Silent Night
How meek you are, Jesus, yet how mighty! Your judgment is mighty, but your love is sweet. Who can stand against you?
If we seek who you really are, your true nature is hidden in heaven, in the essence of the mighty Triune God. But if a person were to seek your face, they could have found you in the lap of Mary.
Who can realize your depth, you who are a great sea that made itself so small? We come to see you as God, and see? You were a man! Or if we came to see you as a man, the light of your Godhead shone brightly.
Who would believe that you are the heir of David’s throne? From all his beds, you inherited an animal’s feeding trough. From his palaces you received a cave. And instead of his chariots, a young donkey.
How fearless you are, allowing everyone to carry you in their arms. You met all with a smile, making no distinction between family and stranger, between your mother and others.
Was it your love—you, who love all? What moved you to let everyone have you, the rich and the poor alike? How could you not return anger for anger, fear for threat? You are above returning injury for injury.
Who are you, Jesus, that you love us so much?
—Ephraim the Syrian