Do you know the depth of God's love for you? | Jonah 4

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Jonah: God's Unfailing Love For YOU  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  48:01
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Men Jonah, Jonah, The Reluctant Prophet. So, as we've been studying, the book of Joe nail first, we sold in in chapter one, would Jonah's Rebellion. Jonah rebuild. God, call Jonah, Jonah rebuild. And then in Chapter 2, we saw a Jonah repented and Jonah turn to God to prayer. Because Jonah realize, when you rebelled against God, what it does, it gives you problems then join. I didn't like all the problems that he experienced in chapter one where he was thrown into the sea and being swallowed by great fish. Jonah, didn't love his predicament to God, to prayer and Jonah, repented. And then last week very interesting that the we so even though Jonah was very reluctant in in in in preaching God's word were all, the Jonah said to the people was dead in 40 days, they are going to be destroyed. But the people repented and we saw one of the greatest Revival ever known to man. Jonah only preached saying, forty days Nineveh will be destroyed but the people listened and the people repented even the king repented, a Citywide a fast in Nineveh. So his Rebellion chapter 1, Jonas repentance, chapter 2 week, we saw the great Revival in chapter three. So today I am really excited as we look at chapter for today, as we look at the great restoration where God will seek to restore Jonah. And also as he's restoring the people of Nineveh. So my question for us this morning as we study Jonah, chapter 4, Is simply disc. Do you know the depth of God's love for you? Do you know the depth of God's love for you? As you look at the Book of Jonah, in the Book of Jonah, is a story of God's unfailing love for you. God loves you. And there is nothing you can do about that. God will love you. So let's go to our Tech this morning as we read, Chapter 4, Jonah. Chapter 4.

The first one, it says, but it displeased Jonah exceedingly and he was angry. Let's recap here. Remember Jonah went and preach to the people in Nineveh and the people repented. And Jonah is angry. What is Jonah angry about?

How can you be angry when your preacher that people are coming to Christ? So it's just think about it. Today is just like, I preach a message and some of you turn to God, you give your life to Christ. You didn't know Christ before, and now I'm mad that you turned to God. This is so crazy. That Jonah, I can be right now but it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was angry. And he prayed to the Lord and said, oh, Lord, is not this. What I said when I was yet in my country, That is why I made haste to flee to tarshes for I knew that you are a gracious. God and merciful slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and relenting from disaster. So here, we see Jonah's real reason for not going to never remember in chapter one, we're having some speculations. Maybe Jonah did not want to go to the people. I work with Jonah was afraid that God would actually forgive the people of Nineveh.

I don't like your character. I know your character. I know that you are a gracious God and that's why I did not want to go. I ran as far away as tarshis as I can go. So that I would not see you, save those people. See a lot of us that we might be taking on Jonah man. What a crazy. Preacher Jonah was But isn't it the same for a lot of us? There are some people would hurt us deeply. There are some people who have done some really bad thing against us and truth be told, we don't want them to be safe. My all that we have in our mind. We want them to pay for what they did. That's exactly what's going on. Now, Joe, now, one of the men of us to pay for whatever they did And Joe, and I did not want them to be forgiven because now Jonah is calling on God's character saying, God, I know that you are a gracious. God, you are merciful, god, you are slow to anger, you are a biting and abounding and steadfast love from disaster. The wind people repaired. You forgive Jonah said. That's not what I want today. Don't know what saying, no, I want those people to pay for whatever sin whatever crime they have committed.

But not God. So Jonah is mad. That God is gracious, that God forgives us, that God is merciful god. Doesn't give us what we deserve to know is mad that God is slow to anger.

And Jonah is mad that God love never ends. Is it an interesting June 8th complaining to God about the very things that are sources of blessing?

Jonah is complaining to God about the very things that are sources of blessing in his life. If God was it, an Angry God is gracious and merciful deserve. But instead giving him Grace what he doesn't deserve you, God was an Angry God that he just lashed out.

What would Jonah be today? If God didn't love Jonah God would be done with Jonah. God would no longer be pursuing Junior but that's the god that we serve. The God is. God Is The God Who who is this? And God was still pursuing Jonah despite his shortcomings. And now Jonah is complaining to God about the very things that are sources of blessing. And he's like, the very thing that is saving his life right now, you see Jonah and George God's blessing in his life, but he hates it when God does the same for others. See will when God speed Jonah told of great fish to spew Joe that out and put him in two shoes. Jonah was happy when God listen to Jonas, prayer and forgave him and chapter 2, Jonah was happy. Unless we will see you later in chapter 4 here, we will see God grace up on Jonah. Jonah will be very happy but you only enjoys God blessing in his life but he hates it when God does the same for others. God was extending grace to the ninevites.

