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Are ya?

All the women are jealous.

a great song, if you want to take the bottles and turn to the Book of Revelation, The Book of Revelation is the last book. In our Bob, we're going to be looking at chapter 12. Yes. Christmas season.

Believe it.

My name is Greg Bentley on the association of missionary here for this church.

Association is called Crystal River, Baptist Association. Want to let you know that I Association took 194 backpacks for Christmas. We delivered him last week to Tennessee up in Benton Tennessee and over

area up there, and it was great time to be inside of the schools. And you know what that allow us to do up there. Tell the Christmas story. Tell him that Jesus loves them and as we get them backpack, stupid kid. What a little boy scissor.

Boy, little boy said. There's food in here. I know. I'll, I'll have a Christmas dinner.

We don't know how blessed we are doing. Opportunity.

before we bring our tags concerning this text Eugene, Peters said that he said this is not a

All the time. There's no baby in the manger that we fine. You just order Shepherd's rejoices a wise man, bringing gear and worshipping. There are angels.

Rappers are in danger than ever leave War. No difference was storing. There is a beautiful woman. A male child the Sun. Fiery Dragon. Red dragon is ready to devour to eat. The Sun, is going to Shepherd All Nation. This Is A Christmas Story, it starts in Genesis and it goes all the way through. It's done for us. If we read the scriptures from the King James version, chapter 12, what God's word says. They're at the Apostle John record, Steve words through Christ and sell, it says now. Great sign appeared in heaven.

Another feed a Garland at WellStar them being with a child, she cried out in labor in painting to give bird.

Hey bring. Fiery Red Dragon.

A dragon having seven heads and Drew it from heaven. YouTube, YouTube YouTube.

Draw. As soon as it was born, Born male child. Who Wants To Rule all nations with a rod of iron to God? When is from The woman fled Into the Wilderness.

1200. The war broke out in heaven. Michael, and All His angels fought with your dragon Ender Dragon in his age. Nor was a playground for them in heaven, any longer. So, the Great Dragon was cast out that store for the old, call, the devil and Satan. He was tackler in his angels was cast out with. Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, now, salvation is strength and Kingdom of our God, in the power of price, half for the accuser, my brother before God damn and I have been cast down and they overcame by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony therefore Rejoice O Heavens you. The world of them world to be inhabited. The earth and the sea was a devilish. Calm down for you, having a great wrath, because he knows that Now, when the dragons fall, they had been cast in her, he persecuted a woman who gave birth to the male child with a woman's moods, even two wings of eagles that she's my car place where she was murdered four times and times and half a time in the presence of a circle from the surface of water out of his mouth like a Florida. After the woman that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood. But there are other woman and there aren't open his mouth and swallow and the dragon was enraged with a woman and it went to war with the rest of her offspring. The Commandments of God and have the testimony.

Father, we thank you this time of the Season. We get to celebrate the greatest gift as be Your son, Jesus Christ. Real name is And happy turtle live. Thank you. Can we celebrate Christ in Christ alone? He is the reason. He is the one that we worship, he is the one that needs to be exhausted. So father, help us today as we open and divide the word of Truth. Father, give us truth. Give us knowledge. Georgia. What about you?

Amen. How many times we do for driver license?

That the God has given to us for. Maybe I will stay where I can understand it.

Really mean why would I let you know something I want to tell you. He gives us great. Hope that this world we live in. Will one day pass away is our trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior few things I wanted to gather today is this

Just as he promised God just as he promised.

House of Bread. House of Bread. What was Jesus, the bread of life. He came to Bethlehem House of Bread and gave his life for us the story about Christmas, When Satan tempted Adam and Eve. A lot of times we saved their lives as whatever you think baby. You don't see a video and they fall and we may fall God has to make a way to save Mankind and he told me that he promised a savior, he had promised that I will put the hostility in Spanish. You're in the woman in between your seed and her seed. Brush for head, looks like a bruise, his heels in the next round in Genesis.

In the presence of Adam and Eve that they will understand that God has promised a sager. What a wonderful promise that is. We came into this world and I trust God to honor his son.

What can I do with John Nelson? Fiery, Red Dragon.

13 time in Revelation has described as a dragon as a dragon. He strikes fear in our hearts as far as character is revealed.

