The Unseen Hand of Divine Providence

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We look at this historical book of scripture. The Jews at this point in time have. The cause of their sin and Rebellion against God. They have forsaken God and therefore God allowed them as a nation to be defeated. The allow them to be carried off. The Babylonian. Territory, allow them to be taken as slaves in the Persian Empire. And so here, they are in the Book of Esther in there. Once again, slaves, just like they were once before in Egypt before they became a nation. Now, they're slaves again. Esther chapter number 1 and verse one, tells us now, it came to pass in the days of a hazardous. This was the guy has was who reigned over 127 provinces from India to Ethiopia large empire. And those days when King has her sat on the throne of his kingdom, which was in shushan, The Citadel that in the third year of his Reign, he made a fee for all his officials and servants. The powers of Persia and media the Nobles and the princes of the prompt provinces being before him when he showed the riches of his glorious Kingdom, in the Splendor of his excellent Majesty. For many days, notice how many days 180 days and all this one of these days were completed, what is King has residue. Well, the king made a feast, lasting 7 days, For all the people. And then go down the verse 9. King of hazrat had a queen. Her name was vashti and she wanted in on this party too. Queen bashed. I also made a feast for the women in the Royal Palace which belong to King a hazardous. On the 7th Day, when the heart of the King was merry with wine, it was drunk. He commanded in all of his men. March 11th. Oz, He commanded them to bring Queen vashti before the king, wearing her royal crown in order to show her beauty to the people and the officials for she was beautiful to behold. 412 houses though. But Queen vashti refused to come at the King's Command. Brought by his units, there for the King was Furious and his anger burn within him. Now, some suggested, the reason that Queen vashti refused, the order of her husband, the king with because he was asking her to only wear, the Royal crown that she would pose nude for all of the other in that Royal party. But in either case she refused and in the king's anger, the scripture Talus and the remainder of chapter one, he sends out vast. I releases her. He excommunicates her from the palace and therefore she's no longer.

The queen. Well, 2:1 notice this. After these things, when the wrath of king of hazrat, subsided, he remembered last. I what she had done and what had been decreed against her. So, he's fuming still even many days after vast, I disobeyed his command. verse two says in the king's servants who attended him said, here's what you do. Let beautiful young virgins, be sought for the king, and let the king of pointer officers and all the provinces of his kingdom. But they make gather all the beautiful young versions to shushan the Citadel into the women's quarters, under the custody of haggai, the Kings units, custodian of the women and let Beauty preparations be given them. Then let the young women who pleases the king, bee queen instead of a stock of this thing, please the king and he did so. And so what are we doing here? Having a an Empire wide beauty? Pageant of all the women that from these different provinces? These different officials were out there looking at the various women in the Empire, bringing back the most beautiful women. For more or less a beauty, pageant for the king. But notice a 5 in shushan. The Citadel there was a certain Jew, whose name was Mordecai. The son of Jar, the son of Shem II, the son of Kish, a benjamite kiss had been carried away from Jerusalem with a captives, who had been captured with giaconia of the king of Judah home, Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon had carried away. And Mordecai have brought up Adesa that is Esther. His uncle's daughter for, she had neither father, nor mother the young woman whose lovely who was lovely and beautiful. When her father and mother died Mordecai took her as his own daughter. So, they had this beauty pageant, and lo and behold who wins the Jewish girl named Esther verse. 17, tells us a 2:17, the king love extra more than all the other women and she obtained grace and favor in his sight, more than all the other virgins. So is that the Royal Crown upon her head and made her Queen instead of Ash. Now let's go to chapter 3.

