Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
As I was studying for this morning’s message, I realized that these wise men came to worship the King of the Jews aka the King of Kings.
In doing so, I also realized that they gave up some thing so that they might worship Him.
That led to the this thought.
What are we willing to give in our worship of the Lord Jesus Christ?
Now, before, we go any further.
Let me begin by involving you in this discussion.
What characteristics do you see in their attitude of worship to the Lord?
Take a few minutes and have people give some responses.
There are actually eight characteristics.
Here they are.
8 Characteristics Noted About the Wise Men’s Worship
They were Intentional in their Worship
The came for the sole purpose of finding the King of Jews so that they could worship Him.
Should not our worship be intentional as well?
What are some ways we can make worshipping God intentional?
They were Willing to Worship
No one pulled their arms or forced them to come seeking Him to worship Him.
What are some ways we often show our UNWILLINGNESS to worship the Lord?
Do you think the Lord is please more by our worship when we do it with a willing heart and with eagerness?
They were Personal in Their Worship
Note they personally came in verse 2. They traveled from a great distance to worship Christ.
They came in simple faith as they trusted the star to lead them.
They rejoiced when the found Him.
They personally humbled themselves before Him.
They gave personally to Him the lavish gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
They put aside self and made Christ the center of their attention.
How can we personally worship the Lord today?
(sing when others sing, testify when others testify, give when others give, in other words, don’t just sit back and let others do the worshipping, each of us personally need to get involved each chance presented to us)
They were Confrontational in Their Worship
Should we be concerned about what others think in our worship to the Lord?
They were Emotional in Their Worship
Is there anything wrong with being emotional?
No, there is not.
God made us with emotions.
He Himself exhibits emotions.
However, it is wrong when we allow our emotions to control us.
Instead, we must bring our emotions under control and allow them to flow only when they are directed at glorifying and serving the Lord.
They Affected Others with Their Worship
They affected Herod and all of Jerusalem.
How did it affect them?
(Everyone began thinking about the prophesy given by Micah, thus, they began thinking about the Word of God once again.
It created a renewed sense to search Scripture.)
Can our worship today still create an effect upon people?
How so?
They were Relational in Their Worship
It is quite obvious that they had a relationship with God.
They knew the star was from God.
They knew that it was for the King of the Jews.
They understood they were to follow the star so that might worship Him.
How did they manage to gain all that information?
There is only one conclusion.
They had a relationship with God by which He revealed all that to them.
Their obedience is evidence they had a personal relationship with God.
A relationship that ended with them worshipping Him as the newborn babe.
Now, here is a few more thoughts about the wise men and their worship.
It really is the heart of this evening’s message.
Biblical Worship Requires Personal Sacrifice
Go back to Matthew 2:2 for a moment.
These men came from the east.
Scripture does not tell us the exact location in the east from which they travelled.
However, we do know that in the east were places like Persia, Arabia, and even Babylon.
None of these places were in close proximity to Bethlehem or Jerusalem.
I would imagine that their travels carried them over hundreds of miles.
For them travel such a distance, they needed plenty of supplies.
There were no Hilton Hotels to stay in.
For traveling, they couldn’t just jump on the next train or plane since none were in existence.
No, they most likely climbed on the back of camels or horses riding the entire way.
It was along arduous journey.
It is surmised that Christ was about 12-24 months old when they arrived.
We know this from the events recorded in Matthew 2:16
Herod slew all the children under two years old.
It is quite possible then that these wise men had been on their journey for over 12 months or more.
Here is my point!
Biblical Worship Demands Our Time!
They say time is money.
There are many business that charge you for time labored.
Thus, one of the most valuable things in our possession is our time.
When it comes to worshipping the Lord, it is important to understand that giving our time to Him is something He expects.
Here is some food for thought!
If indeed these men took more than 12 months in travel to worship the Lord, how difficult is it then for us to travel 30 minutes or less to a church service where God is worshipped?
We often complain about the pastor preaching more than 30 minutes or the fact we have to spend 3 whole hours on Sunday at church.
Yet, our time is of value.
Should we not give more of it to Him than spend upon our selves?
Real worship of the Lord means investing your time each day in glorifying Him and serving Him.
I know that the majority of our lives are spent outside these church walls.
I get it.
However, what I also know is that what we do in service to the Lord and how we act about spending time at church can quite indicative of how much time we spend each day with Him.
If you take a close look at many men and women in Scripture who were great men and women of faith, I believe you will find they spend enormous amounts of time with God.
For example, think about Daniel.
The Bible records that Daniel prayed morning, noon, and evening.
Three times a day He spent with God.
How many of us give God even that amount of time?
Biblical Worship Demands Our Treasure!
Here again we see these wise men.
They brought their treasures and presented them unto Christ.
Now, remember, He is just a 12 month baby at this moment.
Yet, in their minds, they are in the presence of the God of the Universe, the King of Kings.
Each of these gifts were extremely valuable.
They were gifts worthy of any king.
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