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2 cor 1.20 “20 Want hoeveel beloftes van God daar ook mag wees, in Hom is hulle ja en in Hom amen, tot heerlikheid van God deur ons.”
20 For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.
Tirus het ‘n ou stad en ‘n nuwe stad gehad. Die ou stad was op die kus gebou. En die Nuwe stad was op ‘n klein eiland in die see gebou. In 586 het Nebukadrésar die ou stad verwoes en die nuwe stad het hy met ‘n ooreenkoms onder hom laat val. Dus het hulle hul suvereiniteit verloor in 586. Maar tog is die profesie dat hulle huise en puin in die water geslinger sou word en dat die waters die stad sou oordeek en dat Tirus nooit weer bewoon sou word nie. Dus is net ‘n gedeelte van die profesie in 586 v.C. vervul. Die res van die profesie het eers 254 jaar later vervul. Toe Alexander die grootte teen die nuwe Tirus wat in die see gebou was te staan kom. Hy het die buit van die ou stad gebruik om ‘n brug te bou na die nuwe stad in die see. Hy het amper moed opgegee, maar deur Alexander is God se wil geskiet. Die hele profesie is vervul. Net om ‘n paar punte te noem: Deur Alexander is die ou stad in die see geslinger(vers 12) en die nuwe stad is net ‘n kaal rots gemaak (vers 14)
You see, beacause of what Tirus said of the fall of Jerusalem. A ha. They laughed and enjoyed the fall of other.
Nebukadnezzar went then and destroyed Tirus. But some of the people there went and build them ‚n city in the sea. Now God’s prediction was in question. He said He will destroy the city. But interesting enough, verse 12 was also in question. Becuase the city was not cast into the mids of the water.
240 years later.. Old Alexander the great came. And those people in the sea was proud again. They did not gave over to Alexander, now they were arrogant, and even told him, he will never be abale to conunqur their city. Wel, Alexander was almost broke t conquor that city. But what he did, he took the old city stones, timber and ruins/soil to build a bridge into the city to the island
When God said He will do something. He will do it...
Die Ou Testamentiese profesieë het duidelik voorspel dat wanneer die Messias sou kom .
die tyd is gegee, honderde jare voor Jesus gebore is.
So ook waar Hy gebore sou word Betlehem,
Hoe sy eie mense hom sou verwerp.
Wanneer Hy gekruisig sou word.
Hoe lank Sy bedieningsou wees,
Dat Hy gelykenisse sou gebruik,
Dat Hy gekruisig sou word,
dat Romeinse owerheid hom sou veroordeel,
Dat oor Sy klere die lot gewerp sou word.
Hy sou die lam wees wat vir ons sondes die dood sou dra. Die perfekte lam wat geen gebrek sou hê nie. The Old Testament Prophecies clearly predicted theat when the Messia would come. More than 500 years earlier the exact time was predicted when He would start with His ministry and when He would die. . It was predicted exaclty in which town he will be born - Bethlehem, from which linage, that He would go to Egypts as well. That Elijah would preceide Him and let the world know His ministry is about to start. When His ministry will start, the purpose of His ministry, that He would teach them in parables, It was predicted how long His ministry would be, That He would It was predicted how the Messia would die (on a cross) as the perfect lam that would die for our sins, and then He would be resurrected on the 3rd day...
Na Jesus se opstanding het Christus nog 40 dae op die aarde vertoef. In die tyd het Hy weereens die profesiee oor Hom aan Sy desipels verduidelik. Al die profesiee wat no Hom verwys hert. After Jesus’s resurrection Christ stayed on earth for 40 days where he then explained to His desciples all the prophecies which refered to Him.
Nou kon hulle sien dat Sy beloftes alles waar geword het\ Again and again they could see all His promises coming true.
Dit is juis van die bewyse dat Jesus die Messias is, wat Petrus die dag op Pinkster gepreek het toe daar 3000 mense bekeer. Het. Hy het gewys dat Jesus die Messias is.
All 300 come true in him
Dr. Peter Stoner ‘n doktor by die departament van Wiskunde (maths), Astronomie (Astronomy) en Engineerswese (Engineering) by die Pasadena Kollege in “California” het met 600 studente saam uitgewerk dat as ‘n persoon net 8 van al die profsië moes vervul, die waarskynlikgheid as volg sal wees:
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (33 0’s)
Miljoen -1,000,000
Triljoen – 1,000,000,000
Biljoen – 1,000,000,000,000