What are we doing?
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What did you ask for this Christmas?
Some have asked for fun stuff, like some cool toys others are just hoping to get through without complete and utter heartbreak. But have you ever experienced the missing present.
This might be the one you bought in August or October, and then hid in that secret spot and totally forgot to bring it back out only to discover it again when you were cleaning in July the next year?
Surprise you had this all along, I actually got one of those this year, sorry can’t remember what it is but cleaning up, I found a present and Lori was like, “that’s where that went! Merry Christmas”
Then there are those who receive the gifts without any knowledge of how those gifts actually work.
The old one, very old if you use them today was the lady who called computer support because she couldn’t figure out where to put the Compact Disc. The CD, only to learn that her cup holder was actually the CD drive.
I know that I have students who can’t read or write but can find youtube on any device and within three clicks have it on the cartoon they want to watch, and yet I and other adults can’t figure out how to use a remote and are flipping through multiple apps and channels just to watch that one show.
How many of us have still not taken the time to figure out how to use our cell phones?
What if the best gift you are looking for this Christmas is a gift you actually already have but not sure how to actually use it? Or what if it is the first one, you got the gift a long time ago, but lost it or never used it?
We have a gift that we received right at the very beginning of Christmas
10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. 12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
You might have heard it best told here in the next video, and watch what happens to the blanket when the verses are quoted.
As I went around giving the whole story of Christmas during the light show, I was told last night that Linus drops his security blanket when he quotes, “Fear not,” Linus drops it
I want to tell you today that Linus did a huge great thing, and then forgot the gift he had.
10 But the angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid, for look, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people: 11 Today in the city of David a Savior was born for you, who is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be the sign for you: You will find a baby wrapped tightly in cloth and lying in a manger.”
13 Suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel, praising God and saying:
14 Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and peace on earth to people he favors!
What gift did we receive at Christmas?
1. Joy for all people
1. Joy for all people
2. Messiah for us
2. Messiah for us
3. Peace
3. Peace
Jesus told us he came to give us Peace.
27 “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.
This is a direct gift that Jesus gives his followers.
Linus, an intelligent, deep thinker, is filled with anxiety which he copes with by having a security blanket. But when, and this was pointed out to me by someone on last night’s Christmas light show tour, when Linus shares he drops his security blanket.
As Linus begins to share, right when he gets to the part where he says, “Don’t be afraid” He drops the blanket. The man who pointed this out to me said it is because we have security in Christ. Maybe, Shultz the creator of the Peanuts cartoon was a follower of Jesus, but even if that isn’t what he meant it sure is true. We have the gift of Christ. We all have peace and security in Jesus. That’s why he came.
We are told we don’t have to worry. We are told we are forgiven. We don’t need a blanket to hide in, we can face the world Jesus is here.
19 And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
This is the gift, peace of mind. It’s funny, marketers often talk about peace of mind when they talk about guarantee’s or warranties. Like when you’re buying a phone, car, whatever. You can have peace of mind, this has a bumper to bumper warranty and I think I get warranties on just my bumpers, but what about all the stuff in between, I want a warranty on something more than bumpers.
I’m kidding, but how many of have purchased a warranty and never used it? I know I have, something broke but I had no idea how to use the warranty that I bought. Or the warranty didn’t cover the item.
The best warranties are the ones where we don’t have to use them. The product is so rock solid that it never breaks and no product exists in the world like that, only a relationship with God, not a product, a relationship.
The “peace of mind” comes in the faith that God will do what He says He will do.
The person who said, “my God will supply all your needs” was responding to the fact that the early followers of Jesus who lived in the city of Philippi had sent him supplies because he was in jail, technically house-arrest.
He had soldiers near him. He was imprisioned. He was awaiting trial where he could be put to death.
He was thanking people for their gifts but it was more than just a really grateful guy who got money put on his books.
The guy was in jail because he was a follower of Jesus. I’ve been to jail, a couple jails now, and they aren’t fun. I have gone there because I am a follower of Jesus and I went to visit someone in there.
I have walked with many people going through incredibly difficult times. Yet one thing that stands out are the three types of people those who have faith in God, those who are praying God works, and those who have no faith at all.
Those who have no faith, have no hope. It is how it is, and they believe nothing will change it. They refuse to see the gift.
Oh friends have you ever been alongside a person that if they would just pick up the tool, make a call, just show up, just press the button they could move forward but they refuse?
I deal with everyday in school, if a student will just stand up they will get recess, yet they want to sit and cry.
Maybe you too have sat and cried and God is saying too you, I took care of it already, you can’t see it yet but you can accept my word, I have given you peace.
See there are other people who are praying God works, not a prayer of faith but a prayer in the way of a wish.
Yet, stay tuned that is not the person who receives the peace, because you
See the guy who wrote this verse,
19 And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
also said
11 I’m not saying that because I need anything. I have learned to be content no matter what happens to me.
Content, satisfied, ok, with whatever happens to me. Not giving up, but focused on something other than what I own, not depressed, but willing to be ok in the moment, this is him, because of the peace of Jesus, He went on
12 I know how to make do with little, and I know how to make do with a lot. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being content—whether well fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need.
