents a sense or feeling of gladness,
it ‘s not contingent on our circumstances
But knowing that we are rooted in Jesus
More than emotion, its a state of being
Knowing and being glad that we are rooted in Jesus
This is the news the angle was bringing!
This is a gift from God
Unfortunately, the enemy wants to steal your joy, so he places thing in your life to try and still joy
Joy Stealers
One of the lies we believe from the enemy is joy is contingent on my lifestyle
As long as I have a good marriage,
or a good GPA, or a good income, I have joy.
But as when those things no longer exist... my joy ceases to exist.
This is a lie from the enemy
James 1:2-4- 2 Count it all JOY, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. 4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
If we believe that Joy is contingent on circumstances, we miss the true meaning of the Christmas story
The angel said, “Im bringing good news of Great joy”
The news is I’m sending you a child, and you shall call him emmanuel “God with us”
WHen God is with us, we have access to JOY!
Read a story of a dad telling a story about his daughter
He looked outside and his daughter jumped off the school bus
She stomped her way to the front door and slammed the door shut then ran up the stairs
Gets to her room and slams the door
All this time she was pouting she was muttering People, people people
The dad went to her room and knocked on the door and asked if I can come in
“NO”-Tried again-“No”
Why not?- “Because You’re a people!
The reality of it is is that we have all lost our joy because of people
What they are, what they say, what they do
We may sometimes be “those people”
We have to live with people
Work with people- and we can’t isolate ourselves and still live to Glorify Christ
We are the light of the world, salt of the earth,
We can’t let our light become dim because of what people say or do
Luke 6:22 tells us that people are actually going to be ugly to us
“Blessed are you when people hate you and when they exclude you and revile you and spurn your name as evil, on account of the Son of Man!”
This can’t steal our joy!
Comparison- 1 Peter 4:10-11- As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: 11 whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
Each of us have a gift, use it!
Don’t compare yourself and try to be someone youre not!
Easy in min try
Learn instead
The true joy is we don’t have to be anyone else but ourselves
We have a tendency to always want more and think we deserve more
Abraham lincoln was walking down the street with his two sons who were crying and fighting. A friend asked, “What’s the matter with your son’s.” Lincoln replied, “I have 3 walnuts and each of the boys wants 2.”
We can sometimes think Joy is only a reality when I get something I deserve
- ''I deserved... to be selected... to be married... to be wealthy... to be recognized... I deserved SOMETHING... and I didn't get it.''
And now you say, ''I can't have JOY because i didn’t get what I deserve.
Let me remind you- you and I don’t want we we really deserve.
Romas- We have fallen short of the Glory of God
The wages of sin is death
The angel didn’t come to tell the shepherds what they really deserved
Instead he came to tell them that God was sending someone so they wouldn’t have to endure what they really deserve
This should give us great joy!
TOOK: At the end of the day, we see that Joy isn't circumstantial.
Joy isn't the absence of pain or sadness.
Joy is a byproduct of knowing God. - AND BECAUSE OF CHRISTMAS, WE CAN HAVE JOY!
This is a difficult time of the year for some.
Many people experience loneliness, depression and anxiety during the Christmas season...
and they hear me say ''Joy is available,'' and they're asking, '
'But how? I already know the Lord. How can I walk in joy?
Few things that help produce Joy in our lives!
Dive into God’s word!
Hide God’s word in your heart so you begin to recognize the enemies schemes
Remind yourself of His promises
Remember How God has worked in your life
Don’t let the present overshadow you joy
Serve more
Love more
Sing more
This Christmas, Choose Joy!
The angel came to bring good news of Great Joy! Let’s receive the gift of Joy!