After these things can you has received from Moe? Did her mom on the son of hammad? Ahmad Dr. Lee a guy, And advanced him and set his feet above all the princes who were with him. And all the king's servants who were within the king's Gates, bowed and paid and paid. Homage to him on for the King has commanded concerning him. But Mordecai would not bow or pay homage. Then the king's servants who are within the Kingsgate said to Mordecai, why do you transgress the King's Command? Now, it happened when they spoke to him daily and he would not listen to them that, they told it to him on to see whether Mordecai's word withstand for Mordecai. Had told them that he was a Jew when I'm on saw that Mordecai. Did not bow or pay him, homage home on was filled with Wrath. But he disdained to lay hands on Mordechai alone for they had told him of the people of Mordecai and Stedman sought to destroy all the Jews who were throughout the whole Kingdom of hazardous. The people of Matt Mordecai. No, notice verse 8. Verse 8 says that her mom said to the king. There is a certain people scattered and dispersed among the people and all the promises of your kingdom. Their laws are different from all other people's and they do not keep the king's law. Therefore it is not fitting for the king to let them remain. If it pleases the king, let a decree be written that they be destroyed and I will pay ten thousand pounds of silver into the hands of those who do the work to bring it into the king's treasury. So the king took his signet-ring from his handing, and gave it to him on this son of a medaka. The aggregate, the enemy of the Jews in the king said, to her mom on the money and the people are given to you and to do with him, as it seems good to you. Verse 13, says, in the letters, were sent by couriers and to all the king's provinces to destroy to kill sent. Tooth annihilate. All the Jews both young and old little children and women in one day on the 13th today, the 12th month which is the month of Adar and to plunder their possessions. So his his desire was to destroy all the Jews and then take their wealth. But they had We're fourteen cents a copy of the document was to be issued as law and every Province being published for all people that they should be ready for that day that you're yours went out hastened by the Kings command and it a tree was proclaimed in shushan the Citadel. So the king and Herman sat down to drink but the city of shushan was perplexed that could not believe this decree. Let's pray Our Father We ask you, Lord, as we look at this historical true event that took place. You would show us. How you move and how you orchestrate things to bring about your intended end. Father, I pray that you bless this sermon. I pray, father, that you would help us to understand.

Help us to apply the screws for our heart. We love you. Ask all these things in Christ name. All of God's people said. I want to speak to you this morning on this, stop the Unseen hand of Divine Providence. Imagine, if you will today, being a Christian While living in China. imagine being a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, while living in a country that only allows state approved churches, therefore, they monitor the teaching in the preaching that is done in every Church. And if churches say anything or teach anything that deviates from China's communist values, that church will be shut down. Will you say well, if that would happen and we were just gather together as a church at home we would just meet underground. Will you may do that for a while? But home churches in China are illegal and when the state of Thor's, he's finding out that Believers are meeting together, the government will break them up, and if they Church continues to meet underground individuals will be arrested and reprimanded for breaking the laws of China. What if I told you that as bad as things are in China and other communist doctoral countries, that all these things are happening by God, Sovereign purposeful design in plan. You may say brother Wade, you mean to tell me that the horrible atrocities occurring in China and even other parts of the world are part of God's ultimate plan and purpose. Yes, that's what I'm saying. You may then follow up with this question. Well, brother, white. How can an evil president and a wicked Nation? Be used by God to bring about God's ultimate plan and purpose. I'll answer that question with two words. Divine Providence, that's out Divine Providence. Divine Providence is a doctrine that teaches that God is completely involved in every detail of his creation directing, and every individual, and every nation, as it relates to his will and purpose. Bloodless. We must understand that every government and every governor, no matter how evil, no matter how Godless they may be, will submit to God, Sovereign control, and they will be used by God to carry out, his will and purpose, and they may never know it. As we have seen from the passage of scripture that we've read this morning, we learned of her mines, evil plot to destroy the Jews, who were living in the Persian Empire. now at this point in the Book of Esther things have gone from bad to worse, For one thing is, I said, the Jews were removed from their Homeland. They have been taken captive, and now they are enslaved. Their situation worsens as the Jewish people are in danger of being completely eradicated as a mon is determined to destroy all the Jews, young and old women and children. I'm on embodies all that was dangerous for these exiled Jews. He came from, a people Amon came from a people who long opposed the Jews. The Bible tells us here that her mind was he wasn't a guy, he was a amalekite. And he had a Jeep. Long-lasting resentment toward the Jews especially Mordecai. Mordecai, the Bible tells us was a benjamite, he was from The Tribe of Benjamin. And who else was A Tribe of Benjamin that that ham on would have been very well acquainted. With King saw was, and her mom knows that it was King Saul who led the Israeli Army to destroy the amalekites. And so now Mordecai here is not paying homage. He's not bearing down to her mom. And her mom knows that Mordecai is a descendant of King Saul and he is just feel with a hateful ass. He wants to destroy him up Mordecai but he wants to also destroy the entirety of the Jewish Nation.