7, Hair, Skin horn, 797 speaker of his great power and authority. Now, look at the Toyota for sale. Other Dragon Swept Away, a third of the stars in heaven. You don't want a problem with me and Connie is today. Meaning of us are perceived to think that we too. Can be like God. In the Mormon, religion are Mormon. I know you're in there if they're Joshua and just the ology was 6s, I am God. Once was Has John Deere, I can become. Doctor for Urology, everybody paints. What's the truth of the matter is? Not be overthrown if he could be over, he cannot be God. Spider-Man evolve into all of this crime and all this power, send you his self. Hey man, I got this. I can overtake this

Can you call this a war to break out in heaven? In a third of the Angels fell with him? And they were able to overcome but they tried to overcome the frog. God Prevail listening to us The driver's license and everyone's a woman to the bar too soon, to eat up a child in the Genesis 3:15. This male child from being bored. You know what you can rest assure. The devil knows the word of God, better than you do.

He knows it.

Play Hebrew baby, boys. David. He moved all the immortal are the house of Judah.

Do you realize that? Evil is always been here. Ever since man has seen in the dark evil to Prevail Evil Within the heart, you do not have to call parents. No, nobody's Affair. That have children have you don't have to take your children to teach them out of the bad. They are born with that because guess what God's word says we are all sinners. We all fall short bowel syndrome is the thing that I want to do. I don't do that.

Is the Prairie thing. You said hi.

Need to buy Spinners. Today, we're all Sinners, we all fall short of the glory of God. And I got a great one for us in a few minutes. Now, I want to apologize, but you apologized to start with, I have bruising over a month and a half. So I saw

bringing all of this tells us but she gave birth to a son.

Listen to not do it. I want to let you know.

Every wolf every place. Did you go to? A crime. They cannot Thank you for saying, thank you. Slow it down, but here we are, Gavin that Garden Baptist Church. New place called Jesup Georgia, where the word of God is being proclaimed, that whosoever believes in him.

We have the power of Christ behind us. Nothing just the world.

one of my car pass law against the word of God, but it does not mean that we

he is the Lord and he always will be. Had a privilege of going to a country called Moldova, very close to Ukraine borders up to Ukraine. When communism was there, their church was on the ground at home charges and everything else. We all stood common is a fail USSR to buy a rising out of the ashes. If I went there and I was talking to some of that, how did you teach the church alive remodeling covered up Sunrise liquor with no stone was rolled away.

Listen to me, America's at twice.

We call ourselves a Christian Nation. 47% of Americans. Say they have some type of sometime.

When was at when did God die?

Supposed to charge us. We got to go.

the birth of Christ on that day in Bethlehem in narvie rated, the definition of the ancient serpent, just have and had been promised back in Genesis 3, the birth of Christ play, the death of the Ancients card, with the death of Christ, the King, the adversaries, lizard, when the bird took place, and he was in

God's word tells us that he is called to Shepherd the nation. Shepherd, the people. Summarize. The first coming of Christ. Jesus has burned his Destiny to rule, all the pages, me a sentence with highlighted Rebel in the The restoration is twofold. First crucifixion and Resurrection review me astounded chapter 5 of Revelation. What a beautiful beautiful story that is rising from the dead in the spinning bikes with father. He's at the right hand of the Father, God, perhaps the PlayStation Covenant, when he fail. You know, the right hand represents the power. I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength. Here's the powerful one. He overcame it off. He's the one who defeated Satan in the dragon. Satan disgracing. The dryer in themselves with a Dollar Tree at bishan.

God is Sovereign, and honors and suds in his Incarnation and his humiliation. Listen here, before we need to have here. God to care for his people.

Trust and Obey orders or other way. Happy in Jesus, I'm alive. I like to say to be joyful in Jesus because happy Means. What happens to him. George and I'll be taking away because that's the fruit of the spirit. Joshua is trust. God to take care of his people. Convert 60 inches to Patient other dragons. Rage as simple as a place in the promise of protection and provision.

He sent them out into the Wilderness, he provided for them in the daytime. He provided the Mana. Squirrel. That came from The Rock. Everybody for them, that God has prepared a place for the woman that place where he will feed her for 1260. Days are 3, 1/2 years, Well, if you know anything about the Revelation, if you know anything about eschatology of the church, you understand that are cute of tribulation, I don't know when this God's word says Central PA. Please, that will come forth as a woman who's giving birth. He will begin an increase in the

she will be provided for is the you know, as you pray for your brother a while ago, that had that surgery and you praying for him because he had the disease that you have in your bar, Start a strike.

Well, aren't you glad to die?

Do we serve a great? God provides for me when we needed, he must he's always on time. He always shows up and shows trust him to provide for his children. God has preserved and taking care of his people in the past. Speak to me. He's in the present and he will not fail us in the future. You left your hat on. Another word to say that God is always there for us. We always will.