But Jonah did not like it. That's all we need to be careful and be happy for people when God blesses them and even when we don't feel the same blessing in our life. That's why the bible say that. Be jealous of others. We have to love others. We have to be happy for others. That's why God says that we need to love others. So when God is blessing us we need to be happy to be glad God is blessing others. We need to Rejoice. Also, see when God forgives us, we should be thankful thankful when God is gracious to others, as well as they are for now. Oh Lord, please take my life from me. For it is better for me to die than to live in is wrong, with Jonah. Jonah, is becoming suicidal again. Remember what heard that before Jonah has asked the sailors to to to kill him by throwing him in the water, your dad asked before to take away his life and now Joe.

It's better to dye take my life, isn't that? Just like today, when people say I will not forgive this person unless I am 6 ft under See you? It's the same thing. Now we can be blaming Jonah. Oh man, look at a bad profit, man, how can he do that? But we doing the exact same thing today. When we refused to forgive when God extends forgiveness to us, we refused to extend forgiveness, others, and that was Joanna's problem. Jonah did not want God to extend forgiveness. It and then advise and Jonah was not willing to extend forgiveness to the ninevites. It says therefore now. Oh Lord, please take my life from me for it is better. For me to die, then to live to be very careful about this Cloud. Our vision, bitterness keeps us from seeing clearly bitterness, help us grow, cause us to make mistake. Bitterness keeps us from seeing clearly, so we need to be careful. You see Jonas, bitterness got the worst of him. See my question for you this morning. Are there some people in your life with salvation would make you angry? Are there some people in your life? Now if you know that they had become of Christian that you would be angry. You would wish that they were not say that they had stayed in the condition and not know God.

how would you fare before God if he were as angry and unrelenting as you how would you say are before God if God was As angry. An unrelenting as you. You see before we refused to extend, forgiveness to others. Just as ourself. What did God did the same to us? CNN in Matthew Sex. God says, why should I forgive you? When you're not willing to do the same for others. Why should I forgive your sins? If you are not willing to forgive others, if you're not willing to forgive others, I can't forgive you. But here we see God's patience and God, long-suffering with Joda. God, is trying everything that he could to restore Jonah. You have to love got us from telling you. God's love is unfailing for you. God loves you. And God will always love you and nothing will change that. Look at God's respond. This is crazy. Looking for sports, is in the Lord's that. Do you do well to be angry?

I told you.

You just got to love God. If it was us maybe would be prowling / Jonah right now? Come on your preacher. Can't you do better? I would, but God simply X Jonah. Do you do well to be angry?

Hey, it's like got to sing Jojo. Do you do well to be angry is just giving Jodi nickname right now. Free right now.

That's the death of God love us. God bless us to cast us and most of us, if we were God we would be cussing, Jonah off and just be done with Jonah. That's all God says. Do you do well to be angry. I just love it when God asks question, because when God asks questions, you have nothing to say to your heart because you know, that God Is Right. You know that you are wrong, you think Jonah didn't answer the question. Do you do well to be angry but Jonah did not answer the question because we have no answers. That's the thing for us. When God asks questions price and God keeps us accountable and God ask us a how did you fare? You know, it's nothing that you will be able to stay just like Jodha did not have anything to say. Here's a thought for us before we get angry, we should ask ourselves is my anger legitimate? Or is it illegitimate is my anger, legitimate legitimate. All the people, the money changers. We're just taking advantage of people and they were blocking the way but sitting up all their tables to sell their giving people chance to use like the currency of the temple and overcharging them. And then also blocking the way, because that's where the the Gentiles were supposed to worship, but they were using that as a place of Commerce, instead now, that Jesus got really angry. And Jesus Took a whip of cordon, and Sheezus, flogged. People in turn over the Stables. See anger is not necessarily a sin. See that was a righteous anger there. Such thing as righteous anger, but it also has men's anger, which are illegitimate. But God is angry, is our anger legitimate? Is it a righteous anger? Or is it the illegitimate anger? Or it's all about us. It's all about what we want. I want your thankful that God is not an Angry God. The god, when God gets angry, it's totally legitimate. The God has been waiting. Too long to even do it because God is long-suffering you slow to anger, it was just a long time coming.