Pretty amazing what's being played out before our eyes. It is a very dark day if you were a juvenile living in during this time, but what I pray that you will see by God's grace,

I pray that you will see that God is always working behind the scenes even in the most darkest of days God is in complete control. Even in what appears to be a horrible situation and he is working. He is orchestrating his arranging things in our lives, for our ultimate good. And for his glory, The Book of Esther is a book that displays God in his dealings, with his people. And with the world, And this is true. Even though the Book of Esther does not so much as mention, the name of God. You'll never find the name of God. The name of Yahweh in the Book of Esther. Yet, God's intervention is absolutely everywhere visible in the Book of Esther, even though his presence is seemingly conceal. The God is not named in this book, he is present and he is very active. And listen, he was not hiding. He was only kidding. I saw the Book of Esther is one of the greatest illustrations in the Bible of Romans 8:28 and we'll look at that in just a moment. But notice with me, first of all, the definition of Divine Providence, the definition of Divine Providence, The first one I'll give you is from the old. Heidelberg, Catechism a 1563 the old German catechism. Question number 27 says, what then is the Providence of God The answer. The almighty and everywhere present power of God where to buy as it were by his hands. He still up holes Heaven and Earth was all preachers and so governs them that are herbs in Grass, rain and drought fruitful and Barren years meat, and drink health, and sickness riches or an in poverty. Ye all things come not by chance, but by his fatherly and I love that as a beautiful, beautiful way to describe and the immense power of God, that is so powerful that he opposed the Heaven and Earth. But yes, he is. So gentle. He is so tender that he cares for the nutrients of the tender grass.

Bloodless. And every Christian, when they understand the Providence of God correctly, is most blessed to know that we are Safe in His Hands. No matter the circumstances of life may bring us.

Ephesians 1:9. Paul gives us really good definition of Divine Providence. Paul says, having made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in himself that ended. The dispensation of the fullness of times, he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth in him. In him. Also, we have obtained an inheritance being predestined, according to the purpose of him who works, all things, according to the counsel of his will. That last part the working all things. According to the counsel of his will is the Divine Providence of God.

Let me give you. Louisburg house, definition.

Providence, is that work of God in which he preserves? All his creatures is active and all that happens in the world and directs all things to their appointed end. And then John Piper says, Providence is the purposeful sovereignty that carries those plans into action, guys. All things toward God's ultimate goal and leads to the final consummation It's So Divine. Providence is the biblical proof that shows. God is in control even when everything seems chaotic. I love what John says to Isaiah Isaiah 46. Verse 9 says remember the former things of old for I am God and there is no other. I am God and there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning. And from ancient times, ancient times, things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure calling a bird of prey from the East and may who executes my counsel from a far country. Indeed I have spoken it. I will also bring it to pass. I have purposed it. I will also do it until again, when you understand the Providence of God, you see that God is in control even when it seems that everything is out of control. I mean, listen, we look at our nation right now will look at our country and it's hard to believe that we're living in a country where the motto on our currency is one nation under God. I think in reality it, archery, we are one nation under many gods. Lower G.

But the problem with our nation is simply what we have abandoned our foundation. We are tearing down what? What? Really made us great. But when we look at the history of our nation, we clearly see that there was a time when our leaders deeply believed that America was blessed because of the Providence of almighty God, princess God's, providential working was obvious in the savings of the Life of George Washington while he was a soldier on the soldier, in the British army, 21 years, before he became commander-in-chief of the Continental Army in one battle. Even though he had four bullet holes in his jacket bullet fragments in his hair and two horses shot out from underneath him. He was not wounded. Washington said this. Of the Revolutionary War. he said that the hand of Providence, Capital p.