Again, the guy writing this is saying it from house arrest.
13 I am able to do all things through him who strengthens me.
Who is Him? Him is the gift the world recieved in Bethlehem. It’s the gift of Jesus that we accept by faith.
Faith is trust, Faith is security. Faith is action.
Faith is trust, Faith is security. Faith is action.
Faith is acting on the knowledge without proof that it works, like we do when we sit down. No one tested your chair that you sat in. No one looked up online to see if it could hold your weight. You just have faith in it. Linus could put the blanket down because he talked of a God who came to give us peace.
You can put the blanket down. You can put the worry down. You can put the burden down. You can trust the Jesus who can walk on water. You can trust the Jesus who we are still talking about 2,000 years after he resurrected.
You can remember the truth of Jesus and trust Him. Put your blanket down.
You can trust that Jesus, if you follow Him, will give you everything you need, all strength, all power.
He is the greatest gift.
He is the Messiah in Hebrew, Christ in Greek, the chosen one, the anointed one, God, the savior, thee pick and He is for us! He is our savior! He is the one that actually got the job down. He is the one who came healing, preaching, and saving.
Jesus is your savior.
Jesus is your savior.
You don’t need any more saving but you do need to accept by faith that Jesus saved you.
You need to accept by faith they you don’t need the old way anymore.
You need to accept by faith they you don’t need the old way anymore.
I’m meddling big time. the old way. the way of putting down anyone we disagree with. The way of a lack of forgiveness to deal with hurt and pain. the old way of partying with drugs/alcohol. the old way of using people to satisfy us sexually.
Jesus is your savior. There is a better way. His way. Of loving people. Of having fun and being able to have no shame after, of forgiveness and peace, of conversations that bring laughter and gratefulness.
There is the way of Jesus, the way of being content, ok,
You don’t need to go after what everyone else has.
33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
My friends I get filled with anxiety every time I start to compare myself to everyone else. Every time I start to worry about whether I will have enough money for this or for that, whether I’m enough for this church, or for this spiritual time.
Do you? Do you worry yourself with things? with what people think? with what people will remember?
But we don’t need to - we’ve been saved. But I might never get those things. Maybe, but I have NEVER, EVER, EVER got close to those things by filling my head with anxieties and panic. By forgetting the real gift I received at Christmas.
Jesus is your savior. Jesus is your peace. If you follow Jesus, if you go after Jesus, HE will supply all your needs according to His riches in Glory. But if we cheat here and there, use drink and other drugs to dull our pains, rely on our anger to get people to do what we want, spend our time talking about others because we can’t figure out anything else to talk about, AND THEN pray hoping Jesus works? when all else fails Jesus?
If I take my phone and use it as a hammer, it won’t work.
Jesus is not an add-on, He is the savior of the world.
Jesus is not an add-on, He is the savior of the world.
It is not Jesus that needs to work for us, it is us who were created for and find our purpose in, Jesus.
If you remember I told you that Linus messed up. He shared about the Peace that God offers, He shared that Jesus is the Messiah, and Joy flooded his face as he laid down that security blanket and shared of the promise God told through his angels.
And when he finished, he did this.
Linus bent down and picked up his security blanket. Instead of resting faithfully in the security of Christ He went backwards, to what He knew.
I have known many who have tried “church.” They tried “God.”
But I have never known someone to come up to me and say “I tried you,”
Have you ever had someone say, “I tried you” to your face. If you have I’m sorry.
What would that mean? It would be the rudest in the world.
I might say I tried a teacher, comedian, artist, and I didn’t enjoy or learn the amount I paid for them. I certainly wouldn’t tell my wife I tried her. That reveals more about the relationship a person has than the other doesn’t it?
If you try God than you don’t understand how the gift of Jesus works. Jesus invites you into a relationship to follow Him, to be guided by Him, to make decisions by him, to treat others the way Jesus does, to spend our money how Jesus does, to spend our time how Jesus us, to go after what Jesus does.
Jesus invites us to experience the Joy of life in doing what we were created for!
Jesus invites us to experience the Joy of life in doing what we were created for!
This could be in loving others as a nurse giving them the very best care, it could be in so many jobs, it could be making a lot of money or a little, using a lot of muscles or a lot of your mind. It could be in retirement living generously in prayer, love, and support.
It could even be in disability when we might be limited compared to other people, but our relationship with Jesus is limitless. If we follow Jesus, no matter where we are or what we can do, His joy will explode, even when we are under house arrest just because we love Jesus.
This Christmas go after Jesus
This Christmas, remember the gift you received when you became a follower of Jesus.
Pursue Jesus and experience
The Joy
The Joy
The Messiah, our Savior
The Messiah, our Savior
The Peace.
The Peace.