9 verse five, it says Jonah went out of the city and said to the, he's in and said to the east of the city and made a booth for himself there. He said on the Writ in the shade till he shoots, see what would become of the city. So Jonah doesn't believe God. Jordan doesn't believe that guy is actually going to forgive those people and join I just still doesn't believe that God is just going to let those people go. And God God Jordans waiting for Sodom and Gomorrah right now. That's why he took her seat and just when they're just want to see what's going to happen in the city. Sea enjoy. Now went out of the city-state on the east of the city. Made a booth for himself there, sit on the other shade till he should see what would become of the city. When God says, he loves you believe that God really Loves You When God says he love you, believe that God really love you cuz Joe Luna still does not believe that God will ultimately extend grace to the ninevites. The funny thing. A lot of time, we just can't believe God. Forgives so-and-so and God change someone's life. We just simply forgot about our own lives. Knowing that we are as bad as the people that we are judging. See, Jonah must have forgotten that God had just forgiven him despite his disobedience.

So why shouldn't he do the same for the ninevites? Jonah was no better than the

Jonah was no better. Cuz Johanna was in Disobedience. God told him to do a work and Jonah went. As far as he could. He went as far as he could.

And now he was mad because those people would just be there. Now, they finally turned to God and Joanna, did not want them to be safe. You see the saying goes our memory are as long as the shortest pencil is true. Our memory are as long as the shortest pencil. Because we forget very quickly how God has saved us, what God has taken us from the. We need to be careful. See other people's sins. Always seem to be worse than ours. Ever realize that other people's seems to be worse than yours. even though the people might be doing the exact same that you are doing, You see, remember any time you point the finger at somebody, you know, three other fingers are looking at you. See other people, other people's sins, always seem to be worse than ours. So let's be careful. Let us be more like God. Jonah did not really show God character in his life. But may we be different. May we show Jazz character in our life? Now the Lord in verse 6 God appointed a plant and made it come up over Jonah that it might be a shade over he's had to save him from his discipline for discomfort. So Jonah was exceedingly glad because of the plant Wow. Sometimes you would you say that God is just too gracious? The God is just too good despite all that Jonah has done here. God still find it in his heart to love Jonah. You just got to say why? See Jonah kit, God cared for Jonah, the Lord appointed a plan and made it all come up over. Jonah, that it might be a shade over his head to saving him from his discomfort. God wanted Jonah to be comfortable. You got to love God.

Because it's just so unbelievable about the depth of God's love. You see how much God loves you even when you're running away, God still wants to show you love. I did not look at Jonas reaction. So, Joe now was even though you're far away, say with me exceedingly, glad cuz you say exceedingly, glad Jonah was safe with me exceedingly, glad because of the plants you see Jonah and joy God's grace in his life but by God's grace, in other people's life. See, Jonah. And I was experiencing God's grace. God, made him comfortable god brother shade over him, but Jonah? With God. But when God wanted to extend grace to the ninevites Jonah. I did not like it. You think God's love is in the end Reckless and has no limits. God's love has no limits for us. See Jonah is selfish. He is only glad. When he is the benefactor of God's blessings, God Is Only God when he is the recipient of God's blessing. An invoice 7. It says, but when done came up the next day, God appointed a worm And that attacked the plant so that it withered when the sun rose God appointed a scorching East Wind and the Sun Beat Down on the head of Jonah so that he was faint and he asked that he might die and said it is better for me to die than to live how suicidal can Jonah be. See, God said a storm in chapter one. To get join his attention. But what did Jonah do? You went to sleep.

instead of repenting Jonah rather die and told the people to send him to throwing up ham offshore, And then it just goes on and on and on and hear again, God shows Jonah Grace, put a plant over him so that he would have shade. But still. Jonah is still angry. Jonah doesn't realize that it's Grace in his life. Now God bring some Affliction into his life. God bring East wing on East Wind And God bring some some heat on Jonah but God's Jonah still doesn't get it. Get it. There's egg when the sun rose got appointed, a scorching East Wind is what hot and the Sun Beat Down on the head of Jonah. So that he was faint to join a code that they can get. And he asked that he might die instead. And he says it is better for me to die than to live some of us. God gives us Grace, we don't respond to it, God brings Affliction as a sign of Grace. Again to bring us back. We still don't respond. And outside it is outside. It is no matter what God does to expand Grace and love Lou Grace and love flew affliction. But we still didn't get our attention. But you got to give it to God, God. Knows how to keep the pressure on to open our eyes. Seek God first, give Jonah shade with the plan and now God took away that planted by appointing a worm. And that's the funny thing about the book of

God made a plant grow overnight. God set alarm. To destroy that plants. God is working all along but refused to follow and just willingly follow God. And listen to What God Says.