the hand of Providence has been so conspicuous in all this the course of the war, And then explaining the new nation's first National Day of Prayer, Washington said this. It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the Providence of almighty, God to obey, his will to be grateful for his benefits and humbly to implore his protection and favor. Hey, listen, today, we hear so much about God's sovereignty. And as wonderful as that is. We hear so much about God's sovereignty, but we're here to tell about God's Providence. And listen, we should make the word Providence great again. Amen. We are to speak of it often just as the Church of yesteryear and just as our nation's, forefathers did, as I said, there was a time when many of our nation's leaders believed that God was not only Sovereign, but they believe that God providentially governed me and therefore, they thought he was directly involved in the activities and events of our nation's history. In the early years of our country, the term Providence was not foreign to the American settlers and found her. America's founding fathers Christian and non-Christian alike hailed to a strong belief. In the Providence of God, the drafters of America's Declaration of Independence, finished the document, by calling God Providence. The last sentence of the Declaration of Independence reads, And for the support of this declaration, with a firm, Reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other. Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. I'll listen unfortunately, as you know, the awareness of Divine Providence has gone in today's American culture. Even sadder the doctrine of Divine Providence is for the most part, misunderstood, and rarely discussed in the average American Church. Well, we see the book of Astrid's purpose is again to demonstrate God's sovereignty and care for his people. therefore, as the people of God, we should never dread hearing about God's Providence. We should never resist believing in God's, providential care. Instead, we should Delight in this blessed Bible Doctrine. A beautiful Bible doctor that needs to be emphasized and talked and preached from our pulpits across our nation. Once again as it was long ago. I noticed quickly, the design of Divine Providence, the design of Divine Providence, God's, providential care, his governance, he's arranging of the events in the Book of Esther have. But one primary purpose, The care and preservation of his people. The children of Israel have been taken captive, they have been enslaved, due to their Rebellion against God. However, the Lord had not forsaken them Lord had not forgotten. If he had not abandoned his children, while they were in their captivity, God was working behind the scenes with a pagan King. He was working behind the scenes with Queen. Best Thai in Esther and Mordecai. Think about this. God used a lavish Royal party. He used a drunken King. He used insolent Disobedience disobedient, Queen P using Royal marital feud between the two to bring about a new Queen. A beautiful young Jewish lady Esther. MBA cost extra moved into the king's Palace. Her close relative in really her father figure. The one who raised her Mordecai. Also was allowed in the king's Palace. In Chapter 2, why Mordecai was in the king's Palace? One day, God placed him at the right time and place to hear an assassination plot against the king. He didn't warn the king before before and spoil. The assassination attempt the saving, the King's life. And then it's after 3. Also allowed morticon to overhear hermann's evil plot to kill all the Jews. And I don't know how well more attack at sea, But Mordecai had a good set of ears on and didn't, he was constantly hearing different plots and hearing different things from afar. But here's a man's evil plot that he is going to kill that, use it. So and Mordecai tells Esther of Aman's evil plan. This is what he tells Esther and Esther 4:14.

he says, for if you remained completely silent at this time, Relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place. But you and your father's house will perish Yeah, it is what he says. Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this

She tells the king. And then through a series of circumstances he believes Mordecai, he finds out to have, mine has bribed him and played him. And her mom is actually killed. But beloved listen, what we have described to you this morning. Is this Divine Providence? Divine Providence.

God's sovereignty does not necessarily teach us about his loving and intimate care for his children, but Providence does

Done exercising, his right of absolute power and control over the world. Can only be loved and appreciated when we consider his love and providential care over his creation. But particularly his people his church, his beloved

Calvin said, this.

It works cold and lifeless to represent. God as a momentary Creator who completed his work once for all and then left it. That's not our god. Did not create this world and then just abandon it. Oh no. Listen as Believers and followers of Jesus Christ. We place our faith in an intimate relational God, not a God who creates and then, abandons his creation. And so, don is completely involved in every detail of his creation directing and governing as here as it relates to his will and purpose. I love with Jobe 42. Inverse to tells us Job Friday, truthful, prayer. He said, I know that you can do everything. That no purpose of yours can be withheld from you. Now, breakfast, when I want some notice the difference between God's sovereignty in the Providence of God and the way he deals with those with power and authority, such as kings and presidents and other high-ranking, government officials, Daniel 2:21 tells us of God's Sovereign power. He says, and he that is God changes the times and the seasons, he removes Kings and raises up Kings. This displaced his sovereignty. So it is a Biblical fact that every government ever Governor every King and president submit to God's sovereignty. Now, with that said, we must never view God. At some distance, are some domineering deity sitting on his phone in heaven. Just directing from a distance, know, God governs and the creation, not coldly, but he does. So personally, it doesn't purposefully

One Rider said, this, God's rule of the world is distinctly personal, not mechanical. Again, in summary, God's Providence is summarized and guided by the counsel of his will. I noticed early the detractors of Divine Providence. The detractors of those.

