What is Worship? - The Service of Worship
What is Worship?
What is Worship?
The Posture of Worship
The Posture of Worship should be a reflection of your spirit…
The Posture of Worship must be true…
The Posture of Worship is not a show!
Part 2: The Worship of Service
4994 Worship In Barber Shop
“I was in a barber shop,” remarked former President Woodrow Wilson, “when I became aware that a personality had entered the room. A man had come quietly in upon the same errand as myself, and sat in the chair next to me. Every word that he uttered showed a personal and vital interest in the man who was serving him; and before I got through, I was aware that I had attended an evangelistic service, because Mr. Moody was in the next chair. I purposely lingered in the room after he left, and noted the singular effect his visit had upon the barbers in that shop. They did not know his name, but they knew that something had elevated their thoughts. And I felt that I left that place as I should have left a place of worship.”
—Mrs. Ruby Miller