Prince of Peace

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heavenly father as we come to you Lord we thank you for the many many blessings. You shower honest. And Lord, sometimes we aren't aware how wonderful those blessings are until We encounter tough days and Lord, we pray that on those days, we will know that. You hold us even closer and Lord, I pray that you'll just continue to be with Gary. Lord, strengthen him be with the doctors and nurses. Give them wisdom beyond their own to treat him and Lord. I also for Scott is they try to figure out what's going on with him. Lord, I pray that you will just give them wisdom. Nor that you will just give him protection and Lord also for Brian. As he recovers from his surgery, Lord, we just lift them all up to you and Lord, I know there are many others in our congregation, in our community, struggling with other health issues and Lord we pray that you will just restore them to good health. and Lord, I pray that as a church family that we would, Check in on each other support each other, and Lord, just love on each other as you would have us to do. And I pray this all in your most holy name. Amen.

You know, I thought it was quite fitting as I was there.

Went out to Gary and Arlene's house before his surgery and then being there after his surgery to talk to him. That our topic for this week, you know, is Prince of Peace is often when we Face something like that. It's really easy to not have a lot of Peace, but, you know, it's a Believer we can confidently, face the big and little challenges of life knowing that our heavenly father, is there to help us through it? All that God is in control of all of it. And you know, even though we might go to the doctor and think man this is I didn't expect this. This is a surprise. It never is to God. He always knew all along that this was how it was going to go. And, you know, so often, when I visit somebody in the hospital, that's facing a major surgery, or things like that. I always think how do people do this? Without God.

And I just don't understand it and I don't really want to but you know, I just can't imagine facing. Not just challenges like that. But so many of the challenges that we face in day-to-day life. I can't imagine facing them without knowing God's peace without having that peace that surpasses all understanding that can only come from him. So the day is we focus in on that Prince of Peace idea, we're going to look at several scriptures that look at this very important gift, that God gives us. Philippians chapter 4. Verses 4 through 7 says rejoice in the lord. Always I will say it again, Rejoice, let your gentleness be evident to all the Lord is near. do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to God, And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

It's hard to think but really in these scriptures were given the equation for living a stress-free life.

And I know it sounds cliche and a lot like a bumper sticker but you know, we really are supposed to pray about it and forget it.

You know, it says preparing, it reminded me of a lady from our church in Eastern Kentucky.

Her name was Roberta Osborne in. She had faced cancer for different times. She had beat it each time, but she was actually in the hospital here thinking that, for the fifth time, her cancer might be back. So she was waiting to hear that. And I went there and I visited her and, you know, we talked for a while and then we decided, you know, to spend some time praying and after we pray, Roberta looked at me and said well that's it. So that's it. What do you mean supposed while we prayed about it. So it's God's now. So I don't have to worry about it. And I thought, what a great attitude and here is this lady who's went through how many bouts with cancer? And she has the attitude of pray about it and forget it. And you knows I often thought about that. I always think about it when I read this passage of scripture because I think that's what the author of this passage of scripture was trying to get across to us. That we truly can pray about it and trust that the Lord is going to take care of it. You know, prayer connects us to the father, like nothing else. Can it's this intimate communion between our heart, our soul, in our spirit, on a level, that we can't really explain. You know, it's this mysterious dialogue between you and the most holy God.

You know, I remember in seminary one of my professors explaining to us that, you know, when you enter into prayer, you are quite literally stepping foot into the throne room of God.

That sounds a little bit intimidating. Done it to think that you are stepping into the throne room of God. But, you know, as that Professor shared with us, I want to share with you that. We don't have to feel intimidated. Because as we take that step into that throne room, Jesus is there to intercede for us. He is there to be with us as we come before God. Yeah. Jesus kind of access. Our Heavenly Ambassador is he presents our prayers to God? Is he helps to intercede for us and it's through those prayers that God's power can be released in our lives. To truly do all of the things that God wants to in our life. And that's the only way that we can experience the sort of peace. that God really wants for us that peace, that surpasses all understanding set, peace that only Jesus can bring know that piece that you only know

If you know, Jesus. And you know, I think an important thing for us to remember is that, you know, God always hears your prayers, God always answers your prayers, but the thing we often forget is that, you know, God will answer your prayers in his timing. Not ours. You know, we also need to remember that when he answers that prayer he's also going to answer it according to his will, to his plan.

yeah, I think all too often when we pray we have really good intentions but really what we're doing when we pray is we're telling God what we think we should he should do and when we think he should do

You know, when we present our request to God we need to be sure to do so in a humble way. You know, submitting our will to his and being thankful for what he has provided.