Dislike. The song of Divine Providence. Listen, as I said, the Providence of God should be won the most comforting things to the believer as a relates to the governance of God over the Affairs of our universe. However, the Providence of God is a highly controversial Doctrine as it relates to one, scriptural, interpretation of God's reach. And it really comes down to this. Do you believe that God overrules, the Affairs of man, or God only has oversight over the Affairs of man. Are you just supervises? The Affairs of man will listen to accomplish his Sovereign purposes, God governs circumstances and even the decisions of men, let me give you a couple of scriptural examples. A job 36in verse 32, it's houses that God even controls where lightning strikes do 3632. He covers his hands with lightning and commands it to hit his mark. We think about when God's Sovereign timing, the end King 1/2 life, he controlled where a random Arrow struck first Kings. 22 verse 34 says, now a certain man drew, a bow at random. Here's a soldier. He is just throwing you just pulling back a bow. He's not a mean Jesus. Throwing in the air and it struck the king of Israel between the joints of his armor. So, he said to the driver of his Chariot, turn around and take me out of the battle for I am wounded as anniversary. 37 were told as a wicked King died. so listen, our Sovereign God governs circumstances, even the free choices of men to accomplish his Sovereign will

How to do that. Well, when God providentially Compass is his Sovereign will through the decisions of others. He's simply moves in their mind. He moves in their emotions and the mind in emotions. Then direct the wheel. And he can do that to a lost person or in a saved person.

Notice in Proverbs 21 verse 1. How the governing Providence of God works. Take, for example, a leader of a Nation or ruler of any kind Proverbs. 21 verse 1, says this, the king's heart is in the hand of the Lord Like the rivers of water, he turns it wherever he wishes. He does that buy what buy moving in the king's mind and in the king's emotions so that the king makes his own choice. but God's sovereignty is being worked out through his governing Providence, So, he's not doing anything against, he's doing what he wants to do, but even in his desired actions, God is moving him. Write down Proverbs 16 verse 9. Proverbs 16:9, it says this the Mind of Men. Plans his ways. But the Lord directs, his steps. The mind of me and I hate, we got our own plans. But unbeknownst to them the Lord directs their steps. So, how do we harmonize the free choice of men and Divine Providence? Will the theologians Call this aspect of the Providence of God concurrence? this aspect of God, Providence refers to how he works through, seemingly random or chance occurrences to bring about his Sovereign will This is the invisible hand of God. This is the Unseen hand of God in the Providence of God should be one of the most comforting things to the believer as it relates to the governance of God over the Affairs of our universe. I noticed lastly, the Delight. Of God's Providence, be the life of God's Providence. The Book of Esther. The purpose of the Book of Esther should demonstrate God's sovereignty and care for his people. Against therefore, as the people of God, we should never dread hearing them out. We should never resist believing and God's, providential care. Instead we should have like in this blessed Bible Doctrine. We should Delight in Divine Providence because of the promise of what Romans 8:28. Romans 8:28 says this, And we know that God causes all things to work together for good, to those who love God to those, who are called according to his purpose. Listen, it's not so much that things work together as it is. That our Sovereign God causes them to work together for our good and for his glory. Listen blah blah out to be comforting comforting to us this morning.

Oh, how this enables us to rest in the Lord and in his providential working? But here's what I want you to get out of this this morning. All things in Romans, 8:28 means all things. God, causes all things to work together. We're good. God calls his painful things. Pleasant things, uplifting things depressing things, holy things, and even simple things to work together. In this, providential plan to conform us into the image of Christ in to accomplish this Auburn purposes.

We need to know this. We need it because as you know, the Christian life is not easy.

It is not a comfortable life. It has many pains that has many hardships has many perplexities and sorrow. But listen to me this morning, every pain and every sorrow, every hardship, and every perplexing situation, we can figure out those things. If we cannot figure out has a definite purpose. Sometimes we can see the purpose clearly immediately. sometimes it is years later that we see God's purpose, But then other times it's not until we get to heaven, that we understand the purpose of God in the situations that he takes us through. What is this? This is a real life of faith. It's a life of trusting God in his sovereignty and his providential working to accomplish all his will even when we cannot figure it all out.

So, by way of conclusion.

At the beginning of the Book of Esther. Things go from bad to worse. For the children of God, the children of Israel. Chapter one, very interesting that there is not one reference. There's not one mention of the people of God.

