If My Words Abide In You
True disciples of Jesus bear fruit. John 15v1-6
• “I am the bread of life” (6:35).
• “I am the light of the world” (8:12).
• “I am the gate” (10:9).
• “I am the good shepherd” (10:11).
• “I am the resurrection and the life” (11:25).
• “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (14:7).
He says, “False disciples will be cut away by my Father” (v. 2; my paraphrase). If you don’t bear fruit, then you’re not connected to Jesus. If your life shows no evidence of Jesus, then you don’t belong to him.
If you are connected to the vine, God is going to do whatever it takes to cause you to bear fruit. God will cut you and prune you and trim you and chop you. He is not content to let you stay on the vine bearing little fruit. God is ruthlessly determined to shape you into something much better and more beautiful than you are right now. He is determined to make you more like his Son Jesus.
Jesus is talking about a fixed reality. He’s saying, “True disciples are connected to me. We are united together. Now abide in me. Remain connected to me. Get your life from me. Live your life out of your connection with me.”
The life of Jesus flows through every Christian. Apart from his life, we can accomplish nothing for God; we can do nothing to please God. But because of his life, we now have the ability to deny sin and live for him. The key to the Christian life is Christ’s life in the Christian.
A fruitless disciple is no disciple at all. It does not mean believers won’t suffer periods of drought or barren years, but over the course of life, they will see evidence of Jesus’s life at work in them.
The fruit of the disciple is how they pray, love, have joy, and sacrifice for each other. John 15v7-12
Where there is prayer, there will be answers. God listens to his people. Think about this circle. We receive the words of God (his words inform us, instruct us, and command us). In response to the Word, Scripture, we pray to God (our requests are guided and shaped by the truth of the Word and are therefore in line with God’s will). God hears our prayers and joyfully responds to our requests because they were offered up in obedience to his Word. As the Word shapes our desires and the Spirit forms us from the inside out, we will begin to pray for those things that God cares about. God will hear and answer those prayers (cf. 14:13–14). If you aren’t seeing answered prayer, are you praying? Is your praying shaped by Scripture, the Word of God? Is your praying a ritual or the overflow of God’s life flowing through you?
You breathe without thinking because blood is pulsing through your veins. When the Holy Spirit is pulsing through you, you pray without thinking. You just talk to God. An e-mail chimes, mention it to God. Someone steps into your office, mention it to God. You can’t find your keys, mention it to God. Prayer is as important to the soul as breathing is to the body.
It’s spiritual insanity to say, “I’m a follower of Jesus, but I don’t follow what Jesus says.” “I love Jesus, but I don’t listen to him.” No, you don’t. Faith without works is dead! A disciple who doesn’t obey is not a disciple; he’s a fraud. If Jesus lives in you, you cannot help but produce the fruit of loving obedience. His life in you will cause you to love what he loves, to treasure his words, and to obey, not out of duty but out of joy. You will delight in doing what Jesus wants you to do because he lives in you and is shaping your heart to be like his.
Joy in Jesus is inseparable from knowing and following him. You can’t know him and lack joy. You can’t follow him and lack joy. You can’t be united with him and lack joy. It’s a biblical, logical, and theological impossibility