Cuz, you know, that's when the Lord can guard our heart and our mind is, when we're in a place that were focused on wanting what God wants for our life, or for the lives of others that we might be praying for. Because when our focus is on what God wants, and what his plan is for our life, you. That's how we can encounter any situation in life and be able to do. So, in a way that we can still have peace, Cuz we know it's not all up to us.

We know that God is acting on our behalf and that his will will be accomplished.

Colossians chapter 3, verses 15 through 17 says Let the Peace of Christ rule in your hearts. Since as members of one body, you were called to peace and be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish. One another with all wisdom. And as you sing Psalms, hymns. And spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God, and whatever you do weather in word or deed. Do it all in the name of the Lord, Jesus giving, thanks to God the Father through him.

you know, I think we all would agree with the statement that on any given day. We experienced a wide range of emotions, right? Main can any of us say that when we start a day that we have the same emotions all day long? Or, you know, do we have time to run a little bit better mood times when were not such a good mood and everywhere in between there, you know, often it's our emotions that rule our heart, it's our emotions that drive, what we say and we do and all too often our judgment is clouded by those emotions.

But you don't usually, that's what happens when we spend. Way too much time being anxious about things that we don't need to be anxious about when we spend way too much time being angry about things that we just need to let go of when we spend too much time being depressed or fearful or any of the other emotions, you can think of not focusing. On God. But the good news is that we have the power within us to overcome that. You know, we can overcome that human tendency to let our emotions rule has by letting the Prince of Peace flood, our hearts and our minds with his peace, with his Tranquility, with his thankfulness, but that can only come when we have Jesus in our hearts.

And how much different would it be? When, you know, people see you in the midst of a situation? And man, it just doesn't go your way.

Would you say that's okay? This must be a part of God's plan. I may not understand it, but I'm trusting God in this right now.

You know, when people watch us respond in that way, You know, when people see us actually respond in a way, that's consistent with what we say, we believe is Christians. That has a much larger impact than any other thing that we can do. And when they see us able to handle those bad situations, negative situations in a positive way because we're trusting in Jesus. It just got a whole lot easier for you to be able to share Jesus with that person. Sometime Because they see the impact that it has. And regardless of what anyone might say, what anyone might say they believe. I think one thing that all human beings one at one time or another throughout their life is peace. They want to feel peace and Tranquility. No one enjoys feeling tense, and stressed and unsettled.

You know, your family or friends or co-workers, they all see how you handle the ups and downs of everyday life. Sometimes we handle them. Well, sometimes we don't they know what you're going through in your life and that means that they see how you handle, not just the blessings in life but also the disappointments.

You know, how you handle yourself in your emotions, can have a great impact for Christ.

But is that impact a positive one or negative one? You can give us great opportunities to share the love of Jesus with others, but it can also take them away. And unfortunately, as human beings, we often mess that up. So when something bad happens at work, or you have a disagreement with a family member, how do you respond? How do you handle it? Listen to what God's word has to say. In 1st Peter, chapter 3 verses 8 through 12. This is finally all of you live in harmony with one another be sympathetic love is brothers, be compassionate. And humble do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, Because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. For whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech he must turn from Evil and do good. He must seek peace and pursue it Through The Eyes of the Lord are on the righteous. And his ears are attentive to their prayer. But the face, the Lord is against those. Who do evil? you know, if we seek God and His peace with all of our heart in the midst of every situation, We will find that peace that surpasses all understanding.

And I think that's often a hard concept for us to understand, isn't it? Peace that surpasses all understanding. I think that's hard because we have so little peace in our lives. But you know, this peace that surpasses all understanding is because we receive it from the Lord Jesus Christ and it extends Beyond just our outward circumstances.

So often we think about peace. We just think well, everything's going the way we wanted to go. Everything is going in our favor, so we're at peace. but this piece that Jesus is talking about is something much deeper, you know, it is a sense of peace that You know, whenever we're not living in the state of Harmony, when life is difficult, when life is messy, we can still be at peace. You're able to still be at peace because what God gives us for his piece is so much deeper than just circumstances. It goes to the very depths of who we are. It goes to our hearts, our souls in every corner of our mind and helps to seek out. All those things that are robbing us of God's peace and replace them with his piece. It is a piece that enables us to live in harmony with one another to love each. Other's Brothers to be compassionate towards others and to walk humbly with our God.