In the first chapter of Esther, we have a record of Royal Banquets, in Royal feast and parties. We have a record of a pagan, it king, and queen. But no mention of God's chosen people. In the Silence of any word about the Jews in chapter one is very significant as it, manifested, children of Israel's in significance as enslaved people. Maybe this is how you feel today. And you feel insignificant. Maybe you feel forgotten? Maybe you feel that? No one Loves you. Maybe you feel that, no one seemingly even cares. About you. This is how the children of Israel felt. As their exiled enslaved and then they get the word that there's bound to be slaughtered. the people of God can remember the days of old when they had a land when they had a home, when they had a temple, and when they had a god,

I'm sure they asked.

Where are you? God. Have you forgotten us?

God seems to them. Completely absent.

Have you been there?

Are you there now?

Esther chapter 1 starts off bad. And it goes from bad to worse.

By the time we get to Esther chapter 3, this depression nation of Hebrew slaves that were. They were on the verge of being an extinct Nation.

however, as we have seen in the Book of Esther, God has not forgotten his people.

The presence of God is established. In the absence of God. He was there. He is painfully continue to unfold. His divine plan, buy more implicit means,

The same is true for you and me. Sometimes we wonder if God has forgotten us.

But he has not. For he cannot. I love What God Says through Isaiah 49:15.

Chess can a woman, forget her nursing child. She should have no compassion on the son of her womb. Even these may forget. Yet, I will not forget you.

Beautiful. So when those times of despondency in those times of Doubt, May, the spirit of God remind us of God's promise that he will never leave us nor forsake us. I understand and know that God many times is like an unseen Rudder of a ship. Keeps either Rutter. But that Runner takes the ship where it goes. God is moving in that navigating the Affairs of our life just as he did in the Book of Esther. We learn in the Book of Esther got, was working to protect and Preserve. The line, the lineage from which the Messiah would come.

Listen without God arranging things as he did throughout this narrative. There would be no Christ of Christmas. You realize that how important is the Book of Esther? How important is Esther herself Mordecai?

You see the devil was doing everything he could to destroy the Messianic line.

Satan planted the seed of hatred and murderous plot into Herman's hard hard. And it took roots. My mom was determined to kill every last Jew and wipe them off the face of the Earth and no doubt painting himself. Thought got them. Aman has come up with this plan, the King has signed off on it. The decree has gone out.

The Unseen yet very present. God, not overruled when he did the Jews would have been destroyed and the snow Christ. We see the same thing played out and about four hundred years later, and Bethlehem was King Herod. Satan wanted to cut off the Messiah. My God, providentially moved Joseph and Mary just in time. Oh, I pray. That's a day. You'll understand more. Surely. The Divine Providence of God. I pray that you're here today and you are not converted. You're not a Christian. You're not a follower of Christ, there is also a picture of you. In the Book of Esther. Listen, just as the Jews were taken captive and just as the Jews were enslaved in Persia. So it is true of you spiritually. Spiritually speaking, you are held captive by Satan and a slave of sin. And just as her mom had a death, warrant signed and sealed by the king. But if carried out would have destroyed all the Jews. You also have a death warrant with your name on it that has been signed and sealed by Satan himself. The Bible tells us for the wages of sin is what

The soul who sins shall surely die. However, just as God sent an unlikely hero Esther To deliver the Jews from a sure death. God sent his only begotten son. The Lord Jesus Christ to be born of a virgin. And a little obscure Village named Bethlehem. And their Jesus being fully man and fully God. Live the life that you and I could not live and live the perfect and holy life. He was sentenced to die by men.

That used him. I see you in, but even pilot said that, There's no sin found in him. And Jesus. Sinless substitute died in our place. If you put your faith and trust in him, you can be saved today. Let's pray together. I gracious and kind Heavenly Father. Or we have looked at and discussed many things concerning it. Your Divine governing. The Divine Providence, father, I pray that through your word you would help us. I pray for the person or persons going through difficult circumstances and they feel as the Israel children visual did so long ago. A banded. The father, I pray that you speak peace to them, Grant Comfort to them through the spirit. And father, I pray for those who lost. I pray, God that you Would roll them to your son, Jesus. save them today, I pray with all these things in Christ name, amen.

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