The Light of Christ
There are a number of elements common to the creation day units: (1) introduction—“and God said”; (2) the creative word—“let there be”; (3) fulfillment of the word—“and it was so”; (4) a name-giving/blessing—“God called”; (5) the divine commendation—“and God saw that it was good”; (6) the concluding formula—“and there was evening, and there was morning—the —— day.”
For a specific reason the moon is called (only here) the lesser light, and the sun is called (also only here) the greater light (1:14–19). Among Israel’s neighbors sun and moon were designations for deities. Not so in God’s world! In fact, they are not light proper, but carriers of the light. They are lamps, and their duties are spelled out to show their status as servants. They are not arbiters of man’s destiny.