I will get our attention one way or another. Cuz God is God and he knows where to touch. I love the way that Tony Evans. Puts it better to paraphrase. It says, when we are spiritually immature, God will bring situations into our lives to bring us to spiritual maturity. When we are spiritually, immature like Jonah was God will bring situations into our lives to bring us to spiritual maturity. It doesn't matter that Jonah was a preacher, but Jonah was spiritually mature. See, there's a lot of people that are just in positions that That they have not raised up to the level of maturity, that they need to be. Such was the case for Jonah here. Jonah was spiritually, immature. We need to start learning to see every circumstance as a possible Divine appointment. We need to start learning to see every circumstance as a possible. Divine appointment from God, and God brought does afflictions into Jonah, so that he would get Jonah's attention. But Jonas still would not see the hand of God working verse 9. But God said to Jonah, do you do well to be angry for the plan? God is asking the questions again? God is asking the question again. Do you do well, to be angry for the plan and he said, yes, I do well to be angry. Angry enough to die. Jonah is a fool.

If you have the audacity to answer back to God, you are a fool and that's exactly. What Jonah displays year, Jordan's character is so far removed from God's character in chapter 16 poster to scripture does not necessarily mean obedience. Exposure to scripture does not necessarily make you a Christian or believe or somebody that really follows. After God's heart, exposure to scripture is not a guarantee that we are walking with. God, exposure to scripture does not necessarily mean that, we are walking with God. Now, let's and our time and then the last two verses and first and it says, and the Lord said

Nor did you make it grow which came into being and a night and perished in the night? The gods is so Jonah. You care more for the plant.

That only had a 24-hour lifespan.

Over a group of people in verse 11 and shooting at IP to Nineveh the great City in, which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know their right hand from the lieutenant and also much cattle. So your God is saying he's only naming. The, the number of children, got his fangs, 120,000 persons who do not know their right hand from the 11 got to think about the kids. I'm not even looking at the entire population, but just look at the kids, they don't know, they're writing from their left hand. So you want all those people to perish? Instead. And you mad about a tree.

Even if it was only 120.

But even if it was that even 600 was just only 120,000 people, just people who do not know their left from their right hand, meaning that they don't know, God. So, so Jonah prefer just one tree to survive instead of 120,000 people. Come to know, God. Something is wrong with this profit. So here, we see Jonah value the plant, more than the people of Nineveh Jonah valued the plant, more than the people of Nineveh than the people of Nineveh that the story didn't even tell us his reaction. Was just God willing John and trying to bring Jonah back but you're not would not listen. Some life lessons for some life, lessons for us to learn from Jonah that we can learn from Jonah. The first one is that God's grace is universal. God's grace is universal. And no one is beyond God's, grace. God's grace is universal. That means God's grace is for everyone. God's grace is for everyone. God's grace is universal and no one. Absolutely. No one the worst center that you can think of the person who has hurt you deeply ever that you want to think of? No, absolutely, no one is beyond God's grace. God's grace is universal. And no one is beyond his grace, John 3:16 say for God. So loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever will ever means whoever whoever believes in him, should not perish. But have eternal, Life Acts, 2:21 says, everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will will be say nothing might be saved, but will be safe. So God's grace is universal and no one. Absolutely. No one is beyond God's grace. Second a lesson we learned today. As the master teacher. He's our Master teacher, God knows exactly how to get flu to us. God knows exactly how to get flu to us. Third lesson, you need to Value people. More than things, you need to Value people. More than things, we need to Value people. More than things, Jesus came and died for people. Not for things. Jesus came and died for Not for things. Cease, don't be selfish. You are not an only child be happy for God's. Other children. See in the Lord's Prayer. It says her father in Heaven. See those people. And then advised, they were also God's creation. God created them. So you don't be selfish. You are not on on Lee Child. You need to be happy for God's other children. And then we need to strive to have not only God's word, but also striving to also have his heart. Strive to have not only God's word but also he is heart. See, Jonah had God's word but Jonah did not have God's heart. if you don't get anything this morning, please get this Describe not only to have God's word that strive to have these heart that you become more like him. That God's word has an impact, has anything in your life. Remember Jonah to God's grace got character. God is gracious and merciful slow to. Anger is abounding and steadfast love relenting from disaster. Are you more like God? Do you more like that? How you more like that when you look at those characters from God, gracious, merciful slow to anger abounding and steadfast love relenting from disaster. Do you possess those qualities? Do you possess those qualities? Or are you striving to possess those qualities? She not only knowing that God is gracious that God is merciful. God is slow to anger, that is mounding instead by the guy that relates from disaster. The question, we need to ask ourselves this morning with some self-reflection.

