The Birth of Christ
Sermon Tone Analysis
God uses World Events to Achieve His Will (vv1-7)
God uses World Events to Achieve His Will (vv1-7)
God is sovereign and in control of the whole world wether we believe in Him or not.
For Jesus to be the one true messiah he had to fulfill over 320 prophecies.
Not everyone that was a part of each of these prophecies were believers.
We serve a great and powerful God that controls everything even if we don’t think He does.
Here He uses the Emperor of Rome to help bring Joseph and Mary to the town of Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus, which was a major prophecy that had to be part of the messiah’s story.
The control that we think we have over our lives is just simply not there.
We are all subjects of the great God and King that one day will return to earth not as a child but as the conquering King and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that he is Lord. Romans 14:11
11 for it is written,
“As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me,
and every tongue shall confess to God.”
This is Paul quoting from Isaiah 45, it shows that we are all subject to the same God, weather we believe in Him or not.
If you don’t or don’t have that close of a relationship with Him I pray that tonight would be the night that you make that relationship right.
The Greatest Announcement In Human History (vv 8-14)
The Greatest Announcement In Human History (vv 8-14)
The Ones who Heard the Announcement
The Ones who Heard the Announcement
The Shepherds would not have been the first choice for an audience to make a Royal birth announcement too.
These men were often thought of as men:
of low means
Low social standing
Low skilled
They were not even allowed to testify in court.
Sheep needed 24/7 care and and because of this the shepherds often missed the Sabbath regulations developed by the Pharisees.
As a result they were often viewed as being in violation of religious laws and being ceremonially unclean.
Because these men were chosen to be the ones to hear of the birth first it shows just how devout these men actually were.
Some people think these sheep were the ones to be used during the temple sacrifices.
The ones that were responsible for caring for the lambs that were to be given as a sin offering were the ones that got to see the one true lamb that was slain for all man kind.
Who the Announcement was for.
Who the Announcement was for.
In verse 10 we see you this child came to earth for.
Not just the most devote Jews, but for all man kind.
16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
There is no one on earth that is exempt from the love of God.
It is our decision to except it or not but it is offered to everyone.
The Actions by the Shepherds were Immediate (vv15-21)
The Actions by the Shepherds were Immediate (vv15-21)
It does not say that they waited till first light or when they were sure they went right away.
The Word of God calls us to not only be believers but to be Doers as well.
Belief must have action to go with it.
We must take what we know and the love that we have for God and share that with the World.
We must be people of action and belief.