Although the central focus revolves around Jesus demonstrating that he holds power over life and death, the story of Lazarus reveals much about ourselves.
We often pray the wrong prayer v. 1-7
Lazarus, Mary, Martha, and the disciples wanting healing for Lazarus, but Jesus had something bigger in mind
How many prayers that we have offered up turned out to be the wrong prayers?
We are never alone in our pain v. 17-38
Jesus displayed a very human emotion. He knew Lazarus would soon be standing beside them and their mourning would literally turn to laughter. But now, they are all hurting. Jesus cried with them.
Even if you feel completely and totally alone, Jesus knows your pain and cries with you.
We often quit praying too soon v. 32
We have a tendency to stop praying when we don’t see a quick answer, one that we think best. We give up.
4 days after death seems to be a bit past-due, but nothing is impossible with Jesus.