Nor forsaken us. Great God. Salvation that is slurp. 7 to 12, if there's a war broke out, remember this? I want you to understand it.


Are y'all awake?

No one to record strong. YouTube Take It to the bank and they say, remember our enemies defeated

does it just blow your mind? Ron costume.

My house caught on fire when I was in.

House is on fire at the high for today.

There was a guy who would go with me.

Have a joyous Jesus in your life, really be great. If every time we was in our churches today in Spanish,

remember my name?

Started move completed. Put on the running dream.

Georgia Georgia.

Jesus Christ is Lord. Then we go out of church. Everybody outside to charge out of milk. Please. We play for Rihanna have enjoyable or not hard for my life because he has defeated the enemy.

Done, he finished. We need to understand and listen to great red. Dragon on the Great Dragon emphasized, his care of what he did at the sink in Genesis chapter 3. The devil is a liar. Or the enemies. He is the one who can How old world Jesus says, is a murderer. Because there is no truth in him.

He's humiliated. Angel. Crucial and critical battle is done. The war is over.

Do you want you to remember this?

Remember this? Water parks in the gospel.

In Revelations, chapter 12, verses 11 and 12.

Are we having twins?

In the Old Testament.

When did the priest went into the holy of holies to golfer of the sacrifices he had on his Road?

And proceeded to lamb to the people. He went back into the holy of holies.

The cost of blood.

Jesus Christ died. On Calvary cross. I believe he s***. Every precious. Draw his blood. Every draw, everything.

Liquor store near me. Applied. The last one I said, amen.

I thought I was in war against Satan, God's people. He will have that.

Yeah, if you're saying today, you just sealed until the day of redemption but it does not mean he does not want to keep.

I used to tell people all this every time, when they've got saved and they traded at Jesus, I want you to understand this. You are now. Only enemies.

Discouraging. Worst says in John chapter 10 Jesus that I come to give life and give life abundantly, but they come to what? See you at the store you? Because I didn't kill steal, and destroy Iggy. He will take many.

The lantern light so shine before men that they may see your good works or not.

He is the one who has rescued us, he is the one who has everything. What is revive? Always a coward. Has always like a roaring lion. He's always seeking nose.

As he destroys, he destroys this black testimony.

Drive to 11 rush hour traffic.


We need to understand is that Satan he is.

This is loosen the Nexus 15:12 reminders. You are stretched out your hand and the Earth swallowed them.

Walter white dwarf.


Grafton to Divine woman in Israel. I'm going to see if people.

Play Sadie's righteousness. He hates the remnant of God, he faced the body of Christ. Would you understand him? Listen, we're all Sinners. Why we are

Is safety is always the great reminder.

I want you to look.

Satan has no power over you. You Belong To The Kingdom.

Ultimately, he has saved you and secured you and you don't have to fear.

Site one.

Or my conclusion. Charles Wesley. Great Methodist. Preacher. Stone Mart.

He says this. Come Thou Long expected. Jesus, born to set, you free from our fears and let us strength and consolation.

Dear desire. Every Nation Joy.

Born. He will deliver born a child in Jetta key born to reign in us wherever not. Now.

Heart Alone by Donald all sufficiently. Rings.

This is Christmas. What a beautiful story that God has given us. Christ, the savior.

Yes. Jesus died on Calvary cross.

When your pregnancy or more line trying to seek and destroy all those were out. But if you're saying is that you're by the blood of the Lamb, do you know what a fear you can truly say, Merry Christmas? Merry Christmas.

Father God. Have we closed out the service today. Thank you so much for this weekend. Thank you for the law but they half of one. Another played in what they have been doing.

My father may have also long.

Hey, today is the day that the truth of Jesus Christ in the Sheraton dogs.

Father, I pray for those here today. Maybe they've been a part of this church on part of a church would have never truly given out on your life to G. I'm playing the game. Father I pray today will be a new day for them and they too would be able to have a joyful. And a merry Christmas. Father, I pray for those who are here today and maybe they're trying to decide whether this

Need to become a part of. Walgreen. Open understand.

The bottle.

Father. Reserve apartment. Help us focus upon your contractions. Not a lot of people fall.

Walmart on Raeford Road.

By the way, thank you for the future.

Is in your hands. So father, we ask that you guys Why was the day she say that you will give you glory and she'll get the arm to do everything? We pray for the event and I even took another word until you bless us as we go through this, imitation and people May respond. What do they require openly?

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