How gracious? Are you two others? How grey shoes? Are you two others now? It moves from knowing God's word to having God's heart. How gracious are you two others? How gracious are you to others? Do some self-reflection. How gracious are you to others? Home. Merciful, are you to others? Oh merciful, are you two others? You always like to see people get what they deserve. So instead do you want them to experience forgiveness and experience Grace? Are you slow to anger? Are you slow to anger, or Oh oh oh you just want to retaliate all the time? How are you? How loving are you? How loving are you?

Do you like to retaliate? Or are you more prone to real late when things. Don't go your way.

Oh Father, may you help us?

To grab your heart. Not Jess, you'll work. Use the message in a nutshell. The story of Jonah is a story about all of us. It is a story of God's unfailing love for us.

It is an unfinished story that ends with a question.

She would not, I. None of us. As a recipient of God's grace. Do you understand how much you are duty-bound to share the gospel with everyone? even Those whom

You despise.

We don't know what Jonah's reaction was. In the end when God ask him, should I not feeding the NFL? We don't know. That's why the story of Jonah is about all of us. It's a story of us. The question is, how will you respond to the story? What will be the ending to the story? Are you going to grab God's heart? For the ninevites.

Or are you going to? Get mad.

You fill in the blank. What your Nineveh is? You fill in the blank? Should I not pity? You fill in the blank. What is your Nineveh? What is it? That you don't want God to have mercy on on, on anybody, like, you would not want God to have pity on? Should I not pity my divisive and irritating coworker?

You fill in the blank. Should I not pity to God? Not pity. My boss. Who made my life miserable. Should God that baby, my family member will hurt me. Deeply

You do some self evaluation that. What is your name? What is your never? Should I not take my ex-husband? For those of you might be divorced and listening in

Should I not have. My ex-wife? She does not pretty my friend will betrayed me. You fill in the blanks. What is your Nineveh? What is your nana fire? Shoot a racist neighbor? Should I not feeding my wayward son or daughter? For those of you with kids web gun, far away, should a roommate who made my life miserable. Should I not pity my unfair? Landlords should should. Should he not also or she not also experienced God's grace? Should I not feeding my bully does. People would just make life miserable for me at school or everywhere? Shoota93. My friends are on their way to help you are without Christ. Does the Bible says that God gave us eternal life in this life, is in his son. Whoever has the son has life, wherever does not have the sun? Does not have life in 1st. John 5:11, and 12 Jesus says, I am the way, I am the truth. I am the life. No one comes to the father, except through me. So anybody would doesn't know Christ are on their way to hell, and they need an intervention. And that intervention is you sharing the gospel with them? It's you sharing the gospel with them Christ, but we need to be like, Paul. Paul says, in 1st Corinthians 9:22, I have become all things to all people. That by all means. I might save some I have become all things to all people, that by all means. I might save some. You see, you free comparing Jonah Hill, with Paul. Jonah, had guys worried, but it did that have cats heart. But Paul here, not only had God's work, but Paul also had God's heart O. Father, may you help each one of us to have your heart as much as we have your word.

Be with us now. Look. Teach us. Thank you for teaching us flew. The Book of Jonah for teaching Us in this series. What a blessing? What a blessing. What is, what a blessing it has been in the indeed to study award. Help us to grow our Lord help us to grow. May we take the message of Jonah, seriously. Help us not to be rebellious. Episode guide to repay it whenever we fall away.

May we be excited when people turn to you? It would be excited when you restore people. Thank you, Father. Thank you for your amazing. Grace. We love you, we praise you. We magnify your name. As we go this week, look. Apples to be thinking.

How can we become all things to all men? Call the people. In our lives, our co-workers, our schoolmates over roommates. Our family members. How can we become all things to all people? So that we might save.

Osmania. As we can.

may we take, You're Great Commission, seriously. To make disciples of all Nations.

Baptizing them teaching them to obey. All that you have committed us to do and you promise to be with us, May we take your great commandment seriously. To love you to love people. So help us. Look. Do you have your heart in Jesus name? We pray.

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