Matthew Chapter 20:20-34. (What do you want x2 - You don’t know what you are asking).
Matthew Chapter 20:20-34. (What do you want x2 - You don’t know what you are asking).
Jesus is still teaching going to teach about what it means to be great, the first will be last and first last, and it will continue in today’s passage. Jesus will ask 2 times what do you want? He will also state you have no idea what you just asked.
I wonder if you have found yourself in that situation were someone or you ask what you think is a simple favor, but you have no idea what it takes to do. I have been in that asked that sometimes could you just do, that. And I would look at the person, and think and look like you have no idea what you just asked. (What you asked me will take 45 min tools, a ladder a lot of prayer and if I don’t get hurt it may work, not 5 min and no problems, as it sounds like you think). One time my I got my father to help me with one this request, and the person that asked, saw how long it took, and how complicated it was, and I am not sure the person was embarrassed but as we worked on it. It was revealed they had no idea what they had asked. When the job was done, they were very thankful, but they also got insight into what I took, it was not just getting something to work. (In my mind it is like I want to ask people, if you know what I know will you still ask the same question?)
Back to the text, Jesus is on his way towards Jerusalem we read later in the text that they leave Jericho. MAP. Before that a woman comes and worships /kneel at Jesus feet like he is a ruler or master or God. depending on the context, here probably honor more that worship. She does not come alone but with her 2 sons to of Jesus’ disciples James and John. I am not sure if she asks Jesus something and he does not hear it or asks her to repeat, (another gospel, she asks grant me whatever I ask). Jesus asks What do you what?
Before we go on, have Jesus asked you that? And what did you answer? (I probably should be you Jesus, power to live the life you have for me, but what is that you want me to do for you?) Do you know? And what would that look like?
James and John and their mother has a very bold request, (and as Jesu will point out they have no idea what it will take and cost). Jesus as you become king can James sit on one side of your throne and john on the other side? Hmmm…. You might as well aim high. But what will that look like for James and John and their mother? Jesus responds to James and John are you able to drink the cup I drink? The suffering that lies ahead and Jesus praying that his cup might pass him by. But the brothers a bold and full of courage say yes, we are able… I don’t think they know what they are saying. Jesus grand them to drink of the cup, but say he can’t give them the seats, they are for the people that God have prepared them for. But what was the cup, and what did the brothers just say yes to…And their mother request for her sons. The request in a normal kingdom was that the sons would be nr 2 and 3 in the kingdom after Jesus. But Jesus has just been teaching and will in just one moment teach again what it means to be great. But before that, do you remember what happens to James? And John? They do drink the cup… And it dose not lead to glory on earth… But James killed for his faith in Acts 12;2 – John lives long, but his life was no easy, church history talks about how he was tried killed many times and then exiled to the Island of Patmos.
How many of you are praying that your children will be killed and or tried to be killed and then exiled? No, the 3 did not know what they were asking, but James and John did become servants, they did become great. They did was Jesus will now teach in the text.
The 10 other disciples get angry very so angry it was visible, at the brothers, - probably just because they did not ask first, this has been a struggle for the disciples for most of the time they have been with Jesus, how much are we worth, who is the greatest? What will we get… And this is not Jesus first time explain this, but 4-5-7 time… Then Jesus has to call them together and teaching them again about what it means to be great. First is last and the first last… great slave of all. This time he gives some more detail, about what it means to lead and be great to rule as God rules. Jesus contrast to what the disciples know and live under that the Gentiles rule that can be harsh, and the lords make the subjects do things, because of the power they hold force people to obey and serve.
But that is not the way to be great, instead if you what to be great (and it is good if you want to be great), then you are to be a servant (daikon). Serve people don’t lord over them, serve… And if you want to be the greatest, be a slave, and serve like one with others interest in mind, as a salve given for all time bondslave, not looking to freedom but have found freedom in being the Lord’s slave. So be great… But my kingdom is different in this life greatness is serving God. And people.
Then Jesus illustrates this by saying he is the greatest ever, and what his mission is. The son of man me, did not come to be served but to serve, how much? And to give his life for others as a ransom, many.
As Jesus is going out of Jericho on his way to Jerusalem, to blin men see Jesus, they call him, shouts, as one comentery said, the blind are able to see who Jesus is,
Then what about you?
What are you praying for? What do you want Jesus to do? Do you want to be great? What will that look like? Are you more like John and James and their mother or Jesus? Are you as bold as James and John? Would you say yes to drink the cup? Of a life lived to the full for Jesus? Not as a means of salvation, but because of salvation, because you did gain God, that he is your treasure, and you will live your life serving him in joy and pointing others to him?
Or you may be in a different place, and this is the first time you hear, that Christianity is not about you but about God, that our hope in Jesus is not one of earthly power, wealth, health, but instead of service and delighting in and worshiping Jesus to the glory of God by the power of the Holy Spirt.
How will you respond do you want to be the greatest?
What will you ask Jesus? When he asks: What do you want?
Will it be you… or something ells? (uncocking gifts and passions for Jesus)