Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
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.8 - .9
> .9
Sermon 25 – “Live as You are called………….
not where you find yourself!”
* *
One evening in 1986….in a remote village in the mountains of Pakistan, Zahid stood holding an iron bar and shouted to the men around him, “When you catch the infidels, beat them!”
The young men from the mosque raised their wooden clubs and iron bars and shouted “Allah Akbar” and waited for his next exhortation.
Zahid was proud of his position as Imam – his family rich in religious zeal for Allah (his father and older brother were also both Imams) and it was his duty to continue to enforce /Sharia// Law/ – a strict Islamic code that considered it extreme blasphemy deserving of death for any who insulted the honor or name of the prophet Mohammed or the Koran….and
any who claimed Christ were guilty of such an offense.
His hatred and anger swelled as he thought of these Christians who forsake the teachings of Mohammed!
On this evening, with his young men angry and ready….he
led them to a place where he had learned a small group of Christian young men were to be gathered….and
as they came upon them, one of the young Christians dropped his Bible.
One of Zahid’s group snatched it off the ground to rip the pages from it…..but Zahid stopped him.
His instructions were to always burn any Bibles collected during these outings, but for some reason he ordered it given to him and he slipped inside his shirt.
He would read some of it and point out it’s inconsistencies with the Koran to his followers.
Later that night Zahid began reading about Jesus….looking for the lies from this Satanic book.
But that night in a vision, his room became bright….so
bright he could not bear to look…and a voice said, “Zahid, why do you persecute me?” Zahid was frightened and thought, I must be dreaming….. “Who are you?” he asked.
The voice trumpeted, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”
This happened again the next night….and
again the third night…and on the fourth night, Zahid knelt down and surrendered his life to Jesus Christ.
He felt his anger slip away…and he immediately went to his family and to his flock at the mosque and told them what had happened over the past 4 nights!
They refused to believe him….labeled
him a blasphemer and he was imprisoned for 2 years – beaten regularly…twice having his fingernails ripped off; once he was tied to the ceiling fan by his hair and left hanging…but he would not deny Jesus Christ nor the gospel that led him to know Christ!
Zahid was tried and found guilty of blasphemy and condemned to death by hanging.
Offered complete exoneration if he would deny Jesus Christ….he
He continued to pray for his guards and tell them of the love of Jesus!
His execution day arrived….they
came for him and led him to the place of execution and placed the noose around his neck while Zahid continued to proclaim the good news of Jesus – wanting his last words to be words of his love for Christ and God’s love offered to his executioners through Christ-----When suddenly loud voices were heard in the outer room and guards came bursting through the door!
The court had unexpectedly issued an order for Zahid’s release!
He never has learned why.
Later, Zahid changed his name to Lazerus…saying he too was brought from death to life!
He travels the villages speaking of the One who is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life!” Reflecting the words of the Apostle Paul, Zahid wrote, “/I live in a land ruled by the false teaching of Islam.
My people are blinded, and I was chosen by God to be his voice in sharing [the gospel].
*I count all that I have suffered nothing compared to the endless joy of knowing Jesus, the way, the truth and the life!”*[1]**/
Tie-in There are countless stories….thousands of Christian disciples who counted their circumstances….their
possessions in this world, and even their own lives as nothing when seen through the light of Christ!
So often, we Believers enslave ourselves to the fears and anxieties that come with the changing circumstances in our lives….we
are caught-up in the things of this world – whether they be possessions, our health, the morals of our own culture or even our political beliefs or freedom – but the Apostle Paul’s teaching in 1 Cor.
7 is one of practical application of a general principle!
It is theology and doctrine applied to our worldview.
*First*, he’s answered their questions about marriage – for widows, for those married to unbelievers, for those previously married….and
now he turns to our circumstances in life…..and the apostle draws our attention in all these situations to God’s guiding principal for the church in Corinth and for our church today:
1 Cor 7:17
*17* Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him.
This is my rule in all the churches.