It's because of this wonderful gift that we're able to do the Good Deeds that show sincere love to others. This all comes from an overflow of God's peace in our life.

Romans chapter 8 verses 5 through 9 says those who live according to the sinful nature, have their minds set on what that nature desires But those who live in accordance with the spirit, have their minds set on what the spirit desires, the mind of sinful man is death, but the Mind controlled by the spirit is life and peace. The sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature. Cannot please, God, you however, are controlled not by the sinful nature, but by the spirit, if the spirit of God Lives in You,

All of us, know that it was we go through that range of emotions. As we live out every day in this world, the whole reason our emotions are up and down and all over some days. It's because of that inward battle going on within each of us. Our spirit is at war with our human nature. We want what we want, and we want it now.

But if we want peace in our life, you know, we must cling to that truth that because of Christ Living in US. We already have victory over that sinful nature. That that's sinful nature. Doesn't control us any longer? We don't have to let it the only way that it can control us is when we give it permission to do. So, Otherwise, we have victory over it, we don't have to fight the same battle over and over again every day. So often we think we do. But we don't have to. 1st Thessalonians chapter 5, verses 23 and 24 says may God himself. The God of Peace sanctify you through. And through May, your whole Spirit soul and body. Be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.

You know, we talked about, we don't have to fight that battle but a part of not fighting that battle. Is we have to make the choice day-by-day moment-by-moment to live by the power of the spirit. Not by our fleshly nature, cuz if we do, it will result in the presence of his peace. What's a choice? We have to make.

But if we make that choice to live by the power of the spirit, not to live by the power of our own flat to know, just as Christ's body was raised from the dead, our bodies will also be raised. our spirits will be lifted, we will be in a better more positive mood, we will have that peace, that surpasses all understanding

You know, the baby in the manger teaches us a whole lot of things but I think one very important thing that we can Overlook that it teaches us.

Is one very basic truth that God cares about us and he wants us to have a relationship with him. He wants a relationship that changes Our Lives. Otherwise he wouldn't have sent his son.

And if we are just willing to open up our lives and to focus on him and not to focus on all the other things, God will give us that piece.

Yeah, the Christmas season comes and goes so fast. As I Was preparing for this, it seemed weird to think that on December 4th, we're already in the second week of Advent. I mean, isn't that crazy? We're already getting that close to Christmas. It's already here. You know, it seems like one minute you're eating Thanksgiving dinner with family in the next year. Boxing up all the decorations, putting them away, till next year. It goes quickly.

The thing that doesn't have to pass so quickly is the peace. That Christ is offering us.

we can have that piece, we can have that Joy year-round because you know, We have a joke in our house and I know every Pastor's house probably does. He know we talked about the cree stirs, you know, the people that you only see in church on Christmas and on Easter.

but, you know, the thing about that is sad about that is, I think of how much are people missing out on the joy, the peace, the insurance, all the other stuff, cuz the scary thought to me and my mind goes there is a pastor when I think of those people is, is that the only time they're thinking about God, Is those two times cuz if they are I can guarantee there's not a whole lot of Peace in their life there's not the joy that could be there. There's not the love all those things and that's why you know it doesn't have to be a once-a-year thing that we can have peace on Earth Goodwill towards men. Know that is something. To be all the time.

That's also why I always enjoy as we start into this season of, you know, doing communion together. I always kind of like to try to make it. On the peace Sunday that we do.

Because, you know, our confidence in the piece that comes with, it is in knowing what Christ did for us on the cross.

You known as we prepare this morning, I think, you know, we need to each ask ourselves as week. Pray, I'll give a moment for all of us to pray silently. As we can search our own hearts, and just ask the Lord, what is it? Lord? That is robbing me of the piece that I could have. What's robbing me of the joy that could be there.

Maybe there's nothing there. Maybe you're in a good place but you probably know someone who's not. You know, be praying that God will help you to have that piece that comes only from him and that he'll help you to share that peace with others.

Because he knows we celebrate communion as we remember what Christ did for us on the cross.

Part of the reason he did that was to bring that piece. Once and for all, and the only reason that pieces available is because of what he accomplished because he defeated sin and death. That's why that piece is available.

So I'm going to pray and then after I pray, if you want to come up and get the elements, you can come get the elements and then return to your seats and then we will take them together as a family. So, Please bear with me in prayer.

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