It is a principle upon which his earlier answers on marriage are based and it is one he repeats three times and illustrates twice in just these 8 verses.
As Christians….as
those adopted into the family of God and who belong to (that means we are a possession of ) Jesus Christ – *we must recognize that this world is passing away~/~/~/being made new by Christ and that our ultimate concern is not our circumstances – our marriage, our job, even our health *– but our focus must be on following Jesus Christ – no matter the situation or the cost!
It is a transforming truth – and by that I mean that we can and will do it only through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit – for it goes completely against our human nature!
*God’s Principle* vv.
17 “Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him…”
In order to understand this verse, we must understand what the Apostle means by the word “called” (/kaleo/).
Today, we often use the word “calling” to refer to our vocation – to our job.
But this verse points to the sovereignty of God through the drawing action of the Holy Spirit to all who come to faith in Christ.
It is the action of God’s grace in, as Jesus describes in John 6.44, the Father drawing one to Christ in salvation.
The call of God is a powerful, effective bringing of the person into fellowship with Christ.
We see this in 1 Cor.
1.9 “God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.”
We see this word 8x in the passage and in all but 1, it is used of our salvation.
*So the principal is just this*….that
we are to walk in the life (circumstances) to which the Lord has assigned to us and we are to be faithful (obedient) in whatever condition we are in when God calls us to salvation.
It is not that we are to be oblivious of our circumstances, but we are to be confident in the fact that God has called us as we are into His family and in whatever marital situation, job, economic status or culture we are in….our
focus is *not on changing the circumstances*, but it is on obedience to Christ and His Word….and
God’s promise is that His Spirit will transform us into the image of His Son, regardless of the circumstances.
Put simply….we
can follow Christ whether single, married, or divorced….whether
wealthy or poor….whether
living in a free democratic state or under a dictator!
Whatever we are wherever we are….we
are to live our lives to the glory of God! *The only thing that prevents obedience is our own sin….never
our circumstances!*
This is a universal principle for all churches: This is my rule in all the churches.
The gospel is targeted to the heart…not culture….and
it radically transforms that heart which bears spiritual fruit… is the fruit-bearing in the obedient lives of the Christian that changes society – that fights poverty, hunger, societal injustice and political oppression – but the world is changed through spiritual regeneration, not social revolution!
*Illustration – Circumcision*: Paul applies this universal Christian principle first in dealing with the Jew ~/ Gentile division of his day.
*18* Was anyone at the time of his call already circumcised?
Let him not seek to remove the marks of circumcision.
Was anyone at the time of his call uncircumcised?
Let him not seek circumcision.
*19* For neither circumcision counts for anything nor uncircumcision, but keeping the commandments of God.
Circumcision in the Roman (that is, Gentile) world was considered an embarrassment – the Romans considered on par with castration!
And beginning with the growing influence of Greek culture in Palestine around 100 BC, there were Jewish men who underwent a surgical procedure to “hide” that they had been circumcised…(Greek athletics in nude; Roman bath houses).
Paul says, were you circumcised when God saved you….stay that way…it doesn’t matter (don’t try to remove the marks, i.e. hide it).
Were you uncircumcised, then don’t have it done – it doesn’t matter!
Jew or Gentile….Roman or Greek…American or European or Asian….black,
white…it matters not!
The real focus here is on culture.
The African Christian doesn’t have to be Americanized to follow Christ!
A huge problem and hindrance to the gospel for many decades on the mission field – but *the principal* is clear….in
whatever culture context in which you are in – dress means nothing, skin color means nothing, /obedience to God’s commands means everything!/
Which commands must we keep?
Jesus tells us: Matt 22:37-40
*37* And he said to him, “You shall */love the Lord your God/* with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
*38* This is the great and first commandment.
*39* And a second is like it: You shall */love your neighbor as yourself/*.
*40* */On these two commandments/* */depend all the Law and the Prophets.”/*
All of the OT is fulfilled in these 2